FREE TerraCycle

TerraCycle garbage Waste Upcycling candy wrappers pouches Brigades Include USA
I just discovered this site. No, you will not make money, but you can help a charity with your trash! It's free to join and it's going towards a good cause! I'm asking y'all to join my team and collect juice pouches, chip bags, candy wrappers, cookie bags, etc. They even provide shipping labels for you to ship the items to them! If you join my team, I do NOT get any money or anything special. You're just helping me collect for a local charity in New Orleans called Cambodia Children's Sanctuary  which helps out abandoned children and such. For each of the items you send in, they donate $0.02 to the charity. It may not seem like a lot but with all my followers I know we can make a difference! It's free to join, you're getting rid of trash and recycling at the same time as well as helping a very worthy charity!