What the heck is Upcycling??

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Along comes TerraCycle to provide me with just one more project to consume time and mind. However, this one is good for the planet and contributes to charity as well.  So it can't be all bad to be obsessed, right?  TerraCycle makes eco-friendly products from lots of  different non-recyclable waste materials and these products are quite affordable.  Sure, you can take your plastic, glass and aluminum containers to your local station or leave on your curb to go to the recycler... but what about those potato chip bags, cookie wrappers, tape dispensers?  Now you have a much more attractive alternative to dropping them at the local landfill.  Not only does this help the planet but TerraCycle will "Pay" you for your work by contributing to your charity of choice.  And on top of that, you can purchase these way-cool products from TerraCycle.