TerraCycle’s Free Educational Curriculum Series

school TerraCycle Colgate Include USA
Toothpaste Tube Toothbrush Holder Looking for a refreshing alternative to throwing away your toothpaste tubes? This easy do-it-yourself project upcycles your empty tubes into a simple toothbrush holder. Upcycling materials like these are a great way to reuse without costing a mint. Directions at the end of this post! TerraCycle and Colgate are offering FREE curriculums to teach kids to keep their teeth and our planet healthy & clean. Both curriculums can be used at school or in the home and both meet national education standards. For the past 15 years, the Colgate curriculum, which is a part of the award-winning Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures® global oral health education program, has reached over 50 million children annually and their families in 30 languages and 80 countries throughout the world.