After visiting TerraCycle, a Trenton-based recycling operation, Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean and ranking Republican Environment Committeeman Christopher “Kip” Bateman introduced a resolution urging a statewide effort to keep out of landfills hazardous and hard-to-recycle materials.
Læs om Tjørnegårdsskolen som deltager i indsamlingsprogrammet Brug Låget. De indsamler mælke- og yoghurtlåg til fordel for Red Barnet.
Giv dine mælke- og yoghurtlåg nyt liv og aflever dem ved Hørning BørneUnivers' lokale indsamlingsplads på Toftevej 57 i Hørning. Lågene bliver genanvendt til nye mælkekasser.
The wrapper sat dejected on the ground, as if lost among the foliage. Faded yellow letters, barely visible against the discolored polypropylene packaging, spelled L-a-y-s.
I’m sure you’re wondering what I mean by “-cycling”. Well, I can’t simply say recycling because I’m TerraCycling too. So I figured “-cycling” is the best way go to.
Cigarette butts are, by some counts, the world’s number one litter problem.
Butts represent the most numerous form of trash that volunteers collect from the world's beaches on the Ocean Conservancy’s cleanup days.