Wooler schools hope to wrap up top prize
Conso. L’upcycling, faire des déchets une ressource
Produire, acheter, jeter. Ce processus de consommation courante est de plus en plus remis en question. L’heure est au réemploi et la tendance à l’upcycling.
« Rien ne se perd, tout se transforme. » On connaît l’adage. Et le recyclage. Un principe loin d’être neuf. L’upcycling, c’est un peu plus que ça.
From wrappers to riches
Stop the Stink with Tom’s of Maine Deodorant
There are certain topics I never thought I’d be talking about to my friends/family, let alone hundreds of thousands of strangers… but just like everybody poops, we all sweat too!
Invånare i Jönköping kämpar om 15 000
Kjemper om 15.000 kroner
MAY 26th The TerraCycle Vote happens at General Meeting. Come and Vote!
TerraCycle is a highly-awarded, international upcycling and recycling company that collects difficult-to-recycle packaging and products, that would otherwise be destined for landfills, and repurposes the material into affordable, innovative products.
DeFranco Elementary students ramp up recycling to compete for playground equipment
When the students at DeFranco Elementary School go outside for recess, they have no jungle gym, no swing set, no slides nor any other playground equipment to play on. This spring, they are asking for the public's vote to change that.
Which Social Media Networks Do Millennial PR Pros Really Use?
PR News brought together more than a dozen millennial communicators from PR agencies, corporations and nonprofits to gather insights into how this rapidly ascending generation views the PR profession, and their own future within it.