Schulverein der Kreuzschwestern gestaltet Umweltprojekte für Schüler mit Zahnpflege-Recycling

Entsorgungsmöglichkeit für diesen Abfall, aber durch die Teilnahme am nationalen Sammel- und Recycling-Programm des Umwelt-Unternehmens TerraCycle und des Mundhygienespezialisten Colgate kann dieser Abfall erstmals recycelt werden. Zusätzlich erhält die Schule 2 Cent pro Zahnbürste und Co., die sie für ein gemeinnütziges Projekt ihrer Wahl spenden können.

Aider les enfants malades en collectant ses déchets

Les déchets des uns font le bonheur des autres : l’association Les Ateliers du Cœur, qui apporte aide et soutien aux familles d’enfants atteints d’une maladie chronique, l’a bien compris. Depuis peu, elle prend part à deux programmes innovants de l’entreprise écologique TerraCycle grâce auxquels, pour la première fois en Suisse, des biens de consommation courante comme les brosses à dents, les tubes de dentifrice mais aussi les stylos sont recyclés. En échange de chaque déchet envoyé gratuitement dans le cadre du programme, l’association reçoit deux points qu’elle peut transformer en dons financiers.

Royal Palm Elementary Students’ Recycling Efforts Earn Cash For School

Students from H.L. Johnson Elementary School earned money and prizes for their school this past spring by collecting the drink pouches they use at home and in the school’s cafeteria for recycling. The TerraCycle recycling company announced late last month that the H.L. Johnson Elementary students had reached the second level of the Capri Sun Drink Pouch Brigade contest by collecting more than 18,000 drink pouches. The students earned more than $2,700 for the school. The Drink Pouch Brigade is a recycling program that rewards people for collecting and sending their waste to TerraCycle to be recycled.Thousands of other schools across the United States participate in the Drink Pouch Brigade. For more information of the program, visit www.terracycle.com.

Thomas Prince Green Team Receives State Education Award

PRINCETON — On May 6, Princeton PTA Green Team parent volunteers and students from Thomas Prince School traveled to the Massachusetts State House to receive an Excellence in Energy and Environmental Education Award. The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs annually collaborates with the Secretary's Advisory Group on Energy and Environmental Education and the Massachusetts Environmental Trust to award and recognize schools and teachers (K-12 ) across the Commonwealth for their outstanding efforts in furthering energy and environmental education initiatives at their schools. The Thomas Prince School Princeton PTA Green Team was awarded top honors and a $400 award, as well as certificates of recognition from State Sen. Harriette Chandler and State Rep. Kimberly Ferguson. The award recognizes the efforts of Green Team volunteers, along with students in grades K-8 and teachers. Such efforts include: coordination and maintenance of an organic vegetable and herb garden, from which students enjoy two harvest celebrations each year; an annual daylong celebration of Earth Day with grounds cleanup efforts, nature hikes, environmental education and garden plantings; a TerraCycle fundraising initiative that literally turns trash to cash; and a student green team that engages in monthly hands-on activities encouraging environmental awareness. These efforts and more reinforce Thomas Prince School's dedication to hands-on learning under the school's STEAM initiative. Applauding the efforts of the Green Team, Thomas Prince School Principal, Mary Cringan, said: "We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated group of parents and staff that are committed to environmental education. The PTA Green Team under the leadership of Corey Burnham-Howard and Christine Rainville, work so hard to instill the importance of our mission at TPS. The entire community of Thomas Prince is grateful for their commitment." "This award recognizes the efforts of a team of dedicated parents, enthusiastic students and staff, and a supportive administration," said Christine Rainville, Princeton PTA Green Team co-chair. "But while we are thrilled to receive this recognition, the real satisfaction comes in knowing the Green Team is making a positive impact on the Thomas Prince School community."