Posts with term Kiehl’s X

Made Better · 再造,更美——科颜氏 × 泰瑞环保 携手开启空瓶回收再造计划

2018年11月6日,科颜氏与泰瑞环保在中国进博会上正式启动在中国的“空瓶回收计划”项目,当日,科颜氏中国品牌总经理李琳女士、泰瑞环保亚太区总经理Eric Kawabata先生共同见证这一全新公益项目的盛大启幕。

On November 6, 2018, Kiehl’s and TerraCycle launched “Made Better” recycling program at China International Import Expo. General Manager of Kiehl’s China Ms. Li Lin and General Manager of TerraCycle Asia Pacific Mr. Eric Kawabata witnessed the grand opening of this new welfare program.



According to reports, Kiehl’s will sign a contract with TerraCycle under the name of L’Oreal China Group to officially launch its "Made Better" recycling project in China. Kiehl’s will set up collection boxes in stores to actively encourage consumers to practice environmental protection.


日本ロレアル様が最も優れた環境・社会活動を推進する企業に送られる「ベストCSR賞2017」を受賞しました。 記事によると、テラサイクルと恊働で取り組みを行っている、スキンケアブランド 「キールズ(Kiehl's)」の全店舗内で使用済み容器の回収活動が、リサイクルを通じて消費者に付加価値のある新たな製品やサービスを利用している点として、評価されたようです。

A Green Business Recycles the ‘Un-Recyclable’

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” as the saying goes. For TerraCycle founder Tom Szaky, it was more than a saying—it was also his business plan. Founded in 2003, TerraCycle takes your garbage—everything and anything you could throw away or recycle—and transforms it into consumer products like cutting boards, reusable grocery bags, and even yard fencing.

A Green Business Recycles the ‘Un-Recyclable’

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” as the saying goes. For TerraCycle founder Tom Szaky, it was more than a saying—it was also his business plan. Founded in 2003, TerraCycle takes your garbage—everything and anything you could throw away or recycle—and transforms it into consumer products like cutting boards, reusable grocery bags, and even yard fencing.