Clothing Drive & TerraCycle Waste Collection Fundraiser

In celebration of Earth Day 2016, Emma Havens Young PTA is hosting a Clothing Drive and TerraCycle Waste Collection Drive on 4/16 from 8-1. EHY PTA has organized a clothing and waste collection drive to keep items out of our landfills, raise community awareness on recycling, and help raise vital funds for student enrichment programs. This fundraising event will take place on Saturday, 4/16 from 8am-1pm in the back parking lot of EHY (43 Drum Point Rd).


Marion Guirlinger voulait juste recycler ses dosettes de café. « Mon mari en boit tellement », s’amuse l’habitante d’Haironville, commune située à une quinzaine de kilomètres de Bar-le-Duc. Quelques recherches sur Internet l’amènent sur le site de TerraCycle, une entreprise spécialisée. Elle recycle les dosettes pour les cafetières de la marque Tassimo : de l’argent est versé ensuite à une association choisie par le « collecteur ». Marion Guirlinger se crée un compte. À la même époque, il y a trois ans, la jeune femme se mobilise pour ELA, qui lutte contre les leucodystrophies. Elle est sensibilisée à ces maladies par la présence de sa petite voisine, Morgane, atteinte. Pour donner de l’ampleur à son action, elle se crée une page sur Facebook. « Et puis il y a toujours une voisine qui connaît une voisine », ajoute son mari.

This Company Is Turning Discarded Cigarette Butts Into Plastic

Cigarette butts are probably the grossest thing that you just see all over the place, and it probably should not surprise you to learn that they are also a very problematic pollutant. Citylab has an interesting profile one one company, TerraCycle, which has developed a way to recycle discarded butts and turn them into plastic. "There's nobody else who has been recycling cigarette filters," says the company's global vice president of research and development.

Turning Cigarette Butts Into Something Useful

Increasingly, researchers are realizing that cigarettes are as much an environmental problem as they are a health issue. Walk along a beach or around a busy city and you step on a lot of cigarette butts, thrown carelessly to the ground. By one estimate, up to 6 trillion cigarette butts get flicked onto the ground and into the global environment every year. They’re one of the most common forms of the world’s litter, making up 25 to 50 percent of all trash collected from roads and streets.

Chicago Invests in 'voting boxes' to Combat Cigarette Butt Littering on Beaches

The Alliance for the Great Lakes and Chicago Park District are launching a pilot program intended to reduce cigarette butt littering on beaches using dual-purpose "voting boxes." The boxes serve as butt receptacles by acting as a ballot box in which smokers drop their "vote" into one of two compartments in support of or against something fun that involves rivalry. For instance, they will vote for one of two competing sports teams, or deep dish pizzas vs. Chicago-style hot dogs.