
TerraCycle Clif Bar Starburst (Mars) Walmart Target Include USA nabisco
It seems like all we hear about these days is the “go green” movement. We are all told to drive hybrid cars, recycle and use paper — not plastic. In addition to this movement, the Virginia Tech Equestrian Team has joined the movement by collecting our food wrappers? The Equestrian Team has joined a brigade through a company called Terracycle. Terracycle is a relatively new company that aims to create bags, purses, kites, picture frames and backpacks, almost anything you can imagine out of old food wrappers. It’s really not as weird as you may think, and the products end up looking quirky and cute. Terracycle devotes its work to “upcycle” traditionally non-recyclable products and create usable items. The company statement claims that the products “keep waste out of landfills and contribute to a cleaner world.” It may seem a little far-fetched, but it’s amazing how one small movement can make such a large impact. Some of the products are available at major retailers such as Target and Walmart, while the entirety of its products are available to buy online. You also have the opportunity to buy either a pre-made product or to “create your own.” In creating your own product, you or your specific organization can choose the item you want to create, and then learn about the wrappers you need to collect. Different products are made with different types of wrappers, and these wrappers are then mailed to Terracycle which then upcycles the wrappers into various products.