Posts with term TerraCycle X

PTO begins monthly 'Muffins with Parents'

Attendees of last week’s meeting also learned of several opportunities to support the Toltec Elementary School District in raising funds for the schools. Terracycle Recycling–Those who drink Capri Sun juice can help the school by recycling the pouches. Simply remove straws, cut a hole in the bottom of the pouch, rinse it out, then let it dry and send it in with your child.

Three cheers to reducing trash

Trash. We all make it and someone has to clean it up. One local school club has made it a mission to not just clean up the trash, but to recycle all of it — for the entire school. Our hats are off to the members of the Rockin’ Recycling Club at St. Andrew School in Waynesboro. The club has distributed recycling bins to all the classes in the school, collecting the recyclable items at the end of each week. The club now participates in the Terracycle program, which also recycles juice pouches, baggies and chip and cookie bags. Through the program, the school receives points that can be used for more recycling items, rewards for the school or other activities.

Educating the Next Generation of Eco-Warriors

The first waste I used to create a product was worm poop (which is a great organic fertilizer), and when I was desperate for an affordable way to package my fertilizer, I turned to used soda bottles and realized just how much trash was out there and how much potential there was in this trash.  My whole way of thinking has shifted. The way I viewed waste, packaging, products, consumerism everything had changed. I wanted to help people to this same realization and that was why I originally started the school recycling fundraiser aspect of TerraCycle. I’d like to avoid any clichés here about “going for it” and just pressing on by “thinking outside the box,” so instead I’m going to zero in on something else.  It is very important to teach younger generations to challenge convention and to rethink the way the view the world and how they interact with the product they purchase and consume.


Em pouco mais de 1 ano e 5 meses de operação no Brasil, a Terracycle Brasil já possui uma rede de pessoas coletando residuos pós-consumo, mais de 20.400.000 embalagens foram desviadas de lixões e aterros sanitários , transformadas em produtos e vendidas em varejistas como o Walmart.

TerraCycle Back To School Recycling Efforts

TerraCycle’s Back to School recycling efforts have been underway with collection programs for Frito-Lay chip bags, Nabisco cookie wrappers, and Capri Sun and Honest Kids juice pouches. They collect these normally non-recyclable items, upcycle and recycle them, and pay their collectors for what they send in. Interested schools and individuals can sign up HERE.

Three Cheers

To Poughkeepsie's Tabernacle Christian Academy — one of four schools nationwide to receive a donated playground made, in part, from recycled flip flops collected from Old Navy customers. The recipients of the playgrounds — made by PDPlay, manufacturers of environmentally friendly playground equipment based in Vista, Calif. — were selected through a competitive grant survey held by TerraCycle. The school, located on Academy Street, installed the playground with local volunteers.

Recycle your Colgate Wisps

I know many of you are fans of the Colgate Wisp <http://www.colgatewisp.com/wisp/HomePage>  (of course that might be my fault).  Did you know you could recycle your used Wisps <http://www.colgatewisp.com/wisp/HomePage> ?  I learned last week that Colgate <http://www.colgate.com/app/Colgate/US/HomePage.cvsp>  has a partnership with Terracycle <http://www.terracycle.net/about-us.html>  to recycle a number of Colgate products including Wisps <http://www.colgatewisp.com/wisp/HomePage> . Some of the recycled materials are turned in products which are sold, for example a coin pouch <http://www.terracycle.net/products/colgate-coin-pouch.html?locale=en-US> , or a toothbrush holder <http://www.terracycle.net/products/colgate-toothbrush-case.html?locale=en-US> , made from recycled toothpaste tubes. Check out the Colgate Wisp Brigade <http://www.terracycle.net/brigades/colgate-wisp-brigade.html?locale=en-US> , and the Colgate Oral Care Brigade <http://www.terracycle.net/brigades/colgate-oral-care-brigade.html?locale=en-US> , on Terracycle <http://www.terracycle.net> .

TerraCycle lanza un juego de manejo de basura en Facebook

Trash Tycoon y es un intento de TerraCycle de concientizar y enseñar de manera divertida la importancia del reciclaje y reutilización. La compañía conoce el impacto y la cantidad de usuarios con los que actualmente cuenta Facebook, que es de 750 mil y desea aprovechar este alcance para ofrecer la aplicación. TerraCycle es una empresa verde que tiene como principal objetivo hacer consciente a la comunidad del problema de la basura y de las acciones que se pueden tomar al respecto para evitar su evolución. Siendo tan popular la red social y a sabiendas que los juegos también son un elemento frecuente entre los usuarios, se le ocurrió la idea de elaborar un juego y subirlo a esta plataforma para tener un mayor alcance y llegar a más personas para que sepan su labor y lograr crear conciencia y participación. Para comenzar a jugar Trash Tycoon es necesaria la creación de un avatar, que será el personaje principal de la historia, en la que tendrá que limpiar el vecindario, recoger y reciclar desechos para ganar dinero, lo que le ayudará a comprar herramientas y maquinaria para el tratamiento de la basura, y de esta manera ir pasando niveles. Esta aplicación lleva tres semanas en la red, y ya cuenta con 57 mil personas que se han unido y ya pasan su tiempo libre jugando a recolectar, reciclar y reutilizar la basura. Esperemos que que TerraCycle cumpla su cometido y no sólo se queden en juego y que las personas se convenzan de la importancia de realizar estas actividades en su vida cotidiana para el mejoramiento y cuidado del medio ambiente.