The schools are participating in the Drink Pouch Brigade, a free recycling program for individuals and groups sponsored by Capri Sun and TerraCycle, a Trenton-based manufacturer of products made from pre-consumer and post-consumer waste.
Honest Tea was a founding member of the Drink Pouch Brigade®, a program launched in 2007 with TerraCycle® to recycle and ‘upcycle’ drink pouches. The program has collected more than 182 million drink pouches.
TerraCycle: TerraCycle is a great way not only to get cash for your school, but also to teach students about the benefits of recycling. Plan an earth-themed field day and bring your school to local parks, playgrounds and sports venues to clean litter off the ground.
Among the many projects Lang has undertaken over the past six years are co-founding the PTA's Green Team, organizing the school's TerraCycle Brigade, starting the student Green Team, providing environmental education resources to the Ilalko school community, and writing a monthly Green Team article.
TerraCycle has announced its Recycled Playground Challenge – a new initiative in partnership with Colgate and ShopRite to help encourage healthy smiles and environments among school children and consumers.
For those of you not familiar with the program, TerraCycle is a company based in Trenton NJ. They repurpose or recycle packaging that is not typically recycled in most areas such as granola bar wrappers, toothpaste tubes, foil juice pouches etc
All items were shipped to TerraCycle, a company headquartered in Trenton, New Jersey, that makes consumer products out of the pre-and post-consumer waste and through the reuse of other waste materials.
Thanks to all of our volunteers, especially Karen Cotrone and Cathy Aikman and their families, and all the students and community members who remember to TerraCycle, our TerraCycle Program has had a successful school year! Over 40,000 packages diverted from the landfill and over $1000 raised during the running of this program so far! All money earned goes directly to the Richmond Food Shelf
Students were excited about earning the recognition over 100,000 other applicants. “It feels phenomenal to win the Green Ribbon Award because we’ve been working so hard with Terracycle, recycling and the garden,” fifth grader Daniella Schneider said.
Consumers are now able to return their empty bottles. tubes and other containers to any Kiehl's freestanding store in the U.S., so that they may be sent to TerraCycle weekly and recycled into new products.