I put my recycling bin on a diet
TerraCycle Include Canada (English) ZWB
The more I learn about recycling, the more I lose my illusions.
In the 7Rs of PH Effect for a zero waste lifestyle, there is Recycling. However, during my conferences and workshops, I tell people that it is a last resort, which is in the hierarchy just before the trash. I tell them that there are other alternatives, most of the time.
But sometimes it is faster and easier to get a product packaged in a recyclable container.
Then there was this idea of launching the project to recover the Halloween candy packaging and send it to TerraCycle, which recycles it. An idea which had a huge success and which still makes small ones today. Schools and businesses across Quebec have decided to follow suit and get the boxes. Some municipalities are even taking steps to join. A success you say? But with this project, I also saw the other side of the coin. Despite the clear indications, we find everything in these boxes and bags that we collected. Jars with a yogurt base, apple hearts, half-eaten candies, candies still wrapped, candy wrappings completely stuck in unidentified substances…