Keep Martin Beautiful announces 2013 Environmental Stewardship Award winners

For nearly a decade, KMB has been hosting the annual Environmental Stewardship Awards as a way to recognize and celebrate the notable efforts within Martin County to promote environmental stewardship through education and action. But it was one group, in particular, that really stole the show. The crowd rose quickly in a standing ovation, complete with thundering applause, whistle blowing and napkin swinging as Bessey Creek Elementary School’s Team Green Recycle Buddies was announced as the winner in the youth and school category.

NEW SERVICE SPOTLIGHT: Cigarette Recycling by TerraCycle

Facility managers can send cigarette waste to be recycled free of charge by participating in a new program launched by TerraCycle and facilitated by funding from Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Co. The waste collected through TerraCycle’s Cigarette Waste Brigade will be recycled into a variety of industrial products, such as plastic pallets. Any remaining tobacco will be reworked into tobacco composting.

The Juice Pouch Brigade

LEWISBURG -- Girl Scout Troop 60017 holds a check for $300, earned by spending 15 hours working on the project The Juice Pouch Brigade. The girls collected, emptied, counted, made posters, and shipped juice pouches to Terracycle. The troop choose to donate the amount they earned to Kelly Elementary School. This is an ongoing project that the girls will continue to work on. Donations of juice pouches are welcome. Every empty juice pouch is worth 2 cents. The girls did this project to earn their Bronze Award.

BIC Beamer Wettbewerb

BIC und TerraCycle sind auf der Suche nach Deutschlands fleißigstem Schul-Sammelteam: Welche Schule schafft es bis zum 08. Mai die meisten leeren Stifte und Korrekturmittel zu sammeln und an unser Lagerhaus zu schicken?

Umwelt im Unterricht: Schulwettbewerb fördert Verständnis für Recycling - BIC Beamer Wettbewerb

Schüler, die ab sofort am Wettbewerb des Stifte-Herstellers BIC und des Recycling-Unternehmens TerraCycle teilnehmen, können ihre alten Stifte gegen einen neuen Beamer tauschen. Wer bis zum 8. Mai 2013 die meisten leeren oder kaputten Kugelschreiber, Druckbleistifte, Marker, Filzstifte oder Korrekturmittel sammelt und an TerraCycle schickt, gewinnt nicht nur den Beamer für sein Klassenzimmer, sondern tut gleichzeitig Gutes für die Umwelt. Die eingeschickten Stifte werden recycelt und zu neuen, nachhaltigen Plastikprodukten wie Parkbänken, Gießkannen oder Mülleimern verarbeitet.

Schulwettbewerb zum Thema Recycling

Schulwettbewerb: Stifte recyceln und Beamer gewinnen Weg mit der staubigen Tafel und den alten Griffeln! Wer bis zum 8. Mai 2013 die meisten leeren oder kaputten Kugelschreiber, Druckbleistifte, Marker, Filzstifte oder Korrekturmittel sammelt und an TerraCycle schickt, gewinnt einen Beamer fürs Klassenzimmer und tut gleichzeitig Gutes für die Umwelt. Denn die eingeschickten Stifte werden zu coolenneuen Produkten recycelt.

Recycling Old Flip Flops to Help the Environment

One of our favorite things to do is to find people or organizations coming up with some innovative ways to repurpose items that could pose as an environmental threat to our land and our lives. This year Old Navy is partnering with TerraCycle, one of the fastest growing eco-companies in the world, to encourage everyone to turn in old, used or broken flip-flops so that they could be used as material for playgrounds. The objective is to help eliminate waste through recycling. TerraCycle was founded by Tom Szaky in 2001 and to date has turned billions of units of waste into diverse recycled products. If you have any old, worn out flip-flops, regardless of their condition, do not throw them away!