I put my recycling bin on a diet

TerraCycle Include Canada (English) ZWB
The more I learn about recycling, the more I lose my illusions.   In the 7Rs of PH Effect for a zero waste lifestyle, there is Recycling. However, during my conferences and workshops, I tell people that it is a last resort, which is in the hierarchy just before the trash. I tell them that there are other alternatives, most of the time.   But sometimes it is faster and easier to get a product packaged in a recyclable container.   Then there was this idea of launching the project to recover the Halloween candy packaging and send it to TerraCycle, which recycles it. An idea which had a huge success and which still makes small ones today. Schools and businesses across Quebec have decided to follow suit and get the boxes. Some municipalities are even taking steps to join. A success you say? But with this project, I also saw the other side of the coin. Despite the clear indications, we find everything in these boxes and bags that we collected. Jars with a yogurt base, apple hearts, half-eaten candies, candies still wrapped, candy wrappings completely stuck in unidentified substances…  

It gave me a good idea of what could end up in sorting centers in Quebec.

I continued to read about sorting centers, about recycling. I had discussions on the subject with people around me. Each time, I realized that recycling is not so effective and that it is a very small dressing on a very big boo.   Recycling helps to reduce awareness.   But recycling requires so much energy and resources! And when I learned that we often send our materials to be recycled in China and elsewhere in the world, the surprise was as immense as the ships that transport them. Is our recycling solution to send our stuff to the other side of the world? Yes, I was naive.   So there you go, I made the decision to put my recycling bin on a diet. Worse, I'm going to make him do a long fast. Knowing that too much of what goes to recycling will end up in the wild, I prefer to reduce it at the source more than ever.   I know, it's drastic. Am I going to throw my recyclable stuff in the trash? Of course not ! But I will pay triple attention to what I consume, what I use. I will stop eating certain foods that are not sold in bulk. And I'm not going to eat candies other than loose ones anymore. Anyway, the mere sight of another package of candy makes me want to eat it!