Does your school need a new playground? If they are a participant of TerraCycle’s Colgate® Oral Care Brigade,™ they can receive votes for the
Recycled Playground Challenge - an initiative to help encourage good oral hygiene and recycling among students and consumers.
Does your school need a new playground? If they are a participant of TerraCycle’s Colgate® Oral Care Brigade,™ they can receive votes for the
Recycled Playground Challenge - an initiative to help encourage good oral hygiene and recycling among students and consumers.
Does your school need a new playground? If they are a participant of TerraCycle’s Colgate® Oral Care Brigade,™ they can receive votes for the
Recycled Playground Challenge - an initiative to help encourage good oral hygiene and recycling among students and consumers.
TerraCycle takes the waste collected from these receptacles and produces a variety of industrial products, such as plastics pallets, and any remaining tobacco is actually recycled as compost.
The GU packets themselves also benefit from a new recycling program offered through TerraCycle
TerraCycle, we hold the belief that everything is recyclable, or at least has the potential to be recycled.