Posts with term TerraCycle X

Earth Day 2018: Put Down the Plastic

NEW YORK—Bust out those reusable bags and ditch the plastic straws because tomorrow is Earth Day. This year’s theme is all about plastics (FYI they weren’t just the ruthless posse in “Mean Girls”). Plastic pollution poses a major threat to the well-being of the planet and everything on it. With tomorrow marking the 48th annual celebration of Earth Day, the theme is centered on ending plastic pollution.


One of the great things about living in the mountains are the refreshing waterfalls, lakes, and streams we have surrounding us.  While it’s super fun for my boys to splish and splash and cool off under the summer sun, the importance of our water sources is something we as parents try to educate them on at an early age. We are blessed to have such a lush and wonderful environment with clean water for our boys to play with as well as to drink, cook, and bathe in! We have to remember that steps need to be made to keep it that way and little choices that we make every day can be beneficial. Even small children can play their part to make a difference in our world.

How to build a business in the circular economy

What is required to get a sustainable business model in the circular economy started? While there is now widespread support for ideas related to the circular economy, business experience in the trenches quickly makes clear how difficult it is to kick-start the much vaunted potential multi-trillion-dollar industry. More often than not, entrepreneurs learn the hard way that stakeholders - especially consumers - are just paying lip-service to the narrative of the circular economy.

Why Recycling Won't Save The Planet (And The One Change That Actually Might)

Welcome to Planet for All—a series that will empower you to change our world. This week, we’re teaming up with sustainable thought leaders to unpack five of the biggest threats to our environment and pinpoint accessible, meaningful, and heart-driven action that we can all take to make a huge difference. Today, we’re exploring the massive plastic waste problem with tell-it-like-it-is trailblazer Tom Szaky.

Guitar Restring and Recycle Event

Musicians can bring any old instrument strings for recycling and get their electric or acoustic guitars restrung with D’Addario NYXL or Nickel Bronze Acoustic strings.     Old strings collected during the event will be recycled through Playback, D’Addario’s free, national recycling program. Playback is the world’s first instrument string recycling program, launched through a partnership between D’Addario and international recycling company TerraCycle.

Pequeños cambios diarios que todos pueden hacer que tendrán un gran impacto.

Con motivo del Día de la Tierra, TerraCycle, compañía especializada en reciclar residuos postconsumo considerados difíciles de reciclar, tiene cinco sugerencias sencillas que pueden ayudarte a llevar una vida más ecológica.

  1. Reciclar sabiamente: México es uno de los principales consumidores de PET en el mundo. Pero también es el país de América Latina que recicla más este tipo de producto plástico. TerraCycle cuenta con programas gratuitos que ofrecen soluciones de reciclaje a desechos de productos de cuidado bucal y de jabones. Para participar en los programas de recolección, entra a https://www.terracycle.com.mx/ e inscríbete.

  1. Lleva una botella de agua reutilizable: Seguramente ya lo has escuchado antes; las botellas de agua desechables son malas para el medio ambiente. Menos de la mitad de esas botellas se reciclan, el resto termina en los océanos.  Afortunadamente, las botellas de agua reutilizables vienen en todas las formas, colores, materiales y tamaños. Busca una que se adapte a su estilo de vida. ¡Haz que este sea el año en que cambies!

  1. Elige productos con empaques sostenibles: Envía un mensaje a la industria sobre el empaque sostenible mediante la compra de productos con empaques que puedan rellenarse, reutilizarse, reciclarse o reciclarse y reducir las cerca de 8 millones de toneladas métricas de plástico que terminan en nuestros océanos cada año.

  1. Invierte en negocios sostenibles: Utiliza tu dinero para marcar la diferencia invirtiendo en empresas que se adhieren a un modelo de negocio que tenga conciencia social, ambiental y financiera. Por ejemplo, TerraCycle ofrece acciones por una oferta de regulación de $5 millones, y a su vez permite a cualquier persona invertir en esta empresa que adopta prácticas sostenibles.

  1. Tener una bolsa reutilizable: Todos hemos oído hablar de bolsas de comestibles reutilizables, por qué no dar un paso más y usar una bolsa de lino o cáñamo para todas sus compras y recados. Este simple cambio limitaría la cantidad excesiva de bolsas de plástico que se usan al año. Entonces, cada que vayas a comprar alimentos no olvides llevar tu bolsa reutilizable.

5 Ways to Be a More Earth-Conscious Beauty Consumer

As the effects of climate change become increasingly obvious, minimizing our impact on the planet is more important than ever. If you haven't already switched to an Earth-conscious beauty routine, what better time to try than Earth Day? It's a move that's better for you—and for the environment. Not sure how to get started? Here are five ways you can make shopping for beauty greener, cleaner and kinder to the world. Because as the saying goes, beauty is as beauty does.

Brands take recycling and their businesses to the next level

Going green can be beneficial for businesses and cost-effective for their customers. Retailers and consumer brands can draw inspiration from companies such as Nespresso, Brita and Amazon.com, which have developed innovative recycling programs aimed at making the world — and our environment — a better place.   Brita Brita products already make for an eco-friendly alternative to plastic water bottles. Believe it or not, one Brita filter can replace 300 standard water bottles. But when it comes to sustainability, Brita doesn’t stop there. Its recycling partner, TerraCycle, repurposes used filters, pitchers and bottles. Here’s how it works: after customers have collected at least five pounds of used Brita products to recycle, they are instructed to wrap them in a garbage liner or bag and pack into a shipping box. Then they can print out a free shipping label from the Brita website and mail the used goods back to Terracycle. The recycled products are incorporated into outdoor furniture, bike racks and park benches.