Algo similar hace Terracycle, que transforma el plástico en parques infantiles, aunque con una diferencia: los productos de los que proviene no son suyos. La empresa, que tiene más de 700 puntos de recogida en España, proporciona precisamente este servicio a otras compañías, como Gillette (maquinillas de afeitar), Philips (cepillos de dientes, boquillas o envases de hilo dental) o Bic (maquinillas, pero también rotuladores, bolígrafos o marcadores).
Après l’installation de bacs à marée par Veolia sur la plage de La Baule l’hiver, l’entreprise concessionnaire a passé une convention avec TerraCycle, entreprise spécialisée dans le recyclage de déchets dits “non-recyclables”
O projeto já fez com que 1,7 tonelada de enxovais deixasse de ser resíduos, descartados em lixo comum ou infectante, para passar a ser matéria-prima.
News release
Local musicians are invited to attend a free recycle and restring event at Placerville News Company, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 4 . Sponsored by D’Addario and international recycling company TerraCycle, musicians can bring any old instrument strings for recycling and get their electric or acoustic guitars restrung with D’Addario NYXL or Nickel Bronze Acoustic strings. Old strings collected during the event will be recycled through Playback, D’Addario’s free, national recycling program.
The collected metal strings will be converted into recycled alloys which are commonly utilized in the construction of guitar necks and the recycled nylon will be used in automotive applications, for instance.
Located adjacent to the Bell Tower in downtown Placerville, Placerville News Company has served as Hangtown’s premier newsstand for more than 160 years. In addition to gifts, souvenirs and art supplies, Placerville News Company recently introduced a new music counter featuring products from D’Addario including, guitar strings, bass strings and accessories.
Playback is the world’s first instrument string recycling program, launched through a partnership between D’Addario and innovative recycling company TerraCycle. The program is a part of D’Addario’s Players Circle loyalty program and allows registered users to recycle their used strings in exchange for extra Players Circle points. Musicians attending the recycle and restring events will receive a code at the event, redeemable for extra Players Circle points. Points can be used towards merchandise or donated to the D’Addario Foundation, the company’s nonprofit organization supporting music education in underserved communities.
D’Addario has been consistently committed to the environment, working to reduce their company’s packaging waste and use the most environmentally responsible packaging available on the market. Their partnership with TerraCycle allows them to further reinforce their role as an environmental leader in the music industry.
TerraCycle is a global leader in recycling typically non-recyclable waste, working with companies to implement recycling initiatives and finding solutions for materials otherwise destined for landfill.
Musicians interested in recycling through Playback can visit For more information on the recycle and restring event contact Placerville News Company at (530) 622-4510.
O estudo ainda revela que a ação humana é responsável pela alteração de 77% da área de ambientes terrestres e 87% dos marinhos
O Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente, celebrado em 5 de junho, foi criado com o objetivo de conscientizar a todos sobre a importância da preservação dos recursos naturais.
THE people of Ilkley are being encouraged to recycle a variety of materials which cannot be recycled by the local council and would otherwise end up in landfills or incineration.
Milestone Design Ltd, an Ilkley based kitchen designer and fitter, and the UK’s first producer of totally green Kitchens of Recycled Content, has signed up to several free recycling programmes offered by TerraCycle, the world leaders in recycling hard-to-recycle waste.
Tranquility’s Aromatherapist, Justine DiCesare, has signed the store up to a number of free recycling programmes offered by TerraCycle, the world leader in recycling hard-to-recycle waste.
These include the Pladis Biscuits and Snacks Recycling Programme, the Garnier Personal Care and Beauty Recycling Programme and the Air, Home and Laundry Care Recycling Programme.
Escolas, empresas, comércios em geral, condomínios e outros podem se inscrever para ser um dos pontos de coleta do Programa, com incentivo em dinheiro para instituições sociais
La mécanique est bien huilée depuis le temps que
Charlotte Gentric l’a mise en place dans sa commune, à
Saint-Maurice (Val de Marne). Un carton est déposé à l’entrée de l’annexe de la bibliothèque et entouré d’indications précisant bien la nature des déchets qu’il faut déposer dedans. En ce moment, il s’agit des gourdes de compote et des emballages de pains ou de viennoiserie.
Elle trie les déchets pour écarter les erreurs et lorsque ses collectes ont atteint les poids suffisants – « 30 kg par exemple pour les gourdes de compotes », précise-t-elle-, elle les envoie via l’entreprise postale UPS, sans frais pour elle,
à Troisvilles, dans la région lilloise, où
TerraCycle, entreprise du secteur du recyclage, possède son centre de tri.