Posts with term Cleaners X

Teracycle Cleaners Review

I love using natural cleaners and I am happy to say that these from Terracycle products are both affordable and effective Terracycles products are made from all natural, non-toxic ingredients created to work well and be family friendly. I am particularly fond of the bathroom cleaner which can be used on everything from counters to tubs to mirrors.

Drain Cleaner Reviews

Isn't it annoying when your sink just won't drain! And it's like it plans to stop functioning right when you need to rush to work or when you're preparing to entertain guests. What are you to do in such a situation? First step, don't panic. Next step, get your can of drain cleaner and let it work its magic. Once the drain is clear, get on with your work. Simple isn't it? It is if you have the best drain cleaner. But do you know which one it is? Well, why don't you read the drain cleaner reviews in this article, try out the one that seems appealing to you and decide for yourself? Here we go. Terracycle Natural Drain Cleaner Here's a drain cleaner that is eco-friendly and devoid of any chemicals. The Terracycle Natural Drain Cleaner is one of the best options if you're looking for something that is not harmful to the pipe, and also a great unclogging agent. All the ingredients used in manufacturing this drain cleaner are perfectly biodegradable. Plus, it comes in a pack that is recyclable too. The only drawback of this drain cleaner is that it takes longer than chemical drain cleaners to unclog the pipe. But it works as efficiently, so give it a try for unclogging a drain and have a clean drain that does not use any harmful chemicals.

What Goes Around Comes Around: TerraCycle's Green Spin on Recycling

Many people have a very clear idea of what "recyclable" looks like, and many products are helpfully marked with the symbol of three arrows in perpetual triangular circulation. The meaning is clear — once used, recyclable products can be reused almost infinitely. But what of the non-recyclables? Do they, too, have purpose, or are they fated for the landfill, never to be used again? That's where TerraCycle comes in. On the Mary Baldwin campus, it is proving to be a force to be reckoned with. A small, up-and-coming company founded in 2001, TerraCycle makes use of products that are often challenging to recycle. From ink cartridges to digital cameras, Scotch Tape to candy wrappers, TerraCycle's eco-friendly approach takes several of these products to create items like all-purpose cleaners (made from soda bottles), bike pouches (made from energy bar wrappers), and backpacks (made from cookie wrappers). It is a creative approach that is environmentally friendly, efficient, and economical, shrinking the amount of trash sent into landfills in a way that has people paying attention.

Food and Beverage Packaging Industry Expected to Continue Green Efforts in 2011

For those not familiar with "Terracycle", it is one of many organizations that work to create useful items out of waste products. "Terracycle", in conjunction with both consumers and people from within the food and beverage industry, collects empty and discarded items like foil cheese packets, foil beverage pouches, potato chip bags, gum wrappers, beverage bottles and other items. "Terracycle" then converts those items into a wide array of new items like insulated coolers, garbage cans, fences, plant food, household cleaners, photo frames, jewel cases, clothing and fashion accessories. Part of the proceeds from the sale of those items is in turn donated to area schools and non-profit groups.

Food and Beverage Packaging Industry Expected to Continue Green Efforts in 2011

This increase in repurposing materials has caused food and beverage manufacturers like Kraft Foods to stand up and take notice. Proof in point is the company's recent decision to add foil cheese packets to their pre-existing "Terracycle Collection Program." In Packaging Everything Old is New Again For those not familiar with "Terracycle", it is one of many organizations that work to create useful items out of waste products. "Terracycle", in conjunction with both consumers and people from within the food and beverage industry, collects empty and discarded items like foil cheese packets, foil beverage pouches, potato chip bags, gum wrappers, beverage bottles and other items. "Terracycle" then converts those items into a wide array of new items like insulated coolers, garbage cans, fences, plant food, household cleaners, photo frames, jewel cases, clothing and fashion accessories. Part of the proceeds from the sale of those items is in turn donated to area schools and non-profit groups.

TerraCycle Natural All Purpose Cleaner

Oooh….we LOVE this product! We can spray it anywhere, including sealed granite countertops, tile floors, bath fixtures, and doors and it works just great on all of them. The “eco-friendly packaging” actually is pretty cute: the product comes in an old soda bottle, which is very clever and gives it a bit of an edge when compared with other natural cleaners on the market (hey: natural clearer and recycled package!).

TerraCycle Back to School Giveaway!

Have you heard of TerraCycle <http://www.terracycleshop.com/> ? They make environmentally friendly and affordable products, made from non-recyclable waste materials. They have over 50 products that sell at retailers such as Walmart, Target and Petco. TerraCycle products range from fertilizers to household cleaners to backpacks and toys. Their goal is to find unique uses for items that would go into landfills, and eliminate the idea of waste. TerraCycle also has a national program called TerraCycle Brigades <http://www.terracycle.net/Brigades> . This program allows you to earn cash for trash (money paid to schools and non-profits). You may choose which "Brigade" you want to join to begin collecting. Some of the Brigades include: Drink Pouch, Aveeno Beauty, Chip Bag, Writing Instruments and Cell Phone. Payout ranges from $.02 per item to $0.25 per item for cell phones.