TerraCycle har indgået et samarbejde med TASSIMO, der betyder, at forbrugerne kan indsamle og indsende brugte TASSIMO kapsler og emballage til TerraCycle, der sørger for genanvendelse til andre produkter.
Rick Wilson, left, and Jeff Parker display the Recycle Tricycle they constructed with recyclables brought to them by their third-grade students at Mesquite Elementary School in Casa Grande. The tricycle will be entered in the Box That Rocks contest sponsored by TerraCycle, an international recycling company.
He sends the butts to a New Jersey company, TerraCycle, which completely recycles them, without incinerating them and adding to pollution.
“This concept breaks the cycle. It keeps them out of the water; Casco Bay is safe. It’s just a neat way to do it,” said Roylos, whose inventions are available for “adoption” for $39 each by emailing
Her salon now participates in the TerraCycle’s Beauty Brigade, where up to 40 different types of beauty products can be collected and sent in. They include: shampoo and conditioner bottles, soap tubes and dispensers, foundation packaging, body wash containers and much more.
Starting in September, the free recycling program - operated by eco-pioneer TerraCycle – will include tiered rewards that allow participants to earn prizes as they also earn money for their school or charity.
¡Amigos y amigas que os preparáis para venir al V Murcia se remanga! Empezad a guardar los bolígrafos, rotuladores, tipex, portaminas, plumas y subrayadores que ya no funcionan.
Through a TerraCycle program called the Candy Wrapper Brigade, which awards points for each wrapper collected, the Center for the Performing Arts aims to provide 100 homeless, runaway or at-risk children with a year’s worth of school supplies to pursue their studies.
First grade teacher, Karri Stephenson, initiated the drive after finding the contest online earlier in September. If JLE students collect 200,000 aluminum foil juice pouches before August 2014, the school can win a new playground made of recycled materials from TerraCycle
Toen Gerrit Jan van der Kolm begin dit jaar van zijn vrouw hoorde over de BIC Schrijfwaren Brigade wist hij direct wat hem te doen stond: zoveel mogelijk pennen inzamelen voor het goede doel.
Met deze inzamelingsactie voor oude ...