Posts with term TerraCycle X

Garnier Fructis Revamps, Taps YouTuber Remi Cruz

Garnier is going after Gen Z.   The L’Oréal-owned mass brand is targeting young consumers with a new sustainability campaign, fronted by beauty influencer Remi Cruz and launched in tandem with a splashier Fructis range.   On March 7, Cruz — who has 1.6 million YouTube subscribers — will announce Garnier’s new Rinse, Recycle, Repeat campaign in a video on DoSomething’s YouTube channel. The campaign, which includes both national and college competitions, is a collaboration between Garnier, TerraCycle and DoSomething.org to encourage the recycling of bathroom products.   “Many people in the U.S. are accustomed to recycling their kitchen products, but not beauty products,” said Ali Goldstein, senior vice president of marketing at Garnier. “There’s a lot of beauty waste in our landfills.”   Garnier began partnering with TerracCycle on green initiatives, but Goldstein noted that DoSomething — the youth-targeted social change organization — was brought on to raise young consumers’ awareness of its sustainability efforts.   “We brought in DoSomething to reach out to young people — Millennials and college students — to encourage them to create social change,” said Goldstein.   As part of the national competition, participants can sign up at dosomething.org/rinse to decorate a bathroom recycling bin, to collect empty products and be entered to win a $5,000 scholarship. The college competition will challenge 50 college campuses to collect the most empty products, to be recycled and turned into a green garden.   “It’s essentially a PSA,” Goldstein said of the video Cruz will post to her channel.   The Rinse, Recycle, Repeat campaign is timed with the rollout of a total revamp of the Garnier Fructis line.   The products have been completely reformulated with a focus on “superfruits made of superactives,” and repackaged with a color coordination scheme featuring a different splashy hue for each range within the Fructis line. Ranges include shampoos, conditioners, styling products and treatment options suited for each specific hair type. “We’ve elevated the level of naturalness in our formula and modernized the packaging,” said Goldstein, who noted that each formula contains an “active fruit protein.” The active fruit proteins are designed to target specific hair issues. For instance, the Damage Eraser line, packaged in bright orange, contains amla oil extract to repair damaged strands, and the light green Sleek and Shine range harnesses marula oil for weightless frizz control.   Since its 2003 launch in the U.S., Garnier has been known for its neon green packaging. Injecting pops of color was key to this year’s brand revamp. “It’s about increasing the shelf presence and helping the customer navigate the store,” said Goldstein. “It was a little confusing with all that green.”   This month, a new, digital-heavy advertising campaign for Fructis will begin to roll out. Goldstein could not delve into specifics of the campaign, but noted that it was targeted at Gen Z and the younger end of the Millennial spectrum.   Adding to its sustainability initiatives, the new Garnier Fructis packaging is now made of 50 percent postconsumer recycled waste.   Despite tapping popular YouTuber Cruz for the Rinse, Recycle, Repeat campaign, Goldstein said Garnier is still wavering over whether it will sign an influencer in a more official capacity in the future. “We haven’t decided yet if we want to sign someone permanently,” she said. “Part of the credibility of an influencer is having them be a little objective. When they move from the modern influencer route to the classical celebrity ambassador, do they lose their credibility? It’s something we’re talking about.”

River Institute's documentary premieres at OPG

CORNWALL, Ontario - This Saturday, March 4, the St. Lawrence Power Development Visitor Centre joined the St. Lawrence River Institute in celebrating the Cornwall premiere of their documentary, “A Great River Runs Through Us.” The film follows last summer's Great St. Lawrence River Cleanup, giving people a glimpse into massive community undertaking.
  The documentary was filmed by Vince Pilon over the course of five months, and showcases the partnerships between various community groups as they work together to restore the St. Lawrence River to its former glory. Partners included Raisin River Conservation Authority, the Seaway Valley Divers, Cornwall Lunker Club, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and Ontario Trillium Foundation, and more – all of whom played critical roles in facilitating the cleanup. “We are a throwaway culture,” said Karen Douglass Cooper, Communications Specialist, the River Institute. “It’s so obvious, it’s disturbing.” At one point, kerosene was being routinely pumped into the river to keep the foam down, said Douglass Cooper. “Kerosene was great at suppressing the foam – but we were pumping fuel into our river so we could hide that we were polluting our river.” “Delusion became the solution to pollution,” said Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Environmental Science Officer, Henry Lickers. “They’d just dump it into the river, and the St. Lawrence River became an alphabet soup.” Having pulled out shopping carts, a cash till, and more Tim Horton’s coffee cups than anyone could count, thanks to TerraCycle Canada, much of the garbage will be recycled at no cost to the city. With most of the hard plastics to be melted down and repurposed, things like cigarette butts will be primarily used for composting. Juice boxes, which were also a dime a dozen during the cleanup, will be turned into backpacks. “It’s really about bringing yourself into the community and understanding the way you should engage with the environment, that we all are a part of it,” said MCA Environment program's Abraham Francis. “We aren’t separate from it, we aren’t better than it, and it’s our responsibility to repair and aid what we’ve cause to it.”

Garnier Fructis Revamps, Taps YouTuber Remi Cruz

The beauty influencer will announce the brand's new sustainability campaign in a DoSomething.org video. Garnier is going after Gen Z.   The L’Oréal-owned mass brand is targeting young consumers with a new sustainability campaign, fronted by beauty influencer Remi Cruz and launched in tandem with a splashier Fructis range.   On March 7, Cruz — who has 1.6 million YouTube subscribers — will announce Garnier’s new Rinse, Recycle, Repeat campaign in a video on DoSomething’s YouTube channel. The campaign, which includes both national and college competitions, is a collaboration between Garnier, TerraCycle and DoSomething.org to encourage the recycling of bathroom products.   “Many people in the U.S. are accustomed to recycling their kitchen products, but not beauty products,” said Ali Goldstein, senior vice president of marketing at Garnier. “There’s a lot of beauty waste in our landfills.”   Garnier began partnering with TerracCycle on green initiatives, but Goldstein noted that DoSomething — the youth-targeted social change organization — was brought on to raise young consumers’ awareness of its sustainability efforts.   “We brought in DoSomething to reach out to young people — Millennials and college students — to encourage them to create social change,” said Goldstein.   As part of the national competition, participants can sign up at dosomething.org/rinse to decorate a bathroom recycling bin, to collect empty products and be entered to win a $5,000 scholarship. The college competition will challenge 50 college campuses to collect the most empty products, to be recycled and turned into a green garden.   “It’s essentially a PSA,” Goldstein said of the video Cruz will post to her channel.   The Rinse, Recycle, Repeat campaign is timed with the rollout of a total revamp of the Garnier Fructis line.   The products have been completely reformulated with a focus on “superfruits made of superactives,” and repackaged with a color coordination scheme featuring a different splashy hue for each range within the Fructis line. Ranges include shampoos, conditioners, styling products and treatment options suited for each specific hair type. “We’ve elevated the level of naturalness in our formula and modernized the packaging,” said Goldstein, who noted that each formula contains an “active fruit protein.” The active fruit proteins are designed to target specific hair issues. For instance, the Damage Eraser line, packaged in bright orange, contains amla oil extract to repair damaged strands, and the light green Sleek and Shine range harnesses marula oil for weightless frizz control.   Since its 2003 launch in the U.S., Garnier has been known for its neon green packaging. Injecting pops of color was key to this year’s brand revamp. “It’s about increasing the shelf presence and helping the customer navigate the store,” said Goldstein. “It was a little confusing with all that green.”   This month, a new, digital-heavy advertising campaign for Fructis will begin to roll out. Goldstein could not delve into specifics of the campaign, but noted that it was targeted at Gen Z and the younger end of the Millennial spectrum.   Adding to its sustainability initiatives, the new Garnier Fructis packaging is now made of 50 percent postconsumer recycled waste.   Despite tapping popular YouTuber Cruz for the Rinse, Recycle, Repeat campaign, Goldstein said Garnier is still wavering over whether it will sign an influencer in a more official capacity in the future. “We haven’t decided yet if we want to sign someone permanently,” she said. “Part of the credibility of an influencer is having them be a little objective. When they move from the modern influencer route to the classical celebrity ambassador, do they lose their credibility? It’s something we’re talking about.”

Davos, en Suiza, comienza a reciclar las colillas de cigarrillo

Fruto de un acuerdo de colaboración entre la ciudad de Davos y la empresa TerraCycle, sus habitantes ahora puede reciclar sus colillas de cigarrillos gracias a la colocación de unos depósitos fácilmente accesibles y bien señalizados ubicados en lugares públicos a lo largo de las calles principales del municipio.

Los residuos generados por los fumadores, principalmente las colillas de cigarrillos, son los elementos de basura más comunes en el mundo. Se estima que 766 millones de kilogramos de colillas de cigarrillo terminan esparcidos como basura en el mundo en un año. Eso equivale a que aproximadamente uno de cada tres cigarrillos terminan como basura sin recoger. Las colillas de los cigarrillos no son biodegradables y no se descomponen rápidamente, lo que los convierte –a pesar de su pequeño tamaño– en un serio peligro para el medio ambiente cuando no se recogen correctamente.

Se espera que esta nueva iniciativa de reciclaje de residuos de cigarrillos en Davos aumentará la implicación ciudadana para ayudar a limpiar su comunidad, recogiendo miles de colillas de cigarrillos que actualmente terminan en basureros e incineradoras, o lo que es peor, en muchos casos desafortunadamente se convierten en basura que ensucia las calles y contamina el medio ambiente.

Todos los residuos de cigarrillos recogidos en estos nuevos contenedores serán enviados a TerraCycle y luego reciclados en una variedad de productos plásticos útiles, tales como palés o tableros para la construcción, reduciendo la necesidad de utilizar plástico virgen. En cuanto a las partes orgánicas de los residuos –el papel y el tabaco restante– serán compostadas.

Activities Peter Pond Lake 193 / Description

Event in Mississauga Valley

Port Credit Lighthouse  till  Organized by : Trash Walking Moms

I pick up a lot of trash every day, and I often take photos. I hope that this page will encourage more people to do the same. Send me pics of what you pick up, be it one plastic bottle or a whole bag of crap. Let's pick it up!

Activities Mississauga Valley / Description

Come on Mississauga! Join volunteers all across Canada on May 6th to help reduce the number of cigarette butts polluting our environment. Last year we picked up 122,800 butts in one day and sent them to TerraCycle Canada for recycling, this year we have a goal of picking up over 200,000 but we need your help! Join the Mississauga Butt Blitz Event to help make a HUGE environmental impact across Canada! All you have to do is grab yourself a pair of gloves, a ziplock bag, and a permanent marker! Collect cigarette butts from local parks, beaches, shorelines, streets, and other public places. Count them as you go, and give them to your location's event coordinator (that's me, Cindy Wilding) on May 6th who will ship them to TerraCycle Canada for recycling! You can start collecting as soon as the snow melts, or join us for the community cleanup on May 6th! Are you ready to "Kick some Butt", Mississauga ? Sign up here! Invite your friends! Visit https://www.agreenerfuture.ca/ for details


一般人眼里往往需要花钱处理的垃圾在他看来不再是垃圾,而是具有某种独特价值的商品。于是,他创办了TerraCycle公司。他把别人视为垃圾的东西作为原材料,把食堂的剩饭剩菜喂食给蚯蚓,再用蚯蚓的粪便制成肥料;把葡萄酒园废弃不用的酒桶改造成旋转堆肥机和收集雨水的雨桶;用旧软木塞批量生产软木板;用果汁袋做成手提包、铅笔盒和背包;用奥利奥饼干包装纸制成垫布、托盘、台布、环保袋和浴帘;他还将电子垃圾与被人们视为垃圾的涂鸦艺术相结合,开发出“城市艺术花盆”…… 如今TerraCycle已经是知名的环保绿色企业,拥有几百种独特的升级回收的产品。可以说汤姆·萨基创造了一个又一个奇迹,而闪耀在这些奇迹的背后是他的创新思维。他的创业之路从一开始就不同寻常。



Gracias a los programas de reciclaje impulsados por TerraCycle se apoya con donativo a Reforestamos México.

Parte de los fondos recaudados del canje de puntos de las brigadas de recolección de bolsas de botanas, de pan y pan dulce; empaques de galletas, jabones y productos de cuidado bucal de TerraCycle se donaron a Reforestamos México, asociación comprometida con la conservación de los bosques y selvas del país.

Con el donativo, Reforestamos México realizará actividades para el desarrollo y emprendimiento de proyectos forestales con las comunidades que habitan en selvas y bosques y viven de ellos. Un ejemplo de ello es el emprendimiento de Selva Viva 3G, un grupo de 9 mujeres que trabajan en el procesamiento de productos derivados de la semilla del árbol de ramón, que se ubica en la localidad de Tres Garantías en Quintana Roo.

Este tipo de proyectos orientados al desarrollo sostenible demuestra que los bosques y selvas generan beneficios al desarrollo social y económico del país, así como producen riqueza y bienestar en comunidades alejadas de la urbanización.

“La iniciativa privada debe ser un aliado estratégico para lograr grandes metas ambientales”, menciona Lizbeth Villalobos de Reforestamos México.

En la actualidad, la inversión social empresarial es fundamental para la solución de algunas problemáticas sociales que aquejan al país. Y la labor de Reforestamos México contribuye al posicionamiento de las selvas y bosques de forma competitiva y sostenible dentro de la esfera empresarial, a su vez asegura la conservación de los recursos naturales.