Acton Family Network has partnered with Terracycle to collect hard-to-recycle waste. Everyone can join the Acton Family Network Food Pouch Brigade by collecting the used food pouches.
When you’re ready to go bigger, TerraCycle has launched a revolutionary new program called “Zero Waste Box.” This program allows salons, manufacturers, sales people, and any home or individual to send in 100 percent of their waste.
Countryside is participating in the Colgate and ShopRite Recycled Playground Challenge through the school’s partnership with TerraCycle. Countryside is hoping to win the contest’s grand prize, a playground made of recycled materials.
To ensure all materials found in The Naked Grape wine box packaging—from the paperboard box to the inner bag and spout—are fully recyclable across the country, The Naked Grape has partnered with TerraCycle.
Not sure what to do with your Little Bites pouches? Now you can recycle them with the TerraCycle Brigade programs and sign up your school if it is not already participating.
The school participates in the Drink Pouch Brigade®, a free recycling program for individuals or groups from Capri Sun and eco-pioneer TerraCycle®. To mark the milestone of almost 200 million drink pouches collected and almost $4 million given to charity since the start of the program six years ago.
The school participates in the Drink Pouch Brigade, a free recycling program for individuals or groups from Capri Sun and eco-pioneer TerraCycle.
Alte Stifte sammeln und dabei Gutes tun? Das ist möglich durch das Recyclingprogramm für alte Stifte. Dabei werden Stifte, leere Korrekturmittel und Co. erstmals rezykliert. Ins Leben gerufen vom Umweltunternehmen TerraCycle und dem Schreibwarenhersteller BiC, sollen Konsumenten, vor allem Schüler, für das Thema Nachhaltigkeit sensibilisiert werden. Auch soll das umweltfreundliche Recycling von Stiften ermöglicht werden.
Das internationale Recycling-Unternehmen TerraCycle ruft Sammelprogramme für Abfälle ins Leben, die bisher nicht recycelt wurden. Eines dieser Programme dreht sich um Dentalabfälle, die Patienten in ihrer Zahnarztpraxis abgeben können.