By collecting drink pouches from the lunchroom or classroom, K.R. Hanchey students can win playgrounds, park benches and recycling bins for their school or community from Capri Sun, according to a release.
The school is participating in the "Drink Pouch Brigade," a free recycling program for individuals or groups from Capri Sun and eco-pioneer TerraCycle.
Little Bites and TerraCycle have teamed up this Earth Day to spread awareness about recycling. Did you know you can create a Fully Recyclable Lunch with Entenmann’s?!
Barrel Aid donates all of the broken and unusable shoes to TerraCycle, which refurbishes them for people in the U.S. For every 25 pounds of recycled shoes they receive from Barrel Aid, 10¢ is donated to Mission Haiti.
TerraCycle. Although you personally cannot get cash back from this company they will make a donation to a non profit every time you send them a box of your recyclables. They will send you a box with a postage paid label so there is no cost to you!
Tom Szaky hates garbage. The very notion of it strikes him as preposterous. Ridiculous. Unworkable. We take what is often perfectly good stuff and toss it into a landfill, where it mummifies and oozes out bad chemicals that can pollute our air and water.
The school’s Science and Energy Team partnered with TerraCycle and recycled 213 juice pouches, 1,838 chip bags, 1,338 candy wrappers, 90 glue sticks, 747 energy bar wrappers, 15 computers, 30 cell phones, 92 ink cartridges, 115 pounds of aluminum cans and three trailer loads of assorted electronics.
As part of the Recycle & Be Rewarded program, Kiehl’s sends shipments of their collected product containers to TerraCycle on a weekly basis, where they are then recycled into new products
As part of the Recycle & Be Rewarded program, Kiehl’s sends shipments of their collected product containers to TerraCycle on a weekly basis, where they are then recycled into new products.
Entenmann's and TerraCycle® have partnered to create the Entenmann's Little Bites Pouch Brigade®, a free recycling program for Entenmann's Little Bites pouches and a fundraising opportunity for participants.
TerraCycle works with more than 100 major brands in the U.S. to collect used packaging and traditionally non-recyclable waste that would otherwise be destined for landfills. It re-purposes that waste (that others deem as garbage) into new, innovative materials and products that are available for purchase online and through major retailers.