A local organization is mixing faith, and recycling.
"Well we truly believe that God calls us to care for creation, and part of caring for creation is caring for the earth,” said Karen Neder with Earthkeepers.
Karen helped found Earthkeepers back in 2007.
It's a group open to any religion, but all with the same mission: to be more environmentally friendly.
"As a way for churches in the Quad Cities area to get together and exchange ideas about greening their congregations,” said Karen.
And Karen has gone above and beyond to make her church, Trinity Lutheran, a greenhouse of worship.
She started by cultivating the crop of her fellow parishioners.
Putting up a display teaching what can, and can't be recycled in the church's own recycling program.
Karen said sometimes, it's been a challenge.
"It's amazingly confusing for people,” she said.
But then, just a couple of months ago, Karen took things to the next level.
She discovered an online recycling program called Terracycle.
“Terracycle is a program that I started here to encourage recycling of non–recyclables," said Karen.
It's as easy as taking things that you didn't know you could recycle; makeup, Chapstick, a Brita filter, putting them into a box, and sending them off.
"It's a website that you go to and you can join a specific brigade that's sponsored by a company,” said Karen.
A brigade is a specific group of items you're recycling.
For example, Kraft sponsors a cheese brigade, where you gather empty cheese wrappers.
When enough are collected, Karen puts them in a box and ships them off to the company, where they're recycled.
And you even get money for doing it.
"Whatever you collect, when you send it into Terracycle, they will give you whatever you collect and the points can be turned into a small amount of money for a charity or a school,” said Karen.
Karen chose Trinity Lutheran's preschool, Blessed Beginnings.
"The response was so great from parents,” said Karen.
A one woman show, Karen is merging faith and recycling into a perfect harmony for the future.
Recycling, upcycling, reuse: olyan kifejezések, amit egy magát kicsit is trendinek és tudatosnak tartó városlakó biztosan ismer, beszélje a világ bármelyik nyelvét. Az újrahasznosítás legnagyobb úttörői közt tartják számon a magyar származású, USA-ban ténykedő Tom Szaky-t, akinek cége, a TerraCycle a leglehetetlenebb hulladékokat is összegyűjti és újrahasznosítja. A kezdeményezésnek köszönhetően eddig több mint másfél millió egységnyi összegyűjtött szemét került jó helyre Magyarországon - olvasható a TerraCycle sajtóközleményében.
Recycling, upcycling, reuse: olyan kifejezések, amit egy magát kicsit is trendinek és tudatosnak tartó városlakó biztosan ismer, beszélje a világ bármelyik nyelvét. Az újrahasznosítás legnagyobb úttörői közt tartják számon a magyar származású, USA-ban ténykedő Tom Szaky-t, akinek cége, a TerraCycle a leglehetetlenebb hulladékokat is összegyűjti és újrahasznosítja. A kezdeményezésnek köszönhetően eddig több mint másfél millió egységnyi összegyűjtött szemét került jó helyre Magyarországon.
Recycling, upcycling, reuse: olyan kifejezések, amit egy magát kicsit is trendinek és tudatosnak tartó városlakó biztosan ismer, beszélje a világ bármelyik nyelvét. Az újrahasznosítás legnagyobb úttörői közt tartják számon a magyar származású, USA-ban ténykedő Tom Szaky-t, akinek cége, a TerraCycle a leglehetetlenebb hulladékokat is összegyűjti és újrahasznosítja. A kezdeményezésnek köszönhetően eddig több mint másfél millió egységnyi összegyűjtött szemét került jó helyre Magyarországon.
I samarbejde med TerraCycle og Arla Harmonie har 1.B på Torstorp skole sat sig for at hjælpe miljøet ved at redde en masse låg fra mælk og yoghurt fra at ende på forbrændingen. De vil sørge for at de masse låg bliver genanvendt innovativt til nye produkter som kan gøre gavn igen. Læs mere her:
1.B på Torstorp Skole
Eltörölni a szemét fogalmát – ez a világszerte több mint húsz országban működő, mára már befutott startup, a TerraCycle célkitűzése. A cég arról ismert, hogy neves gyártókkal összefogva a legextrémebb hulladéktípusokat is újrahasznosítja, legyen szó üdítős tasakokról vagy koszos pelenkáról.
Beder skole har gjort en indsats for miljøet. Det er sket ved, at børnene har indsamlet 30.500 låg fra mælke og yoghurtkartoner. De er blevet sendt til TerraCycle, som sammen med Arla kvitterer med penge for forsendelserne. De to virksomheder lancerede indsamlingsprogrammet Brug Låget! i april 2013. Læs artiklen her:
Beder Skole indsamler mælke- og yoghurtlåg.
I stedet for å kaste kaffekapsler, kan du nå levere dem i kirken.
Kateket og «kapsellan» Lill Marit Knutsen i Rønvik kirke er nemlig med i Tassimobrigaden. Og for øvrig levende opptatt av alt som er mulig å gjenvinne, skal gjenvinnes.
Ellsworth Elementary School students earn money and prizes for their school by collecting and recycling the drink pouches they use at home and in the lunchroom. Ellsworth Elementary School students have just reached the second level of TerraCycle and Capri Sun’s Drink Pouch Brigade® milestone contest by collecting more than 18,000 drink pouches. The students have earned more than $1,000 for their school by collecting the drink pouches.
The Drink Pouch Brigade® is a free recycling program that rewards people for collecting and sending their waste to TerraCycle® to be recycled or upcycled. The Milestone Program began in September 2013 when Capri Sun added prizes for collecting certain amounts. Now, in addition to the money they earn for each piece of waste collected, participants can win prizes made from recycled drink pouches, such as park benches, recycling bins, a playground, and other fun rewards.
"The Milestone Program is meant to inspire individuals and organizations to collect more waste while receiving prizes for their achievements," said Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle. "It is rewarding to see the students and administration get so involved in making this work. It’s an incredible achievement to have kept so many pouches out of the waste stream."
Thousands of other schools across the United States participate in the Drink Pouch Brigade. To learn more about the program or to sign up, visit
www.terracycle.com. The program is free to any interested organization or individual, and all shipping costs are paid. In addition, for each piece of waste received, participants earn money for a charity of their choice.
About Kraft Foods Group
Kraft Foods Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: KRFT) is one of North America's largest consumer packaged food and beverage companies, with annual revenues of more than $18 billion. With the spirit of a startup and the soul of a powerhouse, Kraft has an unrivaled portfolio of products in the beverages, cheese, refrigerated meals and grocery categories. Its iconic brands include Kraft, Maxwell House, Oscar Mayer, Philadelphia, Planters, Velveeta, Capri Sun, JELL-O and Lunchables. Kraft's 23,000 employees in the U.S. and Canada have a passion for making the foods and beverages people love. Kraft Foods Group is a member of the Standard & Poor's 500 and the NASDAQ-100 indices. For more information, visit www.kraftfoodsgroup.com and www.facebook.com/kraft.
About TerraCycle
TerraCycle, Inc. is an international upcycling and recycling company that takes difficult-to recycle-packaging and turns it into affordable, innovative products. Founded in 2001, TerraCycle is the world’s leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable post-consumer waste. TerraCycle works with more than 30 major brands in the U.S. and around the world to collect used packaging and products that would otherwise be destined for landfills. It repurposes that waste into new, innovative materials and products that are available online and through major retailers. The waste is collected through TerraCycle’s Brigade programs, which are free fundraisers that pay for every piece of waste collected and returned. For information on how to join a TerraCycle Brigade and on purchasing TerraCycle products please visitwww.terracycle.com.