From trash to cash: Effort at Maple Shade school has students helping to raise money through recycling

When it comes to recycling, Sharon Sullivan, an educational assistant at Maude Wilkins Elementary School, takes it one step further. She recycles what was once considered unrecyclable and, at the same time, turns a profit for the school. “The students recycle their juice boxes and donate the money to charities,” said Interim Principal Wanda Pichardo. Sullivan, who has been employed at the school for 16 years, said she got the idea after reading about TerraCycle in a magazine.

Espresso i en fart

I denne uge kan to heldige læsere vinde en Tassimo-kaffemaskine. Kaffen produceres ved hjælp af kaffekapsler, som kan genbruges. --- Kraft Foods og TerraCycle har indgået et samarbejde, der betyder, at forbrugere kan sende Tassimo emballage portofrit til TerraCycle, der sørger for genanvendelse af emballagen.

TerraCycle: Abfall abschaffen durch spezifische Sammelprogramme

Seitdem TerraCycle als Studienprojekt des Princeton University Studenten, Tom Szaky, begann, hat sich das Konzept zu einem 20 Millionen Dollar-Unternehmen entwickelt. Heute kooperiert TerraCycle mit Marken wie BIC, Kraft Foods und L´Oréal, um Sammelprogramme für ihre schwer-recycelbaren Verpackungen und Produktabfälle zu entwickeln, die von Verkaufsverpackungen über gekaute Kaugummis zu vollen Windeln reichen. Die gesammelten Materialien werden dann zu neuen, umweltfreundlichen Konsumgütern und Baustoffen verarbeitet.

EcoInterview – Albe Zakes, VP of Media Relations for TerraCycle

On 9/16/11, I had a fun and informative interview with Albe Zakes.  He is the VP of Media Relations for TerraCycle. He has been with TerraCycle since 2006. That same year, INC magazine ran a story calling TerraCycle the “coolest little start-up in America”. They are still very cool and now exemplify a company that’s known for being at the   forefront of waste reduction worldwide! When it comes to sustainability – they get it in a BIG way.

Upcycling: The process of converting waste into usable products

Vicky Peck has a nickname some might find not so flattering, but she loves it when kids call her the “juice pouch lady” because it means they’re thinking about recycling. And getting kids to think about recycling is the first step. In two years, Peck and the students of Douglas Elementary School have recycled more than 55,000 drink pouches through a nationwide recycling program run by TerraCycle Inc. In return, the school has received $1,105 for enrichment programs, and the students have caught the recycling bug.

Valg af maskine og system

En oversigt af systemer, som hjælper forbrugeren med at vælge det rigtige system. Der bliver set på smag, budget og specielle ønsker. Tassimo er det eneste system, som kan tilbyde en genbrugsordning af kaffekapsler i samarbejde med TerraCycle i Danmark.

Brigada de recogida de Instrumentos de Escritura de TerraCycle

Brigada de recogida de Instrumentos de Escritura de TerraCycle TerraCycle es una empresa especializada en el reciclaje de productos post-consumidor no reciclables hasta el momento y han llegado a España con un innovador proyecto, "la Brigada de recogida de Instrumentos de Escritura". Participar es muy sencillo y completamente gratis. Las organizaciones, colegios, universidades o empresas que quieran participar sólo tienen que dirigirse a su web y registrarse. A partir de ese momento empieza la recolección de material de escritura (bolígrafos, rotuladores...) y cuando se tiene un mínimo de 500 unidades, se pega a la caja una etiqueta que se descarga directamente desde nuestra web y un servicio de mensajería la recogerá de forma gratuita.