Posts with term UN Award X

8 ripple effects of the circular economy in 2017

The effects of the circular economy — which swaps the "take, make, dispose" model for one in which resources are kept in play for as long as possible — spread far this past year. The United Nations presented recycling company TerraCycle with an award this year for working with P&G on the "Ocean Plastic Bottle," the first commercially available consumer-grade bottle made from 10 percent marine plastic and 90 percent recycled plastic.

2017: The year that… sustainability got innovative

Here’s things modern consumers like: efficacy, forward-thinking products, and a clean-living back-story to their brands. Procter & Gamble kick-started the year teaming up with TerraCycle and Suez to announce its new recyclable Head & Shoulders shampoo bottle made from beach plastic, said to be a world-first. Such was the success of this creation that P&G received the United Nation’s Momentum for Change award in the Planetary Health category in October this year.

U.N. salutes Trenton firm for repurposing plastic waste collected from ocean

TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky shows a shampoo bottle made with recycled plastic collected from beaches and oceans. (Phil Gregory/WHYY) The United Nations has recognized a Trenton-based recycling company for creating a shampoo bottle that’s made with plastic waste collected from beaches and waterways. TerraCycle chief executive officer Tom Szaky said 25 percent of the world’s plastic ends up in oceans, rivers, and lakes.

TerraCycle, P&G partner in a love-hate relationship with trash

Tom Szaky, the Hungarian-born CEO and founder of TerraCycle, dreams of chewing gum, cigarette butts and ocean plastic. His Trenton, New Jersey-based company aims to accelerate the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, a breakthrough in materials science, energy storage and other technologies, by cleaning up after heaps of waste and inventing inputs for items spurned by ordinary recyclers.

解决海洋塑料垃圾问题 宝洁可回收洗发水瓶获联合国大奖

特拉循环的首席执行官汤姆·萨奇(Tom Szaky)表示:“我们非常荣幸,应对世界上最大的环境问题,我们和我们的合作伙伴所做的努力得到认可。我们希望这个项目可以引起关注,帮助人们意识到海滩塑料问题的严重性,并鼓励大家参与其中。” 特拉循环开发难以回收物品的解决方案,如碎片袋、咖啡胶囊、笔,甚至是烟头等许多其他的物品,并将其转化为原材料。特拉循环在美国收集、转换和销售100多个原本用于垃圾填埋场的废物流。 联合国气候变化秘书处率先倡导的“变革的动力”揭示了全球人们应对气候变化的最具创新性、可扩展性和实用性的一些例子。“变革的动力”是联合国作为国家政府为实施“巴黎气候变化协议”和“可持续发展目标”而做出的广泛努力的一部分。特拉循环、宝洁和苏伊士是“星球健康”(Planetary Health)支柱的四个获奖者之一,也是五个类别中仅有的19项获奖者之一。2017灯塔行动包括一系列涉及可持续性、气候保护、环境意识和社会责任的项目和个人故事。