CMS CURRENTS: A school that cares about the little things

In addition to saving the fresh water mussels, the environmental enthusiast Mrs. Wistriech has many other brainstorms for the school in order for it to be more environmentally friendly. For example, she wants our school to be legally certified as a “Green School,” which is a school that goes above and beyond merely caring for the environment. She has many plans for doing so, which include a recycling program called TerraCycle and composting.

Moving Beyond the Idea of Trash: Terracycle hits New Zealand

In 2001, Terracycle founder (and the man they now call the Zuckerberg of trash) Tom Szaky was just another university undergraduate trying to come up with an idea for the Princeton Business Plan Conest. An Autumn trip to Montreal introduced him to the wonder of worm farming and he was soon singing the praises of the fertilizer that they produce. Years of back breaking work and diversification later and Terracycle is now a global leader in waste minimisation – operating in 21 countries around the world, with 60 million consumers collecting waste for their repurposing operations. This extend far beyond fertilizer, with Terracycle now targeting the waste that has not traditionally been recycled, at both the pre and post-consumer level. What does this include? In the USA, Terracycle has 60 different waste streams, converting everything from used gum to cigarette butts to dirty diapers into (respectively) rubbish bins, assorted plastic products and compost – not bad, for what we once considered trash! In New Zealand, Terracycle is currently limited to two waste streams: Oral Care products (toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, floss containers etc), and Nescafe Dolce Gusto Capsules (from coffee machines) – but more are on their way. Of particular interest to sports clubs is the pending collecting for confectionary wrappers – stay tuned! So how does it work? Their system is simple. Interested individuals sign up online at www.terracycle.co.nz, choose a category of waste that they would like to collect and start collecting it. While Terracycle don’t provide a box for this (they want to encourage reuse of existing ones!), once your group has collected enough to fill a container your leader can request a free shipping label. This is affixed to the box and off it goes! For every piece of waste received, TerraCycle credits the group with a small donation (2 cents per item in NZ) that can be donated to any charity or school of their choice – meaning that your sports club can directly benefit, as well as reducing the waste sent to landfill. As LiteClub co-founder Michael Campbell says, “if we all do a little, together we can achieve a lot.”

Über 100.000 Zahnpflegeprodukte fürs Recycling gesammelt

Durch die seit 2013 bestehende Kooperation zwischen dem Recyclingexperten TerraCycle und dem Zahnpasta-Hersteller Colgate-Palmolive können erstmals Zahnpflegeprodukte nachhaltig entsorgt werden. Durch die Aktion werden vor allem Schulen, Zahnärzte und Büros angesprochen, die entsprechenden Abfallprodukte zu sammeln und an TerraCycle weiterzuleiten. Dort wird das gesammelte Material zu 100 Prozent zu neuen Produkten weiterverarbeitet. Für jede Abfalleinheit erhalten die Teilnehmer sogenannte TerraCycle-Punkte, die für einen gemeinnützigen Zweck der Wahl gespendet werden können.

Review: Terracycle Tent Dopp Kit

I’ll be honest, I had never heard of Terracycle until recently, and actually I am very surprised I hadn’t. The process by which they create their items is so innovative and environmentally friendly! Terracycle find ways to turn items that would usually not be recyclable, into brand new items!

Mountains Days 2014

Emballages en plastique, verre et métal, papiers usagers, encombrants ou encore mégots de cigarette, tel est l'inventaire à la Prévert des principaux déchets collectés lors des journées de ramassage, les Mountain Days 2014. Leur tonnage s'élève à 93 tonnes, soit 20 tonnes de plus que le précédent record en 2010. Cette augmentation sensible s'explique par un nombre plus important de spots ramassés cette année, 110 contre 61 en 2013, et 7300 volontaires. C'est grâce au nouveau collectif mis en place cette année, qu'une telle force de frappe a pu être déployée sur le terrain. Les Mountain Days, parrainés cette année par des sportifs comme Liv Sansoz, Julien Lizeroux, Marion Haerty ou Paul Delerue, sont désormais portés par un collectif tripartite, réunissant les partenaires financiers (représentés par le Conseil général des Hautes-Alpes), les partenaires techniques (TerraCycle et Green Trek), et les partenaires organisateurs (Mountain Riders, Mountain Bike Foundation, Bioskieur, Respect the Mountains), auxquels se joignent la Fondation Nicolas Hulot et J'agis pour la Nature.