Target stocks 100% recyclable plastic Adirondack chairs in bright colors, such as orange, turquoise, and red, to liven up your outdoor living space.
TerraCycle Recycled Plant Caddies, made from Capri Sun juice pouches, are also available in local Target stores. Retailers Smith and Hawken claim their wood deck furniture is made using sustainably harvested mahogany and a water-based Sherwin Williams finish.
The history of retailers collecting recyclables from their costumers is evolving, if slowly. At first this started with small independent grocery stores collecting plastic bags or other items. But, today, consumers are clearly becoming more eco-aware, which is creating a demand for major retailers like Whole Foods Market, Best Buy and Sur La Table to place collections in their stores.
"We approached the glove supplier, Kimberly-Clark, who partnered with us to implement a glove take-back program. It started in one location and has today expanded to five. We segregate the gloves at the point of use and Kimberly-Clark sends them to TerraCycle, who turn them into purple park benches. This partnership provides true value—glove take-back helped us achieve our zero waste goal and helped Kimberly-Clark increase their revenue by becoming our sole glove supplier globally."
Brianna also placed trash and recycling receptacles at the riverbank with educational signs explaining the harm caused by plastic waste, and she returns weekly to transport the collected plastic to the recycling center. She sends the cigarette litter to an organization called Terracycle which upcycles the cigarette filters into industrial products like plastic pallets, and re-works any remaining tobacco into tobacco composting. All told, Brianna has successfully collected over 10,000 plastic bottles for recycling and stopped over 4,500 cigarette butts from ending up in Detroit’s waterways.
Moore hauls the litter to a local recycling center and stuffs the cigarette butts, which the center doesn’t accept, into plastic bags. She then mails the butts to TerraCycle, a company that has them recycled into plastic pallets and other industrial products.
Moore hauls the litter to a local recycling center and stuffs the cigarette butts, which the center doesn't accept, into plastic bags. She then mails the butts to TerraCycle, a company that has them recycled into plastic pallets and other industrial products.
The Kick-It 3v3 Soccer Tournament is coming to Marietta July 27 & 28 with Entenmann's Bakery and recycling pioneer TerraCycle. Entenmann's will offer free samples of Little Bites and have recycling bins for the empty packaging which will then be sent to TerraCycle for recycling. For more information, registration and details about the tournament please visit
Santana Tamarak, owner of Tamarak’s Wellness Center in Scottsbluff, has built a business on helping customers achieve personal wellness, but recently he found a way to improve the community’s environmental health.
“Just as we recommend to our clients that a cleansing is important to do a couple of times a year, Mother Earth needs that cleanse, as well,” he said.
Smokers not only neglect their own health, but many of them are litterbugs. According to Keep America Beautiful, the largest community improvement organization in the U.S., 65 percent of all cigarette butts are disposed of improperly, and cigarette waste accounts for 39 percent of all U.S. roadway litter.
Since December, Tamarak has collected about 9,000 butts and shipped them off to a recycling company called TerraCycle. He said he became interested in the company because of the odd items it uses to make recycled products.
The company accepts post-consumer products that local recycling programs usually can’t take: potato chip bags, cheese packing plastic, oral hygiene products, candy wrappers and much more.
TerraCycle has been in business for a little over a decade, growing from a small, dorm-room operation making organic fertilizer using the cafeteria’s kitchen waste. Now it is the world’s leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable, post-consumer waste, which it transforms into affordable products for the home, garden and office.
“I chose cigarette butts, because I thought it was unusual,” he said. “They sent me a sort of rubber ash tray to show me an example of what they are recycling the cigarette butts into.”
Primarily, the butts are converted into plastic pallets for industrial use, and any remaining tobacco or paper is composted.
“Obviously, this isn’t a perfect system,” he said. “We still have cigarette butts. But when I look around at auto supply places, or the courthouse, or other institutions that have butt containers sitting outside — there are hundreds of them — I pick that as a place to start.”
Collecting the butts is just a hobby venture for the small business owner. He said it fulfills his desire to do something for the community. And while TerraCycle offers prizes to organizations that donate significantly, Tamarak acts as a volunteer, expecting nothing in return. He collects cigarette butts from parks, the local courthouse and private donors.
“Between folks that I know who drop cigarette butts off at the store (Tamarak’s Wellness Center), plus the courthouse, my first shipment was nine pounds,” he said. “My second shipment was about five pounds.”
Participation in the nationwide Cigarette Waste Brigade is limited to adults age 21 and older. It is completely free. The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, maker of the American Spirit cigarette brand and partner with the Cigarette Waste Brigade, pays for the shipping cost. Additionally, for every pound of cigarette waste TerraCycle receives, $1 is donated to Keep America Beautiful.
While we've got nothing personal against shoji screens, there's just something about them that screams, "I really couldn't think of any other way to separate my space". If you're looking for some more imaginative
room divider ideas to create different living areas in a studio apartment or to section off a large room, we've compiled a list of options that are as useful as they are unique. Flip through our
round-up for
8 interesting partitioning solutions that will help you divide and conquer.
Plastic Bottle Room Divider
Take a tip from the repurposing gurus at
TerraCycle and copy their plastic bottle partitions. You can use clear bottles if you want light to pass through your bottle wall or darker bottles if you prefer more privacy.
Records Music lovers can take another tip from
TerraCycle, and recycle their old records into a room divider that is music to our ears.