Miami Event – The Garnier Greener Tour

TerraCycle Garnier (L'Oreal) Include USA
My homegirl and Miami blogger Jewel of Jewel’s Fab Life is hosting the Garnier Greener Tour this Friday from 4pm-6pm in Miami. I’m all kinds of jealous that I can’t attend. It’ll be an epic event for several reasons…
  • The beauty pimped out Garnier bus will park its sexy self at a Walmart parking lot. What’s inside the bus? Garnier goodies, cupcakes and information on how we can recycle our cosmetic packaging.
  • TerraCycle’s partnership with Garnier means there will be bins on site to encourage you to bring old shampoo, conditioner, and lotion bottles to recycle.
  • Hairstylists will be on site in case you’d like to upgrade your locks a bit.
  • There will be plenty of games and activities.
  • You’ll get to hang out with Jewel!
The event is absolutely free but you do need to RSVP to confirm your attendance. If you make it – tell Jewel I said “hi!” For more information, check out Jewel’s post here.