Terracycle, One Cool Green Company

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If you happened to tune into the National Geographic Channel last evening between 8-11 pm, then you would have witnessed what many environmentally friendly individuals are calling the coolest, most innovative company to sprout up in a long time. The company, Terracycle, is a recycling company with a twist. TerraCycle, which was founded back in 2001 by a 19 year old Princeton University student named Tom Szaky works wonders with garbage. The company collects certain products such as potato chip bags, juice packs, gum packages, old cell phones, etc, and turns them into amazing products like recycling bins, coolers, fences, cork boards and more. They actually donate money to charity for people like you and I to send them certain pieces of trash. They even pay for the shipping and handling. Thus far they have collected an estimated 1.8 billion units of trash from over 10 million individuals, and have donated over $1.2 million to charities.