Posts with term TerraCycle X

How To Be A 'Greener' Cannabis Customer: Unleashing Your Environmental Purchasing Power

Perhaps you’ve seen a troubling string of recent headlines outlining the environmental impact of growing cannabis — Smithsonian Magazine’s “The Cannabis Industry Is Not as Green as You’d Think” is a great example. But how much is cannabis negatively affecting the earth? What can you do about it?   As a cannabis consumer, you may have some concerns around the effects your own consumption may have on the planet, or are simply looking for more information on the topic. We at NisonCo have compiled this succinct guide around the major environmental issues the cannabis industry faces, possible industry solutions and more importantly, the ways you as a consumer can use your purchasing power to be efficaciously conscientious.  

The Problem: Illicit Growing

  Sources from The New York Times to NPR have covered the devastating effects illicit growing operations have had on the ecosystems of many California public forests. The gist of the situation is that insecticides, pesticides and other often-illicit chemicals are present in huge amounts at many discovered illegal grow operations. These chemicals cause disruptions in water tables and biospheres, and negatively impact populations of various species long-term. Other issues caused by illegal growing include increased violence in the region and deterioration of preserved ecosystems.  

The Consumer-Based Solution

  • Buy Legally. When you purchase cannabis from a licensed dispensary, you’re paying for consumer protection and assurance that the product was procured through legal channels. Non-legal sales may save you a few bucks, but may be costing the planet in exchange. Also support legalization efforts in non-legal states. There have been studies that strongly correlate legalization with a decrease in illegal grow sites in national forests.
  • See also: How To Boost Hemp Farmers During The Pandemic Without A Taxpayer Bailout: Regulate CBD
  • Support Your Parks. In public forests across the country, rangers and park enforcement agents are swamped with the work of eradicating illegal cannabis grows. While the work piles on, support does not: Headwater Economics’ recent analysis showed that visitation to US Forest Service and BLM land is up 15%, but budgets are down about the same amount. Parks need financial support and volunteerism now more than ever! Forget going to the mall — take yourself to a public forest and show Mother Nature some love. 

The Problem: Water Scarcity

  In a handful of US states — Colorado and California among them — water scarcity is a serious concern. Global warming is exacerbating the problem, and not going away any time soon. While some state programs, like California’s State Water Board’s Cannabis Cultivation Program seek to nip water issues around household growth in the bud, most states don’t have such stringent measures.   Depending on the grower, water use isn’t often very high compared to other popular crops in the region. Environmental scientists at University of California Berkeley put the range as low as 2 liters and as high as 22 liters per plant per day during peak watering months. This means less water is used than to grow almonds, pistachios, corn or potatoes.    

The Consumer-Based Solution:

  • Look for Companies that are Addressing the Problem. The good news is, most companies really care about this issue. Check out some clever ways companies are looking to save water by using efficient irrigation and water reclamation techniques. Up-and-coming ideas also include nitrogen-recycling aquaponic systems like this one in Canada, or to cut out the plant and water usage altogether by making yeast grow CBD and THC directly instead.
  • See also: How Cannabis Businesses Have Adapted To COVID-19
  • Ask the Tough Questions. You worked hard to make that money, and want to make sure it doesn’t aid watershed destruction. Don’t be afraid to ask where things come from, and how they are made. If your dispensary doesn’t know, look up company websites and don’t hesitate to shoot an email or two in the name of conscientious consumerism. If you buy your own plant starts to grow at home, be sure to seek out companies like Dark Heart Nursery, who are exacting about their ozone water treatment and recycling systems. 

The Problem: Energy Use

  No matter the industry, alternative energy use and evaluation is at the forefront of combative measures against climate change. Of the 11 states in which adult-use cannabis is legal, only Massachusetts and Illinois provide energy efficiency standards for indoor growing. Oregon doesn’t have efficiency standards, but does require that cultivators estimate and report on energy use to the state. There has been disagreement over whether greenhouse or indoor-cultivated cannabis uses less energy (it’s generally agreed outdoor farming requires the least energy consumption) — and experts suggest it really depends on a combination of factors, including choice of lighting for indoor grows or efforts at carbon neutrality throughout the facility.   Solaris Farms, which operates as a desert greenhouse in Las Vegas, is one company finding unique solutions for harnessing the natural solar energy the grow has readily available. Too little sun, and the plants won’t grow, but too much and they fry. Solaris Farms’ greenhouse is a hybrid design featuring a glass roof with an upper shade system on the entire structure, which shades the sun at 50 percent. This system originated in Dubai, where it is used by farmers growing vegetables in desert greenhouses. Utilizing this specific design and technology has decreased Solaris’ electricity and energy use by a massive amount.  

The Consumer-Based Solution

  • Put on Your Detective Hat. Once again, you’ll have to do some groundwork. Ask your local budtender about the various companies you hope to buy from, and be sure to keep an eye out for exciting models aimed around alternative energy sources. Also remember that buying locally means less fuel was used to transport that item to you. Seek out companies like Bluebird Botanicals, which works to create an eco-conscious supply chain literally from the ground up. They begin with choosing outdoor and greenhouse growers who use regenerative agricultural practices, and continue that dedication all the way through their use of sustainable packaging. 
  • Support Initiatives Aimed at Creating Efficiency Standards. While voting with your dollar is essential, using your actual vote to initiate change is even more necessitous. Support policies and initiatives (and the people who support them) at your local polling place at every opportunity. Programs like Colorado’s carbon dioxide recycling pilot study — which traps CO2 emissions from beer production and cycles it into soil for cannabis growth — are turning heads across the country. Help push efficiency standards by taking part in the democratic process.

The Problem: Packaging

  According to the United Nations #BeatPlastic Initiative, “Around the world, one million plastic drinking bottles are purchased every minute, while up to 5 trillion single-use plastic bags are used worldwide every year. In total, half of all plastic produced is designed to be used only once — and then thrown away.”   The cannabis industry faces particular plastic waste challenges, as each state has separate regulations around size of packaging or labels, as well as requiring child-proofing nationwide. Hemp plastics look like an up-and-coming option for many plastics problems, but the solution begins in the hands and demands of customers.  

The Consumer-Based Solution

  • Reuse and Upcycle before you Recycle. The good and bad news is, most packaging cannabis comes in from the dispensary is very reusable and only sometimes recyclable. Some companies like PAQcase take the reusable call to action a step further than the dispensary — setting you up with joint cases so you can roll at home and ditch the dispensary pre-roll waste.  Single joint containers through larger resealable containers can be used for spices, craft supplies, or dozens of other reorganizing purposes. Glass jars in particular can be great for decoration and upcycling. 
  • See also: Survey Suggests Cannabis Consumers Are Increasingly Turning To Vaporizers Vs. Traditional Joints
  Just can’t seem to find a use? Make sure before you buy that if you aren’t going to reuse it, it also won’t end up in a landfill. The sad truth of recycling is that the success of an item being recycled is dependent on its value for repurchasers of recycled waste. There’s no guarantee that the items you place in the recycling bin will end up actually being repurchased, and so can end up in a landfill despite your best intentions.   Please recycle appropriately in your community, or better yet reach out to local dispensaries to find out if they participate in a reuse program, like Terracycle’s Cannabis Packaging Recycling Program.  
  • Seek Out Sustainable Businesses. Try avoiding any single-use packaging and hardware, like single-cartridge vaporizers. Search for companies that have recollection programs, and look for creative solutions in the industry. For example, Sana Packaging’s products are made using 100% plant-based hemp plastic, 100% reclaimed ocean plastic, and other sustainable materials. 


In Conclusion

  Like all commerce in the United States, cannabis consumers have to put in the research to make sure the purchases they make ally with their consciousnesses. While it’s great that organizations like the Global Cannabis Partnership push for environmental and social cognizance in the cannabis industry, the crux of change lies in the hands and wallets of the public.   Put your money where your priorities are.  If you care about recycling, always use recyclable packaging and eco-friendly containers. Care about the water table and pesticide use? Purchasing through a legitimate dispensary is imperative. Care about all of it? Be extremely discerning — it’s your money! Put on your eco-conscientious detective cap and spend your money where it matters most to you.  

Four Benches Installed in OC Made of Recycled Cigarette Butts

OCEAN CITY, Md.- Visitors to Ocean City will notice something different about four brand new benches in the resort town.   Maryland Coastal Bays Program said in a release that the benches, three of which are located on the Boardwalk and the other at Seacrets, are made from recycled cigarette butts.  The benches are the result of the Ocean City Green Team’s Cigarette Litter Prevention Program, which was created last year. The program encourages businesses, visitors, and residents to dispose of their cigarette butts and cigar tips properly, while aiming to reduce secondhand smoke.   “Littering cigarette butts and cigar tips is unsightly, costly to clean up, and harmful to waterways and wildlife,” said Green Team chairman and Ocean City Councilmember Tony Deluca. “Not only are cigarettes the most picked up littered item on our beach in Ocean City but 32 percent of litter at storm drains is tobacco products. Litter traveling through storm drains and water systems, ends up in local streams, rivers, bays and the ocean. The Green Team’s Cigarette Litter Prevention Program, along with decades of coordinated beach clean-ups, aim to eliminate cigarette litter and these benches are a great result of our community’s efforts to keep our beaches clean.”   According to Keep America Beautiful, the nation’s largest organization aimed at eliminating cigarette litter and a co-funder of CLPP, cigarette butts remain the most littered item in the U.S. and across the globe. In addition to their contributions to the program, grant funding for the CLPP was provided by Worcester County Health Department and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).   In 2019, CLPP began a campaign where “butt huts” were made available to businesses willing to take a pledge of participation and assist with collecting cigarette waste throughout Ocean City. The huts were installed in highly trafficked areas that routinely saw concentrated cigarette waste. When full the huts were emptied by volunteers and interns and sent to international recycling leader TerraCycle, who recycled the cigarette butts and used the resulting plastic to manufacture the new benches.   “At TerraCycle, our mission has always been to eliminate waste, recycle the unrecyclable and use our innovative business solutions to minimize human impact on the planet,” said TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky. “It’s through partnerships like the one we enjoy with the Maryland Coastal Bays Program that allow us to fulfill our objective and help preserve the environment for future generations.”   Maryland Coastal Bays Program is working with the Town of Ocean City to create a sustainable butt hut and recycling program to keep cigarette litter out of our waterways. KAB has awarded an additional $20,000 grant in funding that will assist with this as well as add additional messaging campaigns to both residents and visitor alike.   For more information on the Maryland Coastal Bays Program, or the Ocean City Green Team’s Cigarette Litter Prevention Program, contact Sandi Smith at sandis@mdcoastalbays.org.  

22 Useful Products That'll Actually Help Declutter Basically Your Entire Home

I mean yes, you can also totally watch the Netflix show and learn everything you need to know to get started! But the book's packed with extra motivation and tips. (Although I don't think it's the end-all be-all of how to live, I've used her system for my clothes and shoes, and it really does work.)   Get it from Amazon for $9.69, Barnes & Noble for $14.99Indiebound, or find a copy at your local library.   (If the whole system seems a little — or very — impractical to you, though, I also recommend Rachel Hoffman's book, $12.65 on Amazon). Yes, basically you're paying for your stuff to be recycled (the reason your curbside collection doesn't take all of the things = recyclers want to make money. If they can't make money on it, then you have to pay for it to happen). Read more on Terracycle, and order a small "everything" box (well, almost everything) for $199, or a beauty products and packaging pouch for $41.   There are also tons of free recycling programs through Terracycle, where the companies pay for you to recycle the stuff you bought from them (that your municipal program won't accept). And these aren't only hippie/earthy brands! They include Brita (yes, the water filters and jugs), ColgateeosFebreeze, Hasbro Toys, and many others. Promising review: "I will never be a person that folds underwear. It's never going to happen. That photo that comes with this product? Not me. But a simple tool like this turned out to be what it takes just to know where things are. Left. Center. Middle. Any organizer made of cloth was out. I wanted something rigid but adjustable. If an organizer has soft sides, it's going to end up underneath the things it's supposed to be separating.   These fit firmly where I put them and there are no corners to snag clothing or hurt your hand on when you reach into the drawer. Well engineered product. I created three sections to my large top dresser drawer by adding the partitions front to back. I am so pleased with the difference that I am ordering two more sets so I can do my other drawers also.   These OXO dividers cost more than the flimsy ones, but if I wasn't able to buy these, I would just not buy organizers." —SeattleBookMama   Get a set of two on Amazon for $19.99. They also work well for dried rice and beans in the pantry; you can easily measure out exactly how much you need for a recipe. And you can use 'em one-handed: an easy press opens the pour spout, then you pour, and press again to close.   Promising review: "I will have to say these are the best food containers I have ever bought. I bought them for my cat food; they stay sealed up perfectly and they pour out great. They are very well built and sturdy." —Tamara   Get the pack of three on Amazon for $39.99. They're all sized and shaped to be as efficient with your shelf space as possible.   Promising review: "I never thought I would super organize my cabinets. I purchased these with the effort to reduce waste (using ziplocks etc) and extend the freshness/shelf life of my pantry items. I absolutely love them. This is the perfect starter kit for a smaller kitchen or family. Then purchase more when you realize which container sizes are best for you and your needs!" —SLTelescope   Get the pictured five-piece starter set on Amazon for $49.95 (available in eight different sets, with different sizes, depending on your needs).   Thumbnail image credits: 12. Promising review: "I purchased this shredder three months ago. Love it!   I was looking for something basic for my home office.   Pros:   - Instead of cutting vertically ("strip-cutting"), this shredder chops the sheets both horizontally and vertically ("cross-cut"). Instead of having some long spaghettis of papers, you get some little pieces of spaghettis, much harder for somebody to infer the original content.   - Automatic mode: the shredder starts automatically when you insert a sheet (you can disable this behavior). It will stop on its own if you don't insert anything else.   - The security trigger locks the shredder as soon you remove the head from the bin.   - Transparent window to see through to know when to empty the bin.   - Not noisy and it doesn't take much room.   Cons: Nothing for now." —Andrew   Get it on Amazon for $40.99. (If you have lots of shredding to do though, you could even just bring it to your local UPS or FedEx store, where they'll take care of it for you.) Get them on Amazon for $7.99 each (available in ten colors). Reviewers love it for their home office or small office, and multiple teachers say they love it for organizing and separating the papers from each of their classes! Note that it fits 8.5x11 papers, but *not* regular-sized manila folders.   Promising review: "This was a perfect product for organizing my most important papers and business documents, in a way that would be easy to access and still look cute. I love the fact that I can fold it up and grab it and run with it if I need to. Great product, nice and sturdy." —Vanessa Green   Get it on Amazon for $12.48.   It holds 48 total bottles, 24 on each side, so you can always find the color you want with a single glance.   Promising review: "I bought this after trying a makeup style caboodle for polish and looking for many many more. This is better than advertised. ESSIE, OPI, POP-ARRAZI, SINFUL COLORS, SH INSTADRY, SH TRIPLE SHINE, SH XRREME WEAR, WET AND WILD, SH HARD AD NAILS and COVER GIRL all fit perfectly in the standard size boxes. My JULEP colors fit two in a compartment!   The first row has adjustable dividers, you can use them to keep odd-shaped bottles or do what I do: use one side for my nail stamper, dotting tools, and the drying drops and the other for foam wedges and nail pens. It looks way neater easily tucked under my vanity instead of the baskets and baskets of polishes I had to hunt through!" —Clouds   Get one on Amazon for $27.89. Ignoring the backward Apple logo (weird choice, Amazon seller): this may also help with your eyestrain and posture, by putting your screen at a more ergonomic height.   Promising review: "WONDERFUL product. Perfect height for my needs, sturdy construction, and it looks amazing. The drawers are surprisingly deeper than I was expecting, going the full depth of the stand and have enough height for three Xbox One games to lie flat in them. The under-riser space is tall enough and wide enough to fit my keyboard and my Gunnar gaming glasses with a bit of room left over. The cut out for your cups in the near right of the top I found to be a little small, and unless I put very short teacups there, actually interferes with my view of my monitor. Fits my Google Mini perfectly, though! Keep in mind this is NOT a veneer, this is through and through bamboo, so it will be a little heftier. This works for me, but if you've got a desk with a weight limit, it's something to consider. There IS a little cutout for cables in the back of the stand, but I can't comment on how effective it is because of my personal set up. It looks big enough to safely pass at least three HDMI cables and a standard monitor power cable through, though. —Terry B.   Get it on Amazon for $43.99. As reviewers note, these don't really work for high-heels over two inches tall (one reviewer made it work but you can tell the second heel isn't neatly stacked under the first; it's on its side). But they'll do wonders for the rest of your collection.   Promising review: "I love to be organized so when I came across the Shoe Slotz product to organize my shoes on the shelves in my closet, I was excited to try them. They were easy to set up and they work great! I still had more shoes that needed to be organized so I immediately ordered another box of 10. My shoe shelves look so organized now and this product solved a problem for me. Shoe Slotz are great and I highly recommend them." —Laurden2   Get a set of 10 on Amazon for $26.99. This is great for kids who leave stuff all over the house, because if their basket's very full, they can just carry it to their rooms to put things away (then bring it back to the stairs). And you don't have to deal with their clutter! From Sew Many Ways.   You could also set up a similar system using small basket drawers ($79.70 on Amazon), if you don't have stairs in your home. (Or use the basket system, just stack 'em elsewhere!) No kids but kind of clutter-y yourself? Try this system with a single basket, drop crap in as you find it, and dedicate 10 minutes every day to put stuff away.   Get a set of four medium-sized baskets that could work for this for $51.99 and a pack of 16 clip-on chalkboard labels (for writing each person's name!) for $9.97, both on Amazon. It comes with 11 labeled divider categories for easily getting and staying organized.   Promising review: "This is the best coupon holder I have ever had — it has plenty of categories as well as blank labels for you to tailor to your own requirements. It's sturdy and also fits over the bar of the shopping cart (although I avoid that as there are enough germs). I replaced an old one I have had for 20 years — this one is far superior and has already saved me the cost of it through the coupons that I now can find so quickly." —Book Ninja Get it on Amazon for $5.59. Promising review: "These work fantastic! I got two boxes (four bags total) and fit four king comforters, two pillow cases, one queen comforter, one twin comforter and one queen sheet set. I even could've added one more twin comforter if I had one. Now all of these are in our den behind the wall and sectional space! Ready for guests! I do put nice smelling fabric softener sheets in mine just to keep it fresh. You do have to be gentle with the zipper but it goes right back on if you're too hard on it." —Darling Harlet   Get a pack of six on Amazon for $15.56. This also works well for CDs, if you still have 'em laying around — and still listen to them.   Promising review: "I mean, this thing is HUGE! We got rid of all the dvd cases (OMG THAT WAS SOOOOO HARD! We agonized over doing it, but we're adults now. We don't NEED the cases with the pictures and the inserts and, you know, we need to maximize space and stuff. Just put all your DVDs in this binder and stop being so crazy hung up on the cases! We fell into a bit of a depression after throwing all those cases in the recycle bin. I made two batches of chocolate chip cookies to get us through. We're doing better now, thanks for asking.) and keep our DVDs in this thing. It really does save a bit of space. :)" —T&B   Get the 128-capacity binder for $15.99, or a bigger 400-capacity binder for $30.49, both on Amazon.   Well, not exactly half the space; it basically uses more of the vertical inches in your drawer, vs spreading out over the left and right.   Promising review: "I have a tiny kitchen with only three drawers, so space is at a premium. My silverware organizer took up almost all of one drawer, so this organizer is a godsend. You can fit quite a few spoons etc. in each slot. My beater attachments fit perfectly into the top two hollows. I will say I have to flip my forks over face down in order to be able to shut and open my drawer, but then the drawer itself is kind of shallow. You NEED this if you have a small kitchen with few drawers!" —mialro   Get it from Amazon for $6.79. You can either mount it to the wall or hang it over the door, and it comes with a lock, if you want to keep kids out of it!   Promising review: "Beautiful, sturdy armoire. The one thing people should be aware of: It's not very deep. I primarily bought this armoire for all my bulky bead necklaces, but the doors would not close, so I had to rethink my plans. I have a ton of necklaces, bangles, earrings, etc., so I was able to get them all in here and I really like how visible everything is! I originally wanted to purchase an armoire with drawers, but then you still have to search all the drawers to find what you're looking for. With this, I just open the door and voila! The lights go on as soon as you open the door, which is handy. It is also very low profile and lockable and I must say that it holds a lot." —Eucharia Pieraccini   Get it on Amazon for $129.99+ (available in five finishes). Promising review: "I initially wanted something that would screw into the bottom of the cabinet, but I'm finding out that I didn't need it. These shelves are sturdy and heavy. They are amazing easy to put together. The drawers slide in and out easily as well. I quadrupled my storage space. I have shelves under a 36-inch vanity. I am able to store tall cleaning products on the top shelf and scrub pads, etc. in the sliding drawer. BTW, one reviewer mentioned how smaller items might fall through the openings. I did run into this issue; however, I came up with a quick fix. For my drawer with smaller items, I just inserted a shoe box top into the drawer — keeps everything neat and prevents smaller items from falling through — problem solved!" —Amazon Customer   Get one on Amazon for $24.87 (available in chrome and bronze). Each of these comes with a stack of 10 index filing cards you can use for a simple labeling system, like separating out each of the year's vacations.   Promising review: "They're upscale sturdy shoe boxes that hold hundreds of my old 4x6 pictures. Comes with unattached lid and packet of large dividers to write on. I have three boxes and will purchase a few more. They work great stacking one on another and do not take up a lot of space. I like how neat and organized I have all my old photos now; I keep them on a bookshelf for family and other guest to pull out and reminisce over. Great conversation piece rather than leaving them hidden away in a closet as I had for years." —JoLa   Get them from Amazon (currently only available in a natural brown cardboard color) for $11.76 each — or get a similar product for $10.28+ each (available in eight colors). Promising review: "This product is fantastic! It was easy to mount and hanging things is a breeze. My house is very old with no extra closet or pantry space. I needed to clean up the dreaded corner of shovels and a mop. Luckily this product was able to do that — and it comes with hooks. Since it's hung by my back door in the kitchen I can hang my aprons and purse on it. This little piece is very sturdy and so are those little hooks. My double-zippered purse is full of weight and it holds like a charm. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who's just looking for a sensible option." —Shellybeenz   Get it on Amazon for $14.99. It also works well as a pretty bench at the end of any bed to store things like sheets and blankets.   Promising review: "Great quality. I've had this item for almost two years and use it as a footstool in front of my sofa. It hides games that I use often and my laptop. Minimal wear/tear and easy to clean!" —Mindy Phillips   Get it on Amazon for $137.38+ (also available in brown leather and light grey. If you're on a super tight budget, also check out this well-reviewed dark grey ottoman, $50.31 on Amazon).  

Bloomfield purchases, installs two ‘Zero Waste Boxes’

BLOOMFIELD, NJ — In an ongoing effort to make Bloomfield a more environmentally conscious and sustainable community, the township has purchased and installed two “Zero Waste Boxes” for residents to recycle used water filters. The boxes have been installed at the DPW at 230 Grove St. and the Municipal Building at 1 Municipal Plaza, first floor.   “Our township has put in a great deal of effort over the past several years into making Bloomfield a more environmentally friendly and sustainable community,” Mayor Michael Venezia said. “These zero-waste boxes will allow for residents to responsibly dispose of used water filters so that they do not end up in a landfill. I commend our DPW and recycling committee for their leadership in bringing this to Bloomfield.”   Residents may recycle their used water filters at the DPW on Saturdays between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. or the Municipal Building during regular business hours between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.   “The introduction of this program illustrates the passion of the members of the recycling committee in coordination with our DPW and Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department to support initiatives that are environmentally sustainable for our community,” Councilmember Nicholas Joanow said. “Our recycling coordinator, Louise Palagano, needs to be acknowledged for her leadership in providing another valuable service from the recycling committee for our residents.”   “The TerraCycle zero-waste boxes provide an easy way for people to recycle items, such as water filters, that are currently not accepted in our town’s curbside recycling program,” recycling committee member George Drossinos said. “This is part of our town’s effort to increase the diversion of hard-to-recycle items away from landfills.”

Put your butts on ‘butts’: OC Green Team benches ready

After roughly one and a half years, Ocean City residents and guests finally may put their butts on butts, after the Ocean City Green Team received and installed four benches made out of recycled cigarette filters on the Boardwalk and at a local bar. “We are all very excited to finally have the benches on the Boardwalk,” said Sandi Smith, Maryland Coastal Bays Program Development and Marketing coordinator.   Created by TerraCycle, a private recycling company based in Trenton, New Jersey, the benches are the byproduct of hundreds of thousands of cigarette butts collected from Ocean City’s beach.   Beginning last spring, the team, via Ocean City Department of Public Works staff, installed cigarette filter receptacles or “butt huts” all over the Boardwalk, and later throughout the resort on beach entry points.   Cigarette filters are not only the number one litter in Ocean City, but around the world according to nonprofit group Ocean Conservancy, which is based in Washington D.C.   The organization has hosted a beach cleanup event, which is now a global effort, since 1986, and each year the group has found that cigarette butts are the number one item littering coasts — with more than 60 million collected in a little over 30 years.   Cigarette filters are made with cellulose acetate, a type of plastic that takes years to break down in the ocean and leeches toxins into the water.   In regards to turning the litter into a bench, Smith said the team found a Facebook post that featured a supposed cigarette filter bench. “It was the coolest looking bench ever,” Smith said.   The team contacted TerraCycle, and discovered that the company had not created it.   TerraCycle later discovered, on behalf of the team, that the bench was not even made out of cigarette butts, Smith recalled.   Nonetheless, the faux cigarette bench had acted as a catalyst, and the initiative was in full swing.   Traditionally, when TerraCycle produces a bench, it features a small placard that explains its unconventional building material, but Smith said the team wanted to send a stronger message.   Working with local cartoonist Marc Emond, who created the butt recycling program’s seagull mascot and provided his services gratis, and local sign company Sun Signs, the various partners worked for more than a year and a half on the endeavor.   “Marc Emond had come up with the fun little goofy gull that’s on all of the butt huts with the message, ‘Put your butts in here,’ and so we felt like to brand it and market it we wanted that goofy gull on the bench saying, ‘Put your butts on these butts,’ Smith said.   The seagull would draw a visitor’s eye to the bench, which would then, hopefully, heighten his or her curiosity to the messaging.   “The hope and goal was that people would affiliate that crazy gull with the butt huts and the benches and possibly look for the butt huts to put their cigarette butts in,” Smith said.   The four benches were shipped to the city two weeks ago and immediately installed throughout the Boardwalk.   In addition to the main slogan, messaging on the benches include, “This bench is made from recycled cigarette butts that have been kept out of our waterways,” on top, and a 1.800.QUIT.NOW number on the bottom right corner.   The program’s seagull mascot rests on the left side of the sign surrounded by freshly flicked cigarette butts.   Patrons of Seacrets Bar and Grill on 49th Street also will be able to make butt-on-butt contact, as the establishment had been a long and enthusiastic supporter of the project.   “When we originally started this program, they supported it 100 percent and they bought one of the benches — they donated funding for a bench,” Smith said.   With the benches installed and ready for sitting, Smith and the green team can finally check the project off their list, for now.   “I never thought it would take this long,” Smith said. “Even TerraCycle was like, ‘Kudos for the tenacity.’”   For businesses interested in installing a cigarette filter receptacle email Smith at sandis@mdcoastalbays.org.

Rubbermaid Launches National Recycling Program

Rubbermaid has announced a partnership with international recycling leader TerraCycle to make all brands of well-used food storage containers recyclable in the United States and Canada. This new partnership will allow Rubbermaid to ensure all glass and plastic food storage containers will have a sustainable end to their lifecycle. "Our food storage products help keep food fresh to reduce waste and are made better to enable a long life of reusability. Partnering with TerraCycle allows us to create an even more sustainable product lifecycle, while giving consumers an easy way to recycle their well-used containers whenever they are ready to upgrade to our newest innovations. As an exclusive partner in our category, we are excited to be leading the way," said Ryan Hall, Marketing Director, Food Storage at Newell Brands, in a Rubbermaid press release. The TerraCycle program is, according to the news release, “another step toward the brand's existing sustainability efforts and making Rubbermaid products an even stronger choice for environmentally conscious consumers or for anyone looking to lead a more sustainable life.” "Newell Brands and Rubbermaid are offering consumers a unique opportunity to divert waste from landfills and responsibly dispose of food storage containers that may initially seem unrecyclable," said Tom Szaky, TerraCycle Founder and CEO, in the same Rubbermaid news release. "By accepting and recycling any food storage product, regardless of brand through the recycling program, Rubbermaid is expanding their commitment to sustainability and helping to build awareness that a recycling solution exists for just about everything." Through the Rubbermaid Food Storage Recycling Program, consumers can send in all brands of well-used glass and plastic food storage containers and will recycle them for free. Participation in this program is simple. Sign up on the TerraCycle program pages for the US or Canada and mail in your well-used food storage containers using a prepaid shipping label. Once these containers have been collected, they are cleaned and melted into hard plastic or glass, which can then be remodeled to make new recycled products. It is open to any interested individual, school, office, or community organization. There are also a couple of other parameters, or lack thereof, of the previously stated program. Shipments can be of any weight, they are counted based on an average unit weight of .45 pounds each, and they do not need to be thoroughly cleaned before sending them to TerraCycle. Consumers are asked, however, to remove as much food residue as possible before shipping.

Rubbermaid® Launches National Recycling Program To Strengthen Sustainability Efforts

Rubbermaid®, a leader in home organization and food storage solutions, announced a partnership with international recycling leader, TerraCycle®, to make all brands of well-used food storage containers recyclable in the US and Canada. Through this new partnership, Rubbermaid helps ensure all glass and plastic food storage containers will have a sustainable end to their lifecycle.   Rubbermaid has been pioneering high-quality, innovative products for over 80 years. This superior quality already makes the brand's products a more a sustainable solution than many products out there today. The TerraCycle program is another step toward the brand's existing sustainability efforts and making Rubbermaid products an even stronger choice for environmentally conscious consumers or for anyone looking to lead a more sustainable life.   "Our food storage products help keep food fresh to reduce waste and are made better to enable a long life of reusability. Partnering with TerraCycle allows us to create an even more sustainable product lifecycle, while giving consumers an easy way to recycle their well-used containers whenever they are ready to upgrade to our newest innovations. As an exclusive partner in our category, we are excited to be leading the way," said Ryan Hall, Marketing Director, Food Storage at Newell Brands.   Through the Rubbermaid Food Storage Recycling Program, consumers can now send in all brands of well-used glass and plastic food storage containers to be recycled for free. Participation is easy: sign up on the TerraCycle program pages for the United States or Canada and mail in well-used food storage containers using a prepaid shipping label. Once collected, the containers are cleaned and melted into hard plastic or glass that can be remolded to make new recycled products.   "Newell Brands and Rubbermaid are offering consumers a unique opportunity to divert waste from landfills and responsibly dispose of food storage containers that may initially seem unrecyclable," said Tom Szaky, TerraCycle Founder and CEO. "By accepting and recycling any food storage product, regardless of brand through the recycling program, Rubbermaid is expanding their commitment to sustainability and helping to build awareness that a recycling solution exists for just about everything."   The Rubbermaid Food Storage Recycling Program is open to any interested individual, school, office, or community organization. For more information on TerraCycle's recycling programs, visit www.terracycle.com.