Posts with term TerraCycle X



Looking forward from World Water Day 2018

“Drink more water” is a prescription that for too many people around the world is easier said than done. As it stands, one in ten people (663 million people - twice the population of the United States) are currently living without access to safe water. Cited by the World Economic Forum as being the #1 global risk to society in terms of devastation and impact, this water crisis stands in the way of the health, safety and economic empowerment of people in both developing countries and first world nations.


Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year. The foundation that leads the world in celebrating Earth Day, called Earth Day Network, is focusing this year’s Earth Day on ending plastic pollution, an epidemic that is poisoning our earth’s resources.

Campus Tobias Barreto lança campanha “Traçando Caminhos para Reciclagem”

Com o tema “Traçando Caminhos para reciclagem” a campanha promove a disponibilização do campus em ser um ponto de coleta desses instrumentos de escrita e é extensiva a todos os campi do instituto que desejarem participar, além deles, as escolas públicas e privadas do municipio de Tobias Barreto também estão sendo incentivadas a apoiarem essa causa.

Active Interview with Zoe

What is TerraCycle? TerraCycle is a global leader in recycling hard-to-recycle waste. Whether it's coffee capsules from your home, pens from a school, or plastic gloves from a manufacturing facility, TerraCycle can collect and recycle almost any form of waste. We partner with individual collectors, as well as major consumer product companies, retailers, manufacturers, municipalities, and small businesses across 20 different countries. With your help, we are able to divert millions of pounds of waste from landfills and incinerators each month. In China, we are offering oral care waste recycling program and hair care packaging recycling program. To learn more and get involved, check our website: www.terracycle.cn What are some challenges you’re facing with TerraCycle in China? Recycling is easier said than done. People are often interested to participate but not willing to put in time & efforts. Secondly, most products and packaging are considered non-recyclable only because of economics – recycling costs money. We need more responsible corporations to sponsor our programs!


泰瑞环保由Tom Szaky (汤姆萨基) 于2001年成立,当时他还是普林斯顿大学的学生,他希望泰瑞环保可以实现零废弃新主张,让废品都能产生价值。从当时一个极小的创业公司, 泰瑞环保现已经成长为国际相关领域的领头者——专注对难以回收的废品进行回收和再利用:泰瑞环保在二十多个国家展开项目,参与人数超过6300万人,目前已回收数十亿件废品。 泰瑞环保拥有一系列由有责任心的企业资助的免费回收项目,可为几乎所有形式的废品提供可行的回收解决方案。
所获荣誉 泰瑞环保因服务社会的创业实践和创新可持续发展商业模式荣获200多项荣誉。其中包括2012 Leader of Change , 由 联合国(United Nations Office for Partnerships)和社会变革基金会( Foundation for Social Change) 颁发。

29 Founders Share How To Continue Growing After A Year Of Growth

Tom Szaky is the founder and CEO of TerraCycle, a global leader in the collection and repurposing of complex waste streams. TerraCycle operates in 21 countries, working with the world’s largest brands and companies to create national platforms to recycle products and packaging that currently go to landfill or incineration. Through TerraCycle, Tom is pioneering new waste management processes to create circular solutions for materials such as cigarette butts, laboratory waste, coffee capsules, personal and oral care waste and even food packaging that otherwise have no other path to be recycled.