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Hasbro lanza programa de reciclaje de juguetes en los Estados Unidos

El nuevo programa se trata de una piloto de reciclaje de juguetes y juegos, en alianza con TerraCycle.

Este programa se lanza con motivo del Día de la Tierra y es una iniciativa del Centro de Excelencia de Sostenibilidad de Hasbro, un organismo que se esfuerza por reducir la huella de carbono de la empresa y mejorar continuamente su desempeño ambiental en todos los aspectos de su negocio.

Hasbro enfoca sus esfuerzos ambientales en tres áreas clave: reducir los impactos ambientales de productos y empaques, asociarse con proveedores sostenibles, y minimizar la huella ambiental de las operaciones.

"Estamos entusiasmados de lanzar el programa piloto Hasbro Toy Recycling porque se adapta muy bien a nuestro propósito de hacer del mundo un lugar mejor para los niños y sus familias", dijo John Frascotti, presidente de Hasbro, Inc. "Como empresa, sabemos que los consumidores comparten nuestro compromiso de cuidar nuestro planeta para las generaciones futuras, y vemos esto como un paso emocionante en nuestro camino hacia la sostenibilidad".

El programa estará disponible para consumidores en los Estados Unidos desde la web www.hasbrotoyrecycling.com a partir del 16 de abril de 2018. Los participantes deberán registrarse y enviar sus juguetes a TerraCycle, quien clasificará y reciclará los productos.El programa piloto está abierto a todos los juguetes y juegos de Hasbro.

"El programa de reciclaje de juguetes de Hasbro es el primer programa nacional de reciclaje patrocinado por la industria y nos enorgullece asociarnos con el equipo de Hasbro para ofrecer a los consumidores una solución simple y sostenible para reciclar sus adorados juguetes y juegos", dijo Tom Szaky, director ejecutivo de TerraCycle. "Nuestra experiencia en el reciclaje de productos es perfecta para una empresa como Hasbro que se compromete a reducir el impacto ambiental de sus productos a lo largo de su ciclo de vida, incluido el final de la vida útil".


Sunday is Earth Day, yet we all should go easy on this beautiful, bountiful planet every day. Just like in training, the little choices you make on a daily basis add up to big changes very quickly. Maybe you aren’t ready to carry re-usable cutlery in your purse like Sarah does (for realz!), but here are eight ways to be an Earth-friendly runner. (Mother Earth; mother runner)

Ways to Keep Water Clean and Protect our Environment

Last year, my daughter and I participated in a river cleanup with her Girl Scout troop.  It was a disturbingly eye opening afternoon that left me seriously concerned with the health of our waterways.  Without clean water, humans, plants, and animals will not survive.  There is no way around it.  We all need water to live a healthy life and without CLEAN water, we are seriously doomed.  Today, I am sharing a few ways to protect our water supply that YOU can do right at home.  I am also including information about the Tom’s of Maine, Let’s Turn the Tide™ campaign to help clean up some of our most important waterways. My husband and I just got back from a trip to Asheville, NC and the rivers up there are amazing!  We made sure we packed out everything we carried in to help keep them that way!

Hasbro Partners with TerraCycle to Launch Toy and Game Recycling Pilot Program

Hasbro is launching a new toy and game recycling pilot program with TerraCycle, a global leader in product recycling, in the contiguous U.S. During the pilot program, consumers can collect and send their Hasbro toys and games to TerraCycle, which will recycle them into materials that can be used in the construction of play spaces, flower pots, park benches and other innovative uses.

Support our Waterways with Tom’s of Maine {+ giveaway}

Tom’s of Maine also believes that water is important. Whether it is conserving it in your home or cleaning it up locally. They have partnered with The Nature Conservancy, the leading conservation organization, and are donating $1,000,000 to help fund projects that restore waterways across the US!* The Let’s Turn the Tide campaign allows everyone to vote for their favorite body of water.


Over the years I have been trying to find high-quality natural personal care products for my family. I want to reduce the number of chemicals that we put on our skin, hair, and teeth. My kids and I have very sensitive skin and reducing irritants such as fragrances and artificial dyes have improved our complexions. I am trying out new products all the time and trying to find the best ones that work for my family and Tom’s of Maine products are at the top of the list!

Hasbro launches US toy recycling programme

During the pilot programme, consumers can collect and send their Hasbro toys and games to TerraCycle, who will recycle them into materials that can be used in the construction of play spaces, flower pots, park benches, and other innovative uses. In 2018, Hasbro is piloting the programme in the contiguous US.