Posts with term TerraCycle X

Bioplastics, Biodegradable Plastics, & Compostable Plastics: What’s the Difference?

image.png The global bioplastic market is growing rapidly. Bioplastics, biodegradable plastics, and compostable plastics divert our demand for plastic and help lighten the load on our planet by, theoretically, breaking down in weeks rather than centuries. It’s an important step forward for single-use packaging, but we still encourage you to look for plastic-free options. Let’s dig into the realities of biodegradable plastics. Despite high hopes for these alternatives to help build a circular economy, there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding how to dispose of them properly at their end of life. Do you know the difference between these bioplastics?

Bioplastics Cover a Wide Ground

A wide range of materials falls under the umbrella of bioplastics, which are commonly defined as “biobased, biodegradable, or both.” It might surprise you to know that a bioplastic can be non-biodegradable or contain no bio-based materials. It can even be 100% fossil-based. To complicate matters, a bioplastic “can be any combination of being partially bio-based, fully bio-based, non-bio-based, biodegradable, compostable or non-biodegradable, so long as it is not both non-bio-based and non-biodegradable.” Let’s break it down a little further, shall we?

What Are Bioplastics?

Plastic that is fossil fuel-based and non-biodegradable is what we know as conventional plastic. It takes centuries for most of these plastics to breakdown in the environment, and oil-derived plastics leave toxic byproducts in the soil or water. But if  a plastic is biobased and biodegradable or biobased and non-biodegradable, it can be classed as a bioplastic. Chart showing different types of bioplastics Bioplastics are commonly made of corn starch, cassava, or sugarcane. They provide an alternative to petroleum-based plastic and decompose faster and with fewer leftover toxins. But the idea that these plant-based plastics are natural carries with it big misconceptions. These plant-based plastics’ biomass content releases methane as it decomposes and they act like conventional plastics in the ocean, degrading into microplastics and harming marine life that mistakes it for food. How do you recycle or dispose of bioplastics? Right now, many products in this category are labeled as Plastic #7 (or mixed). They will contaminate waste streams if put into the curbside bin in almost all locations in the U.S. Check the packaging, call your municipality, and browse TerraCycle for alternative recycling programs, but if no one accepts it, you have to toss it. Placing #7 plastic in your recycling bin can ruin plastic recycling processes at the materials recovery facility (MRF) that receives it. Long-term, we need a stronger infrastructure to collect bioplastics and industrial composting facilities to close the loop. Like so much of our recycling infrastructure, plastic recycling is stuck in the late 20th Century.

What Is Biodegradable Plastic?

The term “biodegradable” can also mislead consumers because the process of breaking down the material in a compost pile depends heavily on humidity and temperature. Many plastics that carry this claim will only biodegrade in industrial conditions that reach hot enough temperatures. A few cities, such as San Francisco and Seattle, have invested to ensure their compost programs achieve industrial temperatures, but the vast majority have not. This highlights the need for caution about what you choose to recycle. There are many types of biodegradable plastics, but the most common are starch-based polylactic acid (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). PLA can “look and behave like polyethylene (used in plastic films, packing, and bottles), polystyrene (plastic foam and plastic cutlery), or polypropylene (packaging, auto parts, textiles)” while PHA is created by microorganisms that produce plastic from carbon-rich organic material and is used in industrial applications, such as making injection-molded auto parts. Oxodegradable plastics, or conventional petroleum-based plastics with additives that help them break down faster, are another subset of biodegradable plastics. California is the only state with labeling laws to keep the terms separate. How do you recycle or dispose of biodegradable plastics? Contact your municipality to ask if they are eligible for local composting programs, consider TerraCycle’s Zero Waste Box for biodegradable or compostable plastic, or throw them away.

What Is Compostable Plastic?

Compostable plastics are another subset of biodegradable plastics, but while all compostable plastics are biodegradable, not all biodegradable plastics are compostable. These products are generally thought by consumers to be compost at home but that is not the case — it requires industrial composting. Most compostable plastics are biobased and designed to break down within three to six months. Unfortunately, this confusion can lead to littering. While compostable plastics have a smaller carbon footprint, they don’t solve our throwaway culture. How do you recycle or dispose of compostable plastics? Sadly, you can’t compost them. Like biodegradable plastics, compostable plastics do not necessarily break down in all commercial composting facilities. Talk to your municipality about existing or planned composting facilities that can process compostable plastics. Or consider TerraCycle’s option for compostable plastic.

For Now, Treat Bioplastics as Plastic

The reality is, we are creating bioplastics faster than the infrastructure we need for their safe, circular disposal — and multinational brands must lead the way on clear, transparent labeling to educate consumers. Until we establish an end-of-life solution for bioplastics, they’ll end up in the landfills or polluting waterways the same as conventional plastic. That’s why it might be helpful to think of them — for now — as exactly that: plastic. Cut down your plastic use to make the biggest positive impact for the planet.

Logística reversa para embalagens

A Nestlé e a TerraCycle se uniram para reduzir a presença das embalagens de biscoitos, chocolates e salgadinhos nos aterros sanitários. Feitas por um tipo de plástico metalizado chamado Polipropileno Biorientado (Bopp), o material não atraía a atenção de cooperativas de reciclagem por ser muito leve.

Six easy ways to make your beauty routine more eco-friendly – from simple swaps to handy recycling schemes

Approximately eight million tonnes of plastic makes its way into our oceans each year, and just nine per cent of plastic is recycled worldwide. And the beauty industry – with its large amount of packaging and non-recyclable items such as cotton buds and face wipes – has historically been one of the number one culprits. Fortunately the beauty world is now catching up, with many brands making concerted efforts to adopt more sustainable practices in an effort to limit their impact on the environment. Because of its fiddly packaging and tough formulas, make-up used to be one of the trickiest beauty products to recycle. In fact, Maybelline found that a third of make-up wearers didn’t even know that these products could be recycled. Here to tackle the problem, Maybelline has teamed up with Terracycle to introduce make-up recycling bins in over a thousand Tesco, Boots, Sainsbury’s and Superdrug stores across the country. Simply drop in any old cosmetics, from ANY brand, and you can be sure they’ll be properly recycled. Click here to find your nearest drop-off point.

Nestlé cria programa de reciclagem de embalagens

A Nestlé criou um programa que concilia a reciclagem de embalagens laminadas de chocolates e biscoitos com o repasse de recursos a entidade sociais. Desenvolvido em parceria com a TerraCycle, segundo comunicado da marca, o programa de reciclagem envolve capacitação de cooperativas de catadores e o engajamento de consumidores para a correta destinação e reaproveitamento das embalagens de filme plástico metalizado conhecido na indústria como BOPP (polipropileno biorientado).

Nestlé lança programa para reciclar embalagens de chocolates e biscoitos

Programa inclui capacitação de cooperativas para reciclagem do material e a mobilização de consumidores para destinação das embalagens, que podem ser enviadas sem custo A Nestlé acaba de lançar um programa para reciclagem de embalagens de filme plástico metalizado, geralmente usadas em chocolates e biscoitos. Desenvolvido em parceria com a TerraCycle, empresa focada em criar soluções para resíduos difíceis […]

Plastic Waste Management Market to Remain Lucrative During 2026

PMR delivers key insights on the global plastic waste management market in its revised report titled ‘Plastic Waste Management Market: Global Industry Analysis 2013 – 2017 and Forecast, 2018 – 2026.’ The long-term outlook on the global plastic waste management market will remain positive with the plastic waste management market value expected to increase at a CAGR of 3.9% during the forecast period 2018 – 2026. According to the resin type, the thermoplastic segment is expected to register healthy growth during the forecast period with the generation of a high amount of plastic waste from industries. Based on the source of waste collection, the container & packaging segment is expected to witness a significant CAGR in terms of volume and value during the forecast period. Sales of plastic waste management in the global market is estimated to reach US$ 33,681.2 Mn by the end of 2018, witnessing a Y-o-Y growth of 3.2% over 2017. North America and Europe are collectively expected to account for over a 2/5th share in the global plastic waste management market by the end of 2018 and retain their position in the plastic waste management market during the forecast period. Get Sample Copy of Report @ https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/11545 Global Plastic Waste Management Market Dynamics Growing end user demand for a higher content of recycled plastic in bottles is expected to boost the growth of the plastic waste management market over the forecast period. Utilization of recycled content in packaging reduces the environmental footprint of the package and incentivizes recycling. Various brand owners have shown strong commitment towards utilizing post-consumer recycled content in their products and packaging solutions, while ensuring that their products are compatible to be recycled with existing products. Limited market communication and value chain coordination is expected to be the key factor restraining the growth of the global plastic waste management market over the forecast period. The plastic waste value chain is highly fragmented and comprises various sectors, diverse and often mutually exclusive range of polymers and diversity in potential end-uses. The quality and quantity of the material flowing though the value chain is limited by coordination and lack of communication along the value chain. Utilization of plastic waste for the construction of roads is one of the key trends identified in the plastic waste management market across the globe. Various organizations across the globe are focusing on the development of plans to build houses utilizing plastic bottles to provide environment-friendly houses. Global Plastic Waste Management Market Forecast On the basis of resin type, market insights suggest that the thermoplastic segment will continue to dominate the plastic waste management market during the forecast period followed by thermosetting segment.  On the basis of nature of service, the processing segment followed by disposal segment is projected to dominate the plastic waste management market in terms of values and volumes during the forecast period. On the basis of source of waste collection, packaging & container segment to remain dominant throughout the forecast period in the global plastic waste management market. The North America Plastic Waste Management market is dominate the global plastic waste management market throughout the forecast period. The rest of Europe is expected to dominate the Europe plastic waste management market, owing to the landfill ban across various countries in the region. The India plastic waste management market is expected to register the highest growth over the forecast period. Global Plastic Waste Management Market: Competitive Landscape Some of the market participants included in the report are B. Schoenberg & Co., Inc., Advanced Environmental Recycling Technologies, Inc., Replas, Clear Path Recycling, PLASgran Ltd., Custom Polymers, Inc., CarbonLITE Industries, Luxus Ltd., wTe Corporation, KW Plastic, Inc., Kuusakoski Group, Shanghai Pret Composites Co., Ltd., Republic Services, Inc., Reprocesses Plastic, Inc., 4G Recycling Inc., Vanden Global Ltd., TerraCycle, The WasteCare Group and Veolia Environmental SA.

Nestlé lança programa para reciclar embalagens de chocolates e biscoitos

Nestlé acaba de lançar um programa para reciclagem de embalagens de filme plástico metalizado, geralmente usadas em chocolates e biscoitos. Desenvolvido em parceria com a TerraCycle, empresa focada em criar soluções para resíduos difíceis de reciclar, o programa inclui a capacitação de cooperativas de catadores para a reciclagem do material e a mobilização de consumidores para a destinação correta das embalagens.

String Recycling: New Life from Old Strings

The structure and shape of strings make them difficult and costly to recycle. But that hasn’t stopped some manufacturers from tackling the challenge, and even extracting metal from old strings to use in new ones, writes Tom Stewart
Like the infamously difficult-to-recycle disposable coffee cup, strings are composite items, and their wiry, flexible form makes it tricky to process them in traditional machinery. Far removed from their humble origins as single pieces of animal gut, modern strings usually contain one or more different metals, often surrounding a core made of steel, gut, or more frequently a synthetic material. Take, for example, the E string of Thomastik Infeld’s Peter Infeld violin strings. Players can choose between a tin-plated carbon steel core and a stainless steel core with either gold or platinum plating. Or how about D’Addario’s Helicore cello strings, which feature a multi-stranded steel core wound, depending on the pitch of the string, in titanium or a combination of tungsten and silver. ‘All these metals are easily recyclable individually,’ says D’Addario’s Brian Vance. ‘When you have to smelt them down together, though, it very quickly stops making financial sense to separate them back out again into their component parts. It’s good for the environment but it doesn’t tend to make you any money.’ Another limiting factor, as Alex Payne of US recycling firm TerraCycle explains, is the strings’ shape. ‘They’re long, thin and bendy, so they routinely tie up the shredders that are usually employed to process materials for recycling,’ he says. ‘To avoid having to build different shredders, we compress the strings before we prepare them for smelting.’ Perhaps unsurprisingly, the majority of string makers I contacted suggested that recycling strings was an environmental red herring. Due to the transportation required to move strings between them, the consumer and the factory, these manufacturers say any environmental benefits would be lost. In other words, they do not recycle strings because of their commitment to sustainability. ‘Returning the strings to us in Denmark would require scrap metal to be shipped around the world, which isn’t something we support,’ says Ole Wichmann of Larsen Strings. ‘When customers ask us about this, we recommend they use whatever recycling solutions are available to them locally.’ For-Tune Strings, based in Beijing, has also considered the merits of recycling used strings, but decided against it on environmental and technological grounds. ‘From our point of view, the benefits of string recycling do not account for the energy required to ship the strings back to the manufacturer,’ says For-Tune’s research and development manager Curdin Coray.
‘Being long, thin and bendy, strings routinely tie up the shredders that are usually employed to process materials for recycling’– Alex Payne, TerraCycle  


On the other hand, D’Addario launched a recycling programme with TerraCycle in 2016 called Playback. Although the scheme is only available to customers in the US, it has already recycled more than six million strings. TerraCycle, which describes itself as ‘the global leader in collecting and repurposing hard-to-recycle waste’, processes complex items like Pringles tubes and contact lens packaging, often working in partnership with producers to offer consumers a way to recycle items that municipal services are unable to accept. ‘Playback allows customers to send us any strings produced by any manufacturer,’ says Vance. ‘Then we pass them on to TerraCycle for processing. The whole thing is funded entirely by us.’ It should be clear by this point that recycling a string is an expensive business, so why do it? I put Coray’s point about energy use to Payne, who responds that recycling always prevents an item from ending up as waste. And, he says, since ‘more than 90 per cent’ of the energy used in manufacturing is expended processing raw materials, recycling is almost always a means of reducing energy consumption. Although D’Addario and TerraCycle accept all strings made from metal or synthetics for recycling, the majority of those they receive are guitar strings, a large proportion of which are 100 per cent nylon. ‘After the strings with metal components have been removed, the nylon ones are melted down and turned into pellets for a range of industrial plastic applications, like manufacturing the fleecy material used to line the ceiling of a car,’ Payne explains. All strings, regardless of their composition, have to be compacted before they are melted in an extruder, a stage of the process for which TerraCycle had to design and implement an additional piece of machinery. As Vance pointed out, separating out the numerous metals from which strings are constructed, while technically possible, is economically unsustainable. Instead, TerraCycle uses the molten alloys to create ingots that can be sold to manufacturers of new products, like car wheel rims, that require similar chemical compositions. Synthetic cores at the centre of many strings cannot be separated from their metal surroundings, but are simply vaporised as a result of the extreme temperatures required. Larsen’s and For-Tune’s concerns about transportation appear to be shared by D’Addario, but there are ways, they say, to keep financial and environmental costs down. ‘Once players have collected at least two pounds’ worth of used strings, they can download a pre-paid postage label from the website and use it to send the strings to us,’ says Vance. ‘Having them send the strings in bulk reduces the cost and the carbon footprint of the operation. We encourage people to send not just their own strings, but those of their friends, school and orchestra, too.’ Anyone who finds this impractical can deposit their strings in special bins at hundreds of locations across the US. ‘There’s a Playback bin at every branch of Music & Arts, and hundreds more at independent retailers and instrument makers,’ Vance explains. Courtyard_3 hese numbers make clear the scale of D’Addario’s operation, which would clearly be beyond the means of most string makers, many of which – in Europe at least – are still run as smaller-scale family businesses. D’Addario, on the other hand, is the world’s largest manufacturer of strings for musical instruments, and produces tens of millions of them each year. In other words, they may be able to take a significant financial hit in exchange for the marketing boost that this kind of corporate social responsibility is likely to generate, while the same cannot necessarily be said of small businesses. The question remains, too, why another firm would take on the burden when D’Addario’s scheme covers strings sold by all manufacturers.
Separating out the numerous metals from which strings are constructed, while technically possible, is economically unsustainable
According to BDSV, an industry body for German steel recycling firms, around a quarter of the steel produced worldwide between 2014 and 2018 was recycled from scrap; the rates for certain other metals, such as aluminium, are even higher. If the wholesale recycling of instrument strings poses too great a challenge (or is taken care of elsewhere), can manufacturers improve the environmental impact of their operations by using recycled materials in their products? Coray is sceptical: ‘Using recycled materials affects the final product and turns string making into an even more difficult and challenging science,’ he says. As the complexity of the alloys and physical constructions used by string manufacturers shows, advances in the industry often come down to highly engineered combinations of very specific materials. String manufacturers appeal to players by claiming that their strings offer desirable qualities like improved response time, an expanded spectrum of tonal colours or the ability to help the quietest note carry to the back of the concert hall. To separate their products from the rest, they spend considerable time and resources testing different proportions of metals in the alloys they use for the cores, coatings and windings. Using recycled materials would undermine these processes and disrupt the uniformity of the finished product. Or would it? Coray and Wichmann explain that, although For-Tune and Larsen do not recycle used strings, they do melt down and reuse scrap metals generated by their manufacturing processes, demonstrating that recycled metals do have a place in string making after all. Slovakian maker Warchal goes one step further, inviting players to return their used Warchal strings so that the silver component can be extracted and used again in the manufacture of new strings. ‘Our scheme is different from D’Addario’s because we use the recycled metals ourselves,’ explains Klaudia Warchal. ‘Not only that,’ she says, ‘but we actually use the silver we collect to make new strings. The process we use to remove the silver doesn’t upset its atomic structure in a way that affects its quality, so we can use it without adjusting our usual “recipe”.’ Although only the silver components are currently redeployed, the company is also building up stocks of other metals recovered from their strings, and hopes one day to use these, too. Phoenix The ‘Warchal Goes Green’ initiative began in 2012, providing players with credit to spend on new strings in return for their old ones. After seven years of collecting and processing the metals, in 2019 the company launched its Phoenix violin strings – the first commercially available set to include metal recycled from strings that have already been played. ‘I don’t want to sound mystical,’ says Klaudia Warchal, ‘but because the silver has already vibrated with great music in concert halls around the world, we think it adds special value to the strings.’ Although they are a little more expensive than most of the manufacturer’s other products, Warchal says the Phoenix set are currently its best-sounding violin strings. And, unlike D’Addario’s Playback programme, Warchal’s scheme is open to players all over the world – as long as they play Warchal strings.
‘Because the silver has already vibrated with great music in concert halls around the world, we think it adds special value to the Phoenix strings’ – Klaudia Warchal
Amid the ever greater acceptance of the need to recycle more of what we use, it’s clear that some string manufacturers are finding a role for themselves as advocates for recycling and pioneers of new uses of recycled materials. D’Addario has shown that, with enough investment, the complex, composite nature of an instrument string doesn’t mean it can’t be recycled in its entirety into new products, albeit unrelated ones. And although Warchal doesn’t yet have the ability to reuse all the component materials of its strings in its own manufacturing process, its use of recycled silver in new strings is an exciting development. It’s clear, however, that not everyone thinks that recycling offers a sustainable way forward, though such views often seem to be based on doubts over recycling’s economic viability. The success of Warchal’s and D’Addario’s initiatives have shown, though, that environmentally engaged players are keen to help manufacturers conserve energy and materials, while technologies like those developed by TerraCycle may one day pave the way for more string manufacturers to explore how recycling could benefit them, their customers, and the environment.