TerraCycle Eliminate the Idea of Waste Review

TerraCycle Capri Sun (Kraft Foods) Frito Lay Include USA
I was given the opportunity to work with Megan from TerraCycle and do a product review. I first stumbled across TerraCycle when searching ways to recycle and was drawn in. TerraCycle’s purpose is to eliminate the idea of waste. TerraCycle has created national recycling systems for previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste. They have many different Brigades that anyone can join. When you join TerraCycle pick the Brigades that fits your family the most. There are plenty brigades to choose from candy wrapper to digital camera to wine corks. My family is doing the drink pouch brigade. Since my 4 year drink them all day. Whatever one you choose to sign up for all you do is just start collecting the product.