Gillette y Venus lanzan un programa de reciclaje de maquinillas en asociación con TerraCycle

Gillette y Venus, las dos marcas de productos de afeitado y depilación de P&G, han anunciado la puesta en marcha de un programa de reciclaje gratuito de maquinillas de afeitar. La iniciativa se lanza en  asociación con TerraCycle, compañía especializada en tratamiento de residuos difíciles de reciclar. El anuncio del lanzamiento de este programa se produce dos meses después de que Bic y la propia TerraCycle anunciaran un programa similar para el reciclaje d ellas maquinillas de afeitar de la compañía francesa.

Gillette lanza un programa de reciclaje con servicio de mensajería gratuito para todos los hogares de España

Vivimos en un mundo en el que el 80% de lo que tiramos a la basura técnicamente se puede reciclar. Conscientes de lo increíblemente confuso que puede llegar a ser el reciclaje desde casa, especialmente en lo que respecta a productos de aseo personal, Gillette y Venus, marcas de afeitado y depilación del grupo P&G, acaban de anunciar un programa de reciclaje de máquinas de afeitar en España. Juntamente con TerraCycle, compañía especializada en el tratamiento de residuos difíciles de reciclar, darán una segunda vida a este producto tan presente en nuestra vida cotidiana. La iniciativa, que pretende acercar el reciclaje a todos los hogares españoles, pone a disposición de los usuarios un servicio gratuito de mensajería.

2021 Impact Award winners: Sustainability

Canadian Grocer recognizes grocery retail and CPG businesses making a positive impact with inaugural award
Carolyn Cooper, Rebecca Harris, Carol Neshevich and Rosalind Stefanac
To celebrate Canadian grocery retail and CPG businesses that are going above and beyond to make the world a better place, this year we launched the Canadian Grocer Impact Awards.
We recognized 33 winners in four categories: Sustainability; Supporting Employees; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; and Community Service. (Click here for the full list of winners.)

Conagra Brands

As it aims to address the economic, environmental and social impacts directly linked to its activities and products, Conagra Brands has launched initiatives in four areas: good food, responsible sourcing, better planet and stronger communities. Key goals and successes so far include making 100% of plastic packaging renewable, recyclable or compostable by 2025. In 2018, Conagra introduced Healthy Choice Power Bowls, which feature a serving bowl made from plant-based fibres. By using plant-based fibres instead of plastic, the carbon footprint of manufacturing the bowls is reduced by 50% to 70% across select product lines. Conagra is working with suppliers and other stakeholders to improve the treatment of broiler chickens by 2024, and have a 100% cage-free egg supply by 2025; and the company’s national recycling solution for Angie’s BoomChickaPop via TerraCycle Canada allows consumers to recycle their typically non-recyclable packaging, free of charge. Conagra has also committed to reducing absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030. And the Hunt’s tomato facility in Dresden, Ont., cleans and recycles water used to process tomatoes into farm irrigation water, supporting conservation throughout the supply chain and regeneration of local watersheds. “We strive to nourish the planet by sourcing raw ingredients and packaging materials responsibly while generating less waste for disposal, reducing energy use and water use, and helping preserve our forests and other resources,” says Michael Fazio, director of sales & Canadian lead of sustainability at Conagra Brands.

Recycler ses capsules de café pour aider la Ligue contre le cancer

Raphaël Kolb, un habitant d’Obermodern, collecte depuis 2019 des capsules de café et de thé et les confie à une entreprise spécialisée qui les recycle et les transforme. En valorisant ainsi ces petits déchets, il récolte de l’argent pour la Ligue contre le cancer. Concilier recyclage et solidarité en collectant des capsules de café et de thé. C’est le défi que s’est lancé Raphaël Kolb, un habitant d’Obermodern, qui a mis en place à partir de 2019 un système de collecte et de revalorisation de ces déchets non recyclables dans le circuit classique. Depuis il a multiplié les points de collecte : devant son domicile, sur son lieu de travail, et même devant l’école de son fils, avec l’accord de son enseignante.

Tom's of Maine and Hello Teamed up to Motivate Consumer Recycling

Tom's of Maine and Hello partnered up through the Natural Care Recycling Program to encourage consumers to recycle their personal care packaging. The free program is partnered with international recycling leader TerraCycle. Products such as mouthwash bottles and caps, toothbrushes, deodorant containers and lids, floss containers, toothpaste tubes, and soap packaging are all accepted in the recycling program. Consumers can participate in the initiative by making their empty items to the Natural Care team. They must first sign up on the TerraCycle program page. A prepaid shipping label is then offered to facilitate the process. The goal is to divert waste from landfills. Participants earn points with every shipment for charitable gifts. Consumers can opt to convert points to cash and donate to a non-profit, school, or organization of their choice.

Contact lens recycling program comes to central Alberta

Eye doctors in Red Deer, Ponoka and Three Hills participating Sep. 27, 2021 2:00 p.m. Eye doctors in Red Deer, Ponoka and Three Hills are participating in a contact lens recycling program.
Through the Bausch + Lomb Every Contact Counts Recycling Program, consumers can bring all brands of disposable contact lenses and their blister pack packaging to participating eye doctor locations to be recycled. “Contact lenses are one of the forgotten waste streams that are often overlooked due to their size and how commonplace they are in today’s society,” said Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle, a company whose mission is to eliminate waste through recycling and reusing initiatives. “Programs like the Bausch + Lomb Every Contact Counts Recycling Program allows eye doctors to work within their community and take an active role in preserving the environment, beyond what their local municipal recycling programs are able to provide,” said Szaky. “By creating this recycling initiative, our aim was to provide an opportunity where whole communities are able to collect waste alongside a national network of public drop-off locations all with the unified goal to increase the number of recycled contact lenses and their associated packaging, thereby reducing their impact on landfills.” Red Deer Eye Care Centre, Ponoka Eyecare and Three Hills Optometry are participating in the program. For more information go to www.terracycle.ca/brigades/bausch-and-lomb.

Empresas inovadoras ligada à reciclagem

"A gente fecha o ciclo todo. Desde o consumidor levar seu resíduo, até ele ter encaminhamento correto e aí depois a gente muitas vezes pluga a cooperativa com um convertedor, que a gente chama, com um reciclador, para vender de volta pra indústria. Então a gente realmente fecha esse ciclo todo da economia circular. Envolvendo o cidadão, que pra mim é super importante"