Local Church To Host ‘Green’ Workshop

TIFTON — It ain’t easy being green, as the saying goes, but one local church wants to make it easier. St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, Tifton, will host a recycling and composting workshop this Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon, to help area churches improve their environmental stewardship. Registration is free. Part of a three-part Green Church Workshop Series across South Georgia, the workshop aims to educate the public on many ways to reduce and recycle waste on church campuses. It will include a tour of the church’s composting and recycling systems, including their collection bins for Terra Cycle, a recycling fundraising program. Participants can help build a new compartment to the church’s compost system using wooden pallets, and paint decorative “walls” to be attached to the outside of the compost bins. The group will also tour the church’s new community garden.

Virklund SFO kæmper for genanvendelse af skrald.

En af de institutioner, der er gået ivrigt ind i indsamlingen, er Virklund SFO. Herfra fortæller man gennem en pressemeddelelse fra miljøvirksomheden Terracycle og Arla, at børnene i SFO’en har indsamlet omkring 10.000 mælke- og yoghurtlåg, og da Arla belønner hvert låg med en femøre, er der altså cirka 500 kr. i belønning til SFO’en. Læs artiklen her: Midtjyllandsavis: Virklund SFO indsamler låg og genanvender.

Canada's largest casino joins Cigarette Waste Brigade

Canada's largest casino, through a partnership with TerraCycle, will be collecting cigarette waste separately from other garbage in a dedicated effort to reduce the casino's impact on the environment. Casino de Montréal will be part of TerraCycle Canada's Cigarette Waste Brigade program for used cigarette butts (as well as cigarette foil and plastic packaging waste). The items will be collected from the casino and diverted from landfills for the very first time. Cigarette butts are non-biodegradable and do not break down. The program will enable this pervasive waste item to be easily recyclable. "We are proud to launch the recycling program of cigarette waste with Terracycle," said Jacques Massé, the casion's Director of Administration. "This project is one of many initiatives undertaken by the Casino de Montreal to achieve its sustainable development action plan," he added. Casino site coordinators will collect cigarette litter and send the waste to TerraCycle to earn fundraising dollars. For every pound of cigarette waste collected, the casino will earn $1 towards a charity of their choice. The waste will be recycled into plastic pallets (also known as skids) for industrial use. Creating pallets from recycled cigarette waste will not only reduce the amount of litter, but will also reduce the need to use wood or virgin plastic to make commonly used industrial pallets. The organic parts of the waste - the paper, and remaining tobacco - will be composted. "TerraCycle is thrilled to have Canada's largest gaming facility, Casino de Montréal, collecting and recycling cigarette waste.  We would like to sincerely thank the casino for their leadership in sustainability and helping us divert the world's most littered item from landfill," said Nina Purewal General Manager, TerraCycle Canada. TerraCycle Canada currently offers over 20 waste-collection programs. To date, 2,225,019 Canadians have signed up and diverted 46,446,119 units of waste from landfill and donated more than $240,000 to schools or charities. For more information and to sign up, visit www.terracycle.ca.

Bouquets & Brickbats

Benjamin Franklin Elementary School students collected more than 18,000 Capri Sun pouches for recycling to earn $1,700 for the school as part of Capri Sun's Drink Pouch Brigade recycling program. In collaboration with TerraCycle, the Drink Pouch Brigade has collected more than 200 million recyclable pouches.

Granite City School Collects 18,000 Drink Pouches For Recycling Program

Students at Frohardt Elementary School in Granite City earn money and prizes for their school by collecting and recycling the drink pouches they use at home and in the lunchroom. Frohardt Elementary students have just reached the second level of TerraCycle and Capri Sun's Drink Pouch Brigade milestone contest by collecting more than 18,000 drink pouches. The students have earned more than $1,500 for their school by collecting the drink pouches. The Drink Pouch Brigade is a free recycling program that rewards people for collecting and sending their waste to TerraCycle to be recycled or upcycled. The Milestone Program began in September 2013 when Capri Sun added prizes for collecting certain amounts. Now, in addition to the money they earn for each piece of waste collected, participants can win prizes made from recycled drink pouches, such as park benches, recycling bins and a playground, among other things. To learn more about the program or to sign up, visit www.terracycle.com. The program is free to any interested organization or individual, and all shipping costs are paid.