Posts with term TerraCycle X

Nestlé patrocina 31º edição do São Paulo Fashion Week e oferece louge Exclusivo

Lançada em março de 2009, NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto proporcionou a ampliação do mercado de café espresso, segmento que se torna cada vez mais relevante para o consumidor brasileiro. Atualmente oferece dez variedades, sendo oito bebidas quentes – Mocha, Chococino, Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato, Espresso, Espresso Intenso, Caffè Lungo e Espresso Decaffeinato – e duas bebidas frias – Nestea e Cappuccino Ice – para atender o paladar de toda família. Para mais detalhes, acesse o site www.nescafe-dolcegusto.com.br

Nestlé patrocina 31° edição do São Paulo Fashion Week Nestlé patrocina 31° edição do São Paulo Fashion Week

Alinhado ao tema proposto pela SPFW deste ano “Sustentabilidade, Design e Tecnologia’, o lounge traz uma exposição de peças produzidas com embalagens de chocolates Nestlé pós-consumo, entre vestidos, bolsas e outros acessórios, frutos da parceria da Nestlé com a TerraCycle, líder global na coleta e reuso de resíduos pós-consumo difíceis de reciclar.

Câmara homenageou funcionários do SEC com Diplomas de Honra ao Mérito

A sessão camarária de segunda-feira, 13/06, contou com um ato solene de homenagem a um grupo de funcionários do Sindicato dos Empregados no Comércio de Avaré (SEC), que desde o início do ano está empenhado em mais uma ação social juntamente com as Brigadas Terracycle, que objetivam a arrecadação de embalagens diversas que são transformadas em produtos como estojos escolares, bolsas entre outros.

It Takes a Country: Why Everyone Has a Part in Business “Going Green”

In my last post, I mentioned how critical education is in influencing consumer behavior, and how the onus for change falls largely on the consumer. Educating consumers about the effect of toxins from products is crucial in consumers’ understanding of how something affects their overall health and the environment, and how the product can be used in a way that minimizes impact. However, education isn’t the only role a brand must play in promoting a green lifestyle. While consumers have various options for what they do with the packaging after they’ve used the product, it’s only been recently that they have more green choices when it comes to what’s inside that product they purchase. The only party that can be held responsible for what’s inside the packaging is the manufacturer itself. While I feel strongly that consumers must demand change in order to achieve change, in the end, it’s the responsibility of brands to be accountable for what goes inside the packaging. Consumers can help affect the choices that brands make by voting with their dollars, but if consumers only have green options to choose from they will go green. They’ll have no other choice. Let’s take CFCs, for example. CFC stands for chlorofluorocarbon, which was a popular chemical compound used for dry cleaning, aerosol cans, and refrigeration/air conditioning, until it was realized that CFCs have an incredibly negative effect on the ozone, eating away at it quite quickly. When this was discovered, regulations on CFC use were put into place and countries around the world began making efforts and timelines to cut down on (and eventually try to cut out) CFC use. Governments enacted standards and regulations, and brands made efforts to move away from CFC use in their products and maintain tighter control. Brands had to change their habits in order to adhere to regulations. Consumers had no choice but to buy products with limited CFCs – and other ways to fulfill the same needs were found.  A more recent, example is the use of low VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints. But with limited government regulation, as was the case with CFC, the move to low VOC has been much more tempered. While most negative environmental factors don’t have such a timely impact on the atmosphere or the Earth, they have an impact nonetheless. Government, brands, and consumers all need to play their part in cutting back on use of products that have a negative impact, whether it be environmental or health. Consumers must realize that what lies inside a package can affect environmental health and personal health. Brands must take responsibility for the scale of those effects and take control over what they expose both consumers and the environment to. When consumers don’t have the choice to expose toxins to the environment, they won’t do it – simply because they can’t. And finally, in order to get all brands on board, corporate responsibility regulations and standards must be enacted so that these brands are held responsible by someone other than themselves – this will make them take action. Consumers can influence this as well by choosing wisely from the options on the shelf. Brands will have to take into account both the consumer and the government, and with everybody on board to make a change, the positive green differences will begin to surface. The CFC and VOC example shows clearly that it takes all three of these stakeholders in order to enact any massive social change. So instead of finger pointing and hand wringing it is time for a little more teamwork and shared responsibility between consumers, corporations and governments. The only question left should be – to what degree can we start holding brands responsible for what they’re providing to the environment? How about consumers? Or Governments? For TerraCycle, the answer is easy. Because we’re an environmental company, we hold ourselves to the highest standard. Otherwise, our mission would be pointless and null. For other environmental companies, the same truth holds. How can other businesses and companies be brought on board?

Get crafty & upcycle your trash

I love art. And being crafty. So this summer I am all about finding ways to get my kids away from the television with new and fun projects. I recently came across two that I'm eager to try from my friends at TerraCycle. Solo Cup Planters You'll need some empty plastic cups, art supplies (like stickers & markers), potting soil, and seeds or plants. Step 1: Wash out some used plastic cups or pull them out of the recycling bin. You can also use a milk jug, 2 liter soda bottle, or anything else the same shape. Just cut off the top to create a "cup". Step 2: Decorate your cups or label them with what will be in them. Step 3: Plant your flowers or herbs. You can get a packet of seeds for less than a dollar or purchase plants for $2-3. Chip Bag Chip Bowl For this one, all you need is a bag of chips, some tape, and four Velcro tabs. You can also use Glue Dots in place of the Velcro. Step 1: Start with an empty, clean bag and cut off either end to make a square. Step 2: Tape the open ends closed. Step 3: Take each side and fold over about an inch-and-a-half and crease. Step 4: After you've got all sides creased, fold up two at a time and secure in the corner with Velcro or Glue Dots. Do each corner the same. Step 5: Fill your new bowl with chips, pretzels, or your favorite snack mix. Do you and/or your kids like to turn trash into usable items? Do you use recyclables for art? I'd love to read your ideas in the comments!

Kraft And Six Flags Recycling Event and Discounts

Visitors who bring specially marked Kraft String Cheese packaging to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo will receive $15 off general admission any day of the week. Six Flags and Kraft have partnered with TerraCycle to collect and recycle the cheese packaging. This is the first time it can be recycled! TerraCycle will make the packaging into eco-friendly plastic products including trash cans, flower pots, plastic plywood, park benches, and picnic tables.