Use Huggies? Then TerraCycle is for you!

TerraCycle Huggies (Kimberly-Clark) Sprout Frito-Lay (Pepsico) Capri Sun (Kraft Foods) Include USA
Let’s face it. We’re not all cloth-diapering mamas. For many of us disposable diapers are the practical choice. But just because you use disposables, doesn’t mean you don’t consider your impact on the environment and try to make greener changes in other ways. But now a partnership with Huggies and TerraCycle–a recycling powerhouse company that thrives on waste, we can do a little bit more to offset those diapers that end up being tossed into landfills. TerraCycle is known for taking things like CapriSun wrappers, Doritos bags, or circuit boards and turning them into reusable products like grocery totes, clocks and outdoor fencing. But as part of a program with Huggies, called the Huggies Brigade, they are collecting the plastic packaging from Huggies Diaper bags and recycling it into other products. This keeps it out of the landfill and re-worked into another purpose.