Posts with term Elmer's Glue X

Upcycle your Trash with Terracycle and Eliminate the Idea of Waste

Founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky, Terracycle is an award winning international upcycling and recycling company that collects hard to recycle packaging and transforms them into clean, usable materials and products.  Terracycle collects products such as candy wrappers, cigarette butts, chip bags, toothbrushes, old shoes, ewaste, dairy containers and a lot more and then upcycles them into items such as lunchboxes, binders, furniture, notebooks, gift items and more.

Ferri Middle School Joins National Recycling Milestone

Johnston students helped raise more than $7 million for charity through the TerraCycle Brigade Program.
In recognition of April being "Earth Month," recycling pioneer TerraCycle is celebrating reaching $7 million donated to schools and charities across the country and around the world with help from groups in Rhode Island.