Dive Brief:
- TerraCycle has partnered with Recycle Across America and Participant Media to create standardized messaging for public recycling receptacles throughout the U.S. The goal of the revamped images is to increase the amount of materials diverted from landfills.
- The intention of the new labeling system is to aid the public in understanding exactly what types of materials are acceptable to discard in waste and recycling containers.
- The newly-designed labels have found their way to 2,000 schools across the country, and were also placed on bins in Europe and Canada. Corporations are also taking part, using the stickers on company receptacles to help employees distinguish what materials correspond to the proper bin. A total of 5,000 labels have been distributed so far.
Dive Insight:
The intiative, called “Recycle Right,” also provides tips and an informational video used to help the public increase their awareness of recycling. Part of the launch of the labeling system includes a new comedy show: “Human Resources,” created on behalf of Participant Media, features a storyline about a company in New Jersey that makes it a goal to reduce waste worldwide. The show begins running on August 8, 2014, on the Pivot Channel.
The standardization effort is not without precedent. In November 2013, the state of
Vermont released a new series of waste and recycling symbols. Officials said the purpose behind the new labeling system was to promote a consistent and easily-identifiable image for consumers. The goal of the project is to increase recycling and reduce waste.
BelovED Community Charter School in Jersey City has been educating children for two years, but it's missing one thing: a playground.
The school, which opened in September 2012, has not been able to get funding for a playground, but that might change soon.
With the help of ShopRite and Colgate, TerraCycle is currently running its Recycled Playground Challenge, an online contest for schools in the Mid-Atlantic region throughJune 30. The eight runner-up schools will receive various prizes from Colgate and ShopRite.
TerraCycle collects and recycles typically hard-to-recycle waste and turns it into new, innovative products.
BelovED has been leading the contest, but parents, teachers and students are doing all they can to make sure it stays that way.
"We're doing all we can through this last week to make a final push to make sure we win," said Parent Teacher Organization President, Elijiah Wells.
Wells said BelovED, which is located on Grand Street just west of the New Jersey Turnpike, has held a two-month campaign surrounding the contest for the playground, including a
YouTube video.
His 8-year-old twin daughters, Amira and Kayla, were out with their dad Thursday morning handing out fliers to commuters at the Journal Square PATH station. Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop stopped by to lend his support.
"In times of tough budget situations, we need to find ways to supplement money and resources," said Fulop. "This costs tax payers nothing -- just a vote."
"It's not seen as a necessity," added Bret Schundler, the former Mayor of Jersey City and supporter of BelovED.
Schundler, who also passed out fliers last week, said that after funding school necessities, there's not much left in the budget for a playground.
The students have been using a park near the school to play and a blacktop area at the school, but having a playground is the ultimate goal.
"We've been trying to get a playground since we opened," said physical education teacher John Taylor
Another way schools can gain "playground credits" or contest points is by sending in empty toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes, and floss containers to TerraCycle. One credit will be added for each shipment.
The winning school will be announced on July 18 and the playground will be installed during the back-to-school season of the 2014-2015 school year.
Click on the following link to vote for BelovED:
Tusindvis af indsamlede plastiklåg sendt til genbrug af Gjern Skole. Lågene går til genbrug via TerraCycle, og det indbringer samtidig penge til skolen. Det er en kampagne, som TerraCycle og den økologiske Arla Harmonie lancerede sidste år med indsamlingsprogrammet »Brug Låget!,« som både henvender sig til private, virksomheder, skoler og organisationer. Læs mere her:
Gjern Skole indsamler låg
I samarbejde med TerraCycle og Arla Harmonie har børnehaven Solstrålen i Hundslund sat sig for hjælpe miljøet ved at redde en masse låg fra mælk og yoghurt fra at ende på forbrændingen. Børnehaven har indsamlet mere end 18.500 låg, og hos Solstrålen har de besluttet, at de optjente penge skal gå til nogle projekter i børnehaven. Læs mere her:
Solstrålen i Horsens Folkeblad
Müll abschaffen – das ist die Mission, die sich TerraCycle auf die Fahne geschrieben hat! Mit speziellen Abfall-Sammelprogrammen sorgt das Unternehmen nämlich dafür, dass Müll, der bislang nicht oder nur sehr schwer recycelt werden konnte, ein zweites Leben bekommt!
Sabrina Penel était l'invitée de la rubrique "C'est quoi ton truc ?" sur Rouge FM pour parler de la collecte des déchets avec les programmes de TerraCycle, grâce auxquels elle récolte des dons pour son association Les Ateliers du Coeur. -