Bringing Back the Milkman Model for Waste-Free E-Commerce
Before many households had refrigerators, milk was typically delivered directly to doorsteps all over the United States, first by horse-and-cart and later by truck.
While from today’s perspective it may seem like a less efficient delivery approach, it did have one major benefit we can emulate in 2019: the milk bottles were made of glass. These empty glass bottles were collected, cleaned, and reused over and over again.
Today, most consumers buy their milk in plastic containers or plastic-coated cardboard – which go straight into garbage or recycling bins. 80% of all plastic ends up in our oceans or landfills; there are 6.9 billion tons of plastic waste on the planet. Unfortunately, recycling isn’t anywhere near efficient enough to cope with growing economies, and it’s predicted that we’ll run out of landfill space in some states within 25 years.
To address these ominous forecasts, an innovative recycling company called TerraCycle earlier this year invested $10 million in Loop, a start-up aiming to revolutionize the way we reuse packaging and make e-commerce a zero-waste operation.
How Does Loop Work?
Known as the “milkman model,” this closed-loop initiative operates through the following steps:- Step 1: Consumers set up a Loop account from which they can order groceries from all participating brands via the Loop platform or associated stores such as Walgreens or Kroger.
- Step 2: Purchases are delivered to the consumer’s door using Loop’s waste-free delivery system.
- Step 3: Consumers pay a small deposit to receive their shopping in reusable, sustainable packaging made from glass, metal, and plastic.
- Step 4: Empty containers are collected and returned to Loop HQ for cleaning, refilling and future reuse.