Posts with term TerraCycle X

Don't ditch your ciggies, Council can recycle them

It's a common excuse litterbug smokers use when ditching their cigarette butts: 'it's ok, ciggies are bio-degradable'. Well it turns out that is a big old myth. According to Clean Up Australia, 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are littered every year, representing a massive headache not only for the people who clean them up but also for the wider environment. Despite popular misconceptions, cigarette butts do not breakdown over time and actually have adverse effects on the environment for years to come. Cigarette butts or filters are made up of thousands upon thousands of cellulose acetate fibres which, although bad for your health, are actually recyclable. Now Brisbane City Council, in conjunction with private business Terracycle, will be collecting the cigarette butts from 100 bins across the CBD in the trial of a new recycling program. Hamilton Ward Councillor David McLachlan said that cigarette butts alone make up 30 per cent of the rubbish Brisbane City Council picks up every year. "Out there down in Moreten bay, through our drains and gutters, it is our most littered item and they don't break down, they're not bio-degradable, they're mainly plastic and they'll stay in the environment for a couple of years at least." If this trial is successful, these butts in Brisbane's CBD at least will be recycled and reused while leftover papers and tobacco will be made into compost. "We're always looking at those products that currently aren't recyclable [and] finding a way to get them recycled." Cigarette butts is the latest."

Basisschool Op Dreef gooit geen pen meer weg

BRUINISSE - CBS Op Dreef manifesteert zich als een bijzonder groene school. Geen pen verdwijnt er nog in de prullenbak. Ze belanden op de school in Bruinisse voortaan in een recyclingbak. De school heeft zich aangesloten bij de BIC Schrijfwaren Brigade, een speciaal initiatief van BIC en TerraCycle voor alle soorten schrijfmiddelen. Voor elke pen die de school opstuurt ontvangt het een financiële bijdrage waarmee een goed doel naar eigen keuze kan worden gesteund.

Festi Créa le 6 juin au parc des Expo

L'Action catholique des enfants et la catéchèse du doyenné des Herbiers proposent un temps fort avec des animations, samedi.

Le comité de pilotage de l'Action catholique des enfants (ACE) et la catéchèse du doyenné des Herbiers se sont retrouvés, jeudi soir, à la maison paroissiale autour de Céline Marques, Véronique Jourdain, Frédérique Guérin et Daniel Archambaud pour préparer leur temps fort du samedi 6 juin.