Making trash too valuable to toss: TerraCycle creates new consumer products from nonrecyclable packaging waste

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In addition to "upcycling," or directly reusing materials to create new ones, TerraCycle also grinds and reprocesses items like pens and glue bottles into plastic lumber, trash cans, watering cans and planting pots. "Take a walk around your local supermarket," suggests Albe Zakes, director of publicity for TerraCycle. "A vast majority of the consumer packaging that you're going to find is non-recyclable." He starts to list products: candy wrappers, chip bags, drink pouches, pens, glue bottles, tape dispensers ... And it becomes obvious that this guy has thought a lot about trash. Which is not surprising, considering TerraCycle's entire business model is built on trash – and their offices are made from it. The 10-year-old company takes nonrecyclable materials – like the candy wrappers and chip bags – and turns them into new products like pencil cases and lunchboxes. TerraCycle founder Tom Szaky often says he doesn't ever see trash anymore; he just sees cash.