Walkers in partnership with
TerraCycle is creating the UK’s first nationwide recycling scheme for crisp packets. Public access collection points will be developed all around the country, encouraging people to either drop off their packets or alternatively post them for free in a box or envelope directly to TerraCycle for recycling.
The UK's biggest crisp brand Walkers has unveiled plans to launch a nationwide crisp packet recycling scheme, following months of consumer protests against its hard-to-recycle packaging. The company, which is a subsidiary of global food and beverage giant PepsiCo, has partnered with recycling firm TerraCycle to develop a method of recycling the packets. The method involves cleaning and shredding the metallised film, allowing it to be melted into small plastic pellets that can then be incorporated into products such as fence posts and furniture.
Walkers is set to launch the UK’s first nationwide recycling scheme for crisp packets. People will be encouraged to either drop off their packets at one of the hundreds of public access collection points that will be developed all around the country or alternatively post them for free in a box or envelope directly to TerraCycle for recycling.
Walkers has announced it is launching a recycling scheme for crisp packets following weeks of backlash from campaigners who had started posting their empty packets back to the manufacturer. The new scheme, in partnership with recycling firm TerraCycle, will launch in December and allows customers to drop off any type of crisp packet (it doesn’t have to be Walkers) to hundreds of collection points up and down the country.
Top Key Venders:
B. SCHOENBERG & CO., INC., Advanced Environmental Recycling Technologies, Inc., REPLAS, Clear Path Recycling, PLASgran Ltd., Custom Polymers, Inc., CarbonLITE Industries, LUXUS Ltd., wTe Corporation, KW Plastic, Inc., Kuusakoski Group, Shanghai Pret Composites Co., Ltd., Republic Services, Inc., Reprocesses Plastic, Inc., 4G Recycling Inc., Vanden Global Ltd., TerraCycle, The WasteCare Group and Veolia Environmental SA
12. Package Refunds– Bottle deposits are the most popular that people are familiar with however there are other options as well.
TerraCycle is another great free program that you can send in your packaging in pre paid envelops to raise money for charity!
Emprendedores y Ambientalistas generan proyectos para reutilizar lo que, de otra manera, iría a la basura: la tasa de reciclaje es baja.
Las oficinas de Miniwiz en el centro de Taipei tienen todo lo que identifica una startup vibrante. El gran espacio abierto en el piso 14 de un bloque de oficinas sobre la capital de Taiwan está llena de jóvenes. Un área común incluye consolas de videojuegos, una mesa de ping pong y un área de básquet. Pero un indicio de que no es un emprendimiento más de comercio electrónico lo dan unas bolsas prolijamente ordenadas llenas de botellas de plástico usadas, CD y colillas de cigarro.
Terracycle es una empresa privada norteamericana de reciclaje con sede en Trenton, New Yersey. Con presencia en varios países, también se encuentra en laborando en nuestro país, ellos buscan el eliminar la idea de
“basura”, buscando reciclar aquellos productos plásticos que pueden ser considerados como
“no reciclables” como por ejemplo, lapiceros, guantes plásticos, etc.
Cuentan con varios programas de reciclaje, así que te invitamos a navegar en su
sitio web para que tu también participes, te inscribas y ¡contribuyas!