Posts with term TerraCycle X


TerraCycle泰瑞环保回收箱, 回收用完的牙膏皮、旧牙刷、漱口水瓶、牙线盒及该产品的包装, 各类洗发护发产品的塑料空瓶(不限品牌), 只要是洗净晾干的都可以送来零废弃小站, 用于再生塑料制造新产品,变身鞋、花盆、课桌椅!


有一天你正在温暖的热水里沐浴, 你拿起自己最爱的洗发液。 她有着迷人的芳香, 她如天使的臂膀拂过你的发梢, 她如羽毛般轻柔。 你将瓶口朝下, 好像拿捏玫瑰一样轻挤瓶身。 而今天不再一样了, 你仿佛失去了她的呵护, 没能再见最后一面。 当然, 你把他用完啦。 嗯?怎么这么快就用完了? 用完了空瓶怎么办呢? 于是你看了垃圾桶, 好吧, 只能陪你走到这里。 你可爱的天使就像展翅的飞鸟, 走了最后一个完美的抛物线。 你知道吗? (不知道) 洗发液空瓶在你丢弃以后, 进入了垃圾处理厂, 他们最终的命运就是走向焚烧或者填埋。 塑料的填埋必然导致土壤的污染, 焚烧产生的空气污染想必各位也闻到过。     那为什么不回收呢? Bingo! 泰瑞环保正在针对洗发液空品进行回收再利用。 加入我们的回收行动, 环保就在举手之间, 打造零废新生活! 还有机会获得淳萃洗发液哦~

C-Tran recycling cigarette butts

A new C-Tran recycling program will prevent thousands of discarded cigarette butts from going into landfills. According to a news release, C-Tran started gathering all cigarette butts collected at Vine station receptacles in August 2018 and sending them to TerraCycle, a global, New Jersey-based recycling company that specializes in hard-to-recycle waste. Once received, the cigarette butts are separated by composition and melted into hard plastic. That material can then be used to make new recycled industrial products, including plastic pallets, according to TerraCycle. Any remaining tobacco and ash is recycled as compost. C-Tran states that as many as 1 to 2 pounds of cigarette butts are discarded at Vine stations every week. That’s the equivalent of roughly 2,000 to 4,000 individual butts. By packing them up and shipping them for recycling, it keeps a huge volume of waste from ending up in landfills or causing environmental harm. According to the release, TerraCycle donates $1 to the Keep America Beautiful Cigarette Litter Prevention Program for every pound of cigarettes collected. C-Tran plans to designate a local charity to receive donations as part of the program.

Loctite’s Adhesive Recycling Program helps companies meet their sustainability goals

Adhesives are necessary for a lot of industrial applications, but they tend to create a lot of waste too. That is why Henkel Canada Corporation has partnered with TerraCycle, an innovative company that offers recycling solution for typically non-recyclable material, to create the Adhesive Recycling Program. This program enables customers to recycle adhesive packaging from the Loctite brand – reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills and incinerators. A simple recycling solution Henkel is the first manufacturer to offer this kind of recycling solution for its anaerobic adhesive packaging. The company aims to help customers meet their sustainability goals as they continue to use powerful and reliable Loctite products. Taking part in this program is easy. A customer buys a durable, postage-paid recycling box to collect used Loctite adhesive containers. When the box fills up, the customer sends it to TerraCycle, which recycles all the contents. Three different sizes are available: small, medium, and large. Henkel recommends placing the adhesive recycling bx in an area where workers apply and/or discard Loctite products. Only anaerobic Loctite packaging should be put into these boxes, with all bottles capped and tightly closed. When the box is full, seal the liner with the zip tie included under the box lid, and seal the top securely with packing tape. Then the box should be placed in the workplace’s designated UPS pickup area. TerraCycle recycles the adhesive packaging into new, innovative products once it received the box. The company sorts the collected waste by material type, treats the packaging cryogenically or thermally to deactivate the adhesive, and then melts the material into sheets that are then shredded and pelletized. These pellets eventually turn into new products. For a look at the Henkel Adhesive Recycling Program, watch the video below: https://youtu.be/p1rzBHRBo_s   Customers need only to contact their local Henkel distributors or Loctite industrial sales representatives to join the program. This program is just one way that Henkel demonstrates its commitment to delivering more value with a lower environmental footprint.

Big brands are testing reusable containers this year — would you buy in?

Circa 1930: Milk bottles are cleaned by machine and then collected and packed into crates by workers.  It’s a green shopper’s dream to curb plastic waste: Häagen-Dazs in stainless steel pints, Tropicana in glass bottles, Pantene in aluminium containers and hundreds more products all refillable and delivered to your door in what harkens back to the days of the milkman. But whereas the milkman would replenish your dairy on the spot, this pilot program, called Loop, would collect and clean your containers before scheduling the next service. Backing Loop are dozens of big name companies including PepsiCo and Nestlé, which announced their project at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in hopes that eco-conscious consumers are ready to deliver on their calls for eliminating single-use containers. New York, Paris and London will be the first cities to test the refillable brands.   But is the reusable market still too niche? How cost-effective would the rollout be and what unintended environmental impacts would need to be avoided, such as even more congested roads to keep up with delivery? More importantly — would you buy in? Call us at 866-893-5722 or comment below.   GUESTS: Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle, a recycling firm and parent company for the pilot program Loop, which will handle the delivery, returns and cleaning for a number of companies testing refillable brands; he tweets @Tom__Szaky Susan Collins, head of the Container Recycling Institute, a nonprofit focusing on research and education towards container recycling and deposit systems Kit Yarrow, consumer research psychologist, professor at Golden Gate University in San Francisco and author of “Decoding the New Consumer Mind

Global consumer giants are investing in waste-free packaging

A large number of global consumer companies have launched an initiative to reduce waste from packaging. Through the Loop service, companies like Unilever, Nestle and Coca Cola are planning to offer reusable packaging that is collected after use and then refilled and reused. Photo: Walk Some of the world's largest consumer companies have joined forces with the recycling company TerraCycle to launch a global shopping system for reusable packaging. The shopping system Loop has been developed to reduce the world's dependence on disposable plastic by offering circular solutions for consumer products. Through Loop, companies plan to offer consumers reusable packaging that is collected after use and then cleaned, refilled and reused. Loop was launched during the World Economic Forum's Davos Summit. Over 20 global consumer companies have been involved in financing Loop, including Procter & Gamle, Nestle, Unilever, Pepsi, Coca Cola and Body Shop. Food chains such as British Tesco and the logistics company UPS also participate in the initiative. "Loop is a long-awaited innovation that challenges companies to take a new grip on our value chains and integrate reusable product packaging as part of our work to reduce waste," says Laurent Freixe, CEO of Nestlé in the US, in a comment. According to the life cycle analyzes that Loop has carried out together with its partners, the environmental benefits of the long-lasting products show that they are better than for disposable packaging, while at the same time the waste is reduced. Loop will be launched in the spring in France and the Northeast USA. The service is expected to be launched in more countries in 2019 and 2020. A spokesperson from Loop tells Current Sustainability that so far there are plans to launch the service in the UK, Canada and Tokyo, but more markets are expected to be in the future.