Posts with term TerraCycle X

Recycling packaging is important, but doesn't the inside count?

Product packaging is the focus in our current recycling infrastructure. Metal cans, plastic containers and cardboard boxes are top of mind as far as recyclable items go, as these can be collected and processed at low cost and sold as an alternative to virgin material. Most packaging waste is less profitable and more difficult to recycle than these commodities, and some companies are taking it upon themselves to manage their own product packaging waste when the public infrastructure cannot. But why so much focus on packaging when product waste is equally important to consider?

Join Me in the Tom’s of Maine Less Waste Challenge

Did you know that the average American family produces nearly 125 pounds of waste every week? That’s a lot of garbage! I think about the amount of trash we generate every Sunday evening as we roll an overflowing garbage can to the curb for pickup the following morning. Although our recycle bins are generally filled, I continue to be amazed each week by the amount of garbage our family of 5 continues to produce. It’s time to change that.

Recycling cigarette butts? It’s happening in Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids city officials are hoping to cut down on cigarette butt litter with new disposal urns scattered throughout downtown. Melvin Eledge, operations manager and ambassador for Downtown Grand Rapids Inc., says the city is starting out with 17 of the urns, and 12 more are on the way. In the United States alone, 195 million pounds of cigarette butts are thrown onto the ground every year.  Smokers like Marc Matthews will think twice about throwing it on the ground now that Grand Rapids has the receptacles. "I think  it's a good thing.  Smoking is definitely a bad habit and it's nice to see that something good can come out of it," Matthews said.