From there, the Waterfront Partnership sends the cigarette litter to a recycling company, TerraCycle, which processes the litter into useful organics and plastics. The leftover tobacco and cigarette paper, which are considered organics, are added to non-food compost.
Henkel, Trenton, New Jersey, is partnering with TerraCycle to become the first company to offer a recycling solution for anaerobic adhesives.
Through the Adhesive Recycling Program, Henkel customers can purchase a postage-paid recycling box to fill with empty Loctite adhesive containers and send to TerraCycle for processing. TerraCycle will thermally treat the containers and turn them into new plastic products.
A more regenerative system in which collected waste materials are used as a resource to create new products is what recycling is actually about. For example, years ago my company TerraCycle partnered with Garnier to create the
Personal Care and Beauty Recycling Program, a free program that accepts everything from shampoo and conditioner bottles, eye cream tubs and hair spray pumps
for recycling. To enhance our recycling initiative’s impact, the program itself is brand agnostic: all personal care and beauty waste is accepted for recycling, regardless of brand.
El programa de Reciclaje de Galletas Gamesa® Quaker®, ha logrado recolectar 5,000,000 empaques de galletas, que pueden traducirse en 10 toneladas de basura que no fue colocada en rellenos sanitarios. Este programa no solamente busca beneficiar el medio ambiente, también ha logrado donar 168,327.75 pesos que han sido destinados a distintas causas sociales.
Algunos de los beneficiados por este y otros programas de TerraCycle son la fundación APANICAL (Asociación de Padres de Niños con Cáncer y Leucemia), la Escuela Secundaria 20 “Juan Escamilla” ubicada en la ciudad de Monterrey, Nuevo León, y la Escuela “Francisco I. Madero” en la ciudad de Mezquitic, Jalisco.
Actualmente TerraCycle México, maneja distintos programas de recolección logrando reciclar envolturas de jabón, bolsas de pan, cepillos de dientes, bolsas de botana y envolturas de pan dulce. El programa de Reciclaje de Galletas Gamesa® Quaker® acepta cualquier marca y tamaño de envolturas de galleta y el envío de los empaques recolectados es totalmente gratis.
Acerca de TerraCycle
TerraCycle fue fundada en 2001 por Tom Szaky, un estudiante de la Universidad de Princeton, en el momento su misión era Eliminar la Idea de la Basura ®. Desde inicios de TerraCycle, ha crecido a ser el líder global en recolección y reutilización de desechos difíciles de reciclar operando en más de 20 países, acercándose a más de 50 millones de personas y reciclando billones de piezas de desecho a través de varias plataformas innovadoras.
TerraCycle ha ganado más de 200 premios por el emprendimiento social y ofrece programas nacionales de reciclaje fundados por marcas, manufactureros y tiendas alrededor del mundo ayudando a recolectar y dar solución a los desechos que antes eran considerados imposibles de reciclar. Comunicado de Prensa
From “a world leader in the upcycling And recycling movement,” Terracycle has published a book that’s considered the “household primer to going and staying green.” What’s different about this book, though, is that it’s chock full of more than 200 photographs and illustrations, and more than 100 tips and DIY projects that approach the upcycling subject in a very non-confrontational and user-friendly way. What’s great is that this book’s coffee table appeal means the ideas will always be handy since you won’t have to put it away on a shelf.
When I say impractical what I really mean is expensive. Look at the company
TerraCycle for example. They are a great organization who work with companies to recycle basically any product you can imagine. The catch.... they are pretty expensive. Let me give you an example.
We have been upcycling defunct writing instruments through Terracycle since 2012 and are honored to be a top collector in the nation. We have taken great strides in sustainability on campus and are so proud that we have been able to divert something not typically recyclable away from the landfill.
Pioneira em ações socioambientais e preocupada com a destinação correta dos resíduos de instrumentos de escrita, a Faber-Castell, em parceria com a TerraCycle, acaba de...