Posts with term TerraCycle X

How to recycle coffee capsules

If you have a capsule coffee machine at home, we've got advice on how to get rid of your used coffee capsules without chucking them in the rubbish.

Lavazza has also partnered with TerraCycle, a company that specialises in handling hard-to-recycle rubbish. If you don’t have access to a food waste collection, you can drop off your used Eco Caps at a public drop-off location near you.

Murad Announces Partnership With TerraCycle

image.png Every shipment of packaging sent to TerraCycle also earns collector points that can be used for charitable gifts or converted to cash and donated to a non-profit, school or charitable organization of their choice. Murad is partnering with TerraCycle for the Murad Recycling Program, in which customers can recycle Murad product packaging while earning charitable donations for non-profits. Once collected, the packaging is cleaned and melted into hard plastic that can be remolded to make new recycled products. Every shipment of packaging sent to TerraCycle also earns collector points that can be used for charitable gifts or converted to cash and donated to a non-profit, school or charitable organization of their choice. Murad is seeking a 50% reduction in its use of virgin plastic by 2025, the integration of 50% PCR components by 2030 and to be 100% recyclable by 2030. Achieving these goals will reduce the total amount of virgin plastic going in landfills by 750,000 pounds by 2025 and 1.25 million pounds by 2030. To participate in the program, visit www.murad.com/terracycle/. Howard Murad, MD, founder of Murad, said, "Today, consumers understand more than ever the importance of sustainability. "It has been my life's work, and the foundation of Murad, to help people attain healthier skin and happier lives. Through our newly founded partnership with TerraCycle, we further strengthen this pledge by providing easy steps to help our community support the health of our planet. Because wellness for the planet is just as important as wellness for the people.” TerraCycle CEO and founder, Tom Szaky, said, "Murad is giving their customers the unique opportunity to divert waste from landfills by offering them a way to responsibly dispose of their cosmetic packaging. In turn, by participating in the Murad Recycling Program, consumers can demonstrate their respect for the environment not only through the products that they choose to include in their beauty regimen, but also by how the packaging is disposed of.”

Recycling Mystery: Coffee Bags

If you’re a java lover who purchases coffee in bags rather than metal cans, you’ve likely wondered, “Can I recycle coffee bags?” at some point. As is the case for so many packaging items, the answer is, “Maybe, but probably not curbside.” In the recycling realm, some folks declare, “If in doubt, toss it out.” It’s preferable to discard items unless you know for sure your local recycling facility accepts them. That’s because non-recyclable items potentially interfere with efficient sorting at the recycling facility. Sometimes, they disrupt the functioning of equipment. A recycling facility may dump out full loads of worthy recyclable items when they’re mixed with non-recyclable items. Non-recycling discards often include coffee bags.

Probably Not Curbside

Unless your program specifically accepts coffee bags, including them in your curbside bin jeopardizes the recycling load. Usually, household recycling programs do not recycle empty coffee bags, even if the exterior looks like paper or foil. Representatives from the recycling industry, including Rumpke and WM, say the flexible packaging for your java beans and grounds is often manufactured with mixed materials. For example, paper or foil bags are often lined with plastic. Bags layered with varied materials are not in demand for recycling, the representatives said. Packaging that’s paper only is likely recyclable, but most coffee bags have an inner coating to preserve the freshness of the beans. “If you are a coffee drinker, the best option is a reusable container. But if that’s not an option, a recyclable paper bag is best,” says Amanda Pratt of Rumpke.

Reduce Waste

On its website San Jose Recycles, the City of San Jose offers a recommendation to reduce packaging waste. “Instead of buying single bags of coffee, buy coffee beans from the bulk section of your supermarket. Bring an empty coffee bag or jar into the store for your coffee instead of using a brand new container every time.” If you buy beans from bulk bins, ask your grocer if using your own jar or pouch is allowed.

Recycling by Mail

These TerraCycle programs offer recycling opportunities for empty coffee packaging that is not usually accepted with household recycling.


Dunkin’ and TerraCycle established a free recycling program for eligible Dunkin’-brand coffee bags. If you want to participate, you need to establish a TerraCycle account and enroll online. When you’ve filled a box with Dunkin’ bags, print out a free UPS shipping label and ship off your empties. “We encourage you to ship when your box is full to minimize the transportation carbon footprint for this program,” the TerraCycle website states.

Don Francisco’s

Don Francisco’s Coffee Family Reserve bags from F. Gaviña & Sons are also eligible for free recycling with TerraCycle. In addition to the empty bags, the TerraCycle partnership program also accepts:
  • Don Francisco’s single-serve coffee pods and espresso capsules
  • Café La Llave espresso capsules and espresso-style single-serve coffee pods
Learn more about the free program online.

Zero Waste Box

TerraCycle accepts a variety of hard-to-recycle waste items through its fee-based Zero Waste Box program. This is a good option for businesses or organizations that generate a lot of the specified waste type. For coffee-related recyclables, these programs include:

TerraCycle Recycles

TerraCycle explains that the empty bags may be melted into hard plastic, which can be remolded to make new products such as park benches and picnic tables. Mary Ellen Down of TerraCycle states, “We work with brands, retailers, and other stakeholders who fund the recycling process. We have in-house scientists and material application specialists who work out how to recycle all kinds of materials. We then use our global network of processors to convert the items into raw material, which is then sold to manufacturing companies.”

Upcycled Coffee Bags

If you’d like to upcycle your empty bags, here are some decorative and fun projects:
  • Weave a bag or basket from empty coffee bags; the instructions are on YouTube.
  • Turn a foil-lined bag into a tabletop planter (from We Must Be Dreamers) or a hanging planter (from Instructables).
  • Make a coffee bag bracelet with help from instructions on YouTube.
Also, check out the ESPRESSO selection of handmade accessories created from upcycled coffee bags.

Shop Wisely

Some producers, cafes, and coffee shops are working on establishing or enhancing eco-friendly packaging and recycling programs. Australian coffee roaster and cafe chain Industry Beans, for example, favors Eco Barista™ recyclable coffee bags. “These bags are made using soft plastics (polyethelyn), stripping away aluminum and using a removable valve to ensure the bag can be recycled and coffee is protected and kept fresh,” states the website. Tell your favorite suppliers you’re eager to support their sustainability endeavors. Happy sipping.

How To Recycle (& Reuse) Plastic Bags So They Stay Out Of The Landfill

Plastic was made to last forever, but the sad reality is most of it is used only once before being tossed in the trash. And plastic bags are one of the most prevalent sources of single-use plastic out there. In this guide, we'll explain what makes these bags so harmful to the environment and share ways to recycle them so they don't end up in the landfill—or worse, in the environment.
How plastic bags harm the planet.
We use an estimated one million plastic bags worldwide every minute, and they last an average of just 12 minutes before being thrown away.
Most of these bags are made from either No. 2 high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or No. 4 low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE). (Grocery and retail shopping bags are typically made of HDPE, whereas plastic films like the ones you find on dry cleaning are made of LDPE or LLDPE.) These soft plastics are made of fossil fuels, so they emit greenhouse gases at every stage of their life cycle—down to when they're baking in the sun in a landfill, where they can take anywhere from 50 to 1,200 years to fully decompose.
Plastic bags not only contribute to climate change; they pollute the planet. These bags are thin and lightweight enough to end up in places they shouldn't be, like our oceans. Floating in the ocean with direct and consistent exposure to sunlight, plastic breaks down into microplastics that are then consumed by animals big and small. Research has found that 60% of fish studied globally contain microplastics, and whales have been discovered dead with stomachs full of plastic waste. Humans also consume microplastics in food and drinking water, and these tiny particles have now been detected in our blood for the first time.
Clearly, the same durability that makes plastic so convenient for consumers makes it extremely hard to break down in the environment. Recycling is one way to keep these bags in circulation for longer so they don't end up as planet-warming pollution.
How plastic recycling works.
Most curbside bin programs collect rigid plastics (think water bottles, takeout containers). These plastics are sent to recycling facilities where they are cleaned, processed, and sorted by their type. Each category of plastic is then shredded and cleaned before being melted down and compressed into tiny pellets that can be reused to make new products.
The pellets generated via the recycling process aren't used to create the same plastic item as its original form, notes Stephanie Hicks, materials sourcing manager at Trex, a decking company that uses recycled materials. Instead, they are purchased in bulk and turned into materials like car parts, furniture, or clothing.
Now, you might assume that thin plastic bags can be recycled using the same process. And who could blame you; recycling rules are confusing! A recent survey commissioned by recycling program Covantra revealed that most Americans are guilty of placing things that aren't recyclable in the recycling bin (otherwise known as "wishcycling"). But unfortunately, throwing plastic bags in the bin with hard plastics puts a strain on recycling systems.
"Many people think that since other types of plastic (namely No. 1 and No. 2) are recycled through municipal programs, that means plastic bags are also accepted," says Alex Payne, North American public relations manager at recycling company TerraCycle. "This is false and actually leads to the bags clogging the highly tuned recycling machinery, leading to losses in time, money, and the otherwise recyclable material that the plastic bags become intermingled with."
The extra labor required to fix the machinery and the equipment downtime makes recycling programs less profitable over time.
Ways to recycle plastic bags.
While you shouldn't toss bags in with your other recyclables, there are a few other options for keeping them out of landfills and the environment. Here are three to look into:
1. Take them back to the grocery store.
Many grocery and retail stores have designated drop-off receptacles conveniently located near the store entrance. Some receptacles also accept other types of plastic film, including cereal box liners, produce bags, and even dry-cleaning bags. If your local store doesn't have a drop-off program, suggest one and help make a positive change in your community.
2. Look for a corporate recycling program in your area.
Companies like Trex collect their materials through public drop-off bins where consumers can discard their plastic film to be repurposed. They currently have a network of about 32,000 collection locations at stores and distribution centers across the United States and Canada. Check out the full list here to see if there's one in your area.
3. Use a mail-in recycling program.
TerraCycle also offers mail-in recycling programs for certain pesky packaging that isn't collected curbside. Check out what's collected in their free mail-ins here, and learn about their recycling boxes that are available for purchase here.
All of these recycling programs help ensure there is no contamination between recyclable and non-recyclable materials, resulting in a clean recycling stream.
What to do with plastic bags before recycling.
Like with common recyclables, Payne notes that plastic bags should be clean and dry and free of any debris, such as receipts, adhesive labels/stickers, etc. before recycling. If bags are not completely clean of food residue, they risk being sent to landfills.
Repurposing plastic bags at home.
It's important to remember that Recycling alone will not save the planet. We have to focus first on Reducing and Reusing our bags and treat recycling as the last resort it is intended to be. On the reuse front, there are many ways to give plastic bags a second or even third life at home.
Start by unlearning the notion that they are single-use and continuing to use them for groceries until they can no longer withstand the weight. They can also be used for:
  • Lining waste bins
  • Covering plants to protect them from frost
  • Soaking your showerhead to descale
  • Stuffing them into shoes to help hold their shape
  • Separating wet stuff from dry in your pool/beach bag
  • Storing a few in the car for emergency waste needs
  • Keeping your shoes away from your clothes in your suitcase
  • Keeping your brushes and rollers from drying out in at-home paint jobs
  • Storing small items such as holiday decorations, string lights, etc.
  • DIY crafts with kids
How to avoid plastic bags in the first place.
Ditching the plastic bags in favor of something reusable is an easy, actionable way to reduce your impact. Not only are cotton or heavier plastic reusable bags more durable and reliable, making your groceries more likely to survive the trip home, but they cut down on plastic litter on land and in our waters. At home, consider using reusable produce bags and sparing all of that clingy plastic film from going to waste. It should be noted that the production of reusable bags has an environmental footprint as well, so be mindful of how many you continue to add to your collection. (Remember: The most sustainable choice is reusing the bag you already have, regardless of what it is.) When traveling, pack reusable bags in your carry-on or checked luggage so you can reduce plastic waste on the road. They come in handy for shopping, picnics, and stowing your day-trip essentials too. Of course, there will be times when you forget your bag and need to accept a plastic one. Don't lose sleep over it! Just remember to bring the plastic bag back to be recycled or put it to good (re)use. The bottom line. Plastic bags are everywhere, and diverting them from landfills is one way to keep our environment cleaner and healthier. Next time you accept a plastic bag, think about its environmental impact and vow to reuse or recycle it. While you're at it, avoid getting bags in the first place using these tips for avoiding waste in one of the trashiest industries: food delivery.

How To Recycle (& Reuse) Plastic Bags So They Stay Out Of The Landfill

Plastic was made to last forever, but the sad reality is most of it is used only once before being tossed in the trash. And plastic bags are one of the most prevalent sources of single-use plastic out there. In this guide, we'll explain what makes these bags so harmful to the environment and share ways to recycle them so they don't end up in the landfill—or worse, in the environment.

How plastic bags harm the planet.

We use an estimated one million plastic bags worldwide every minute, and they last an average of just 12 minutes before being thrown away. Most of these bags are made from either No. 2 high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or No. 4 low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE). (Grocery and retail shopping bags are typically made of HDPE, whereas plastic films like the ones you find on dry cleaning are made of LDPE or LLDPE.) These soft plastics are made of fossil fuels, so they emit greenhouse gases at every stage of their life cycle—down to when they're baking in the sun in a landfill, where they can take anywhere from 50 to 1,200 years to fully decompose.

Plastic bags not only contribute to climate change; they pollute the planet. These bags are thin and lightweight enough to end up in places they shouldn't be, like our oceans. Floating in the ocean with direct and consistent exposure to sunlight, plastic breaks down into microplastics that are then consumed by animals big and small. Research has found that 60% of fish studied globally contain microplastics, and whales have been discovered dead with stomachs full of plastic waste. Humans also consume microplastics in food and drinking water, and these tiny particles have now been detected in our blood for the first time.

Clearly, the same durability that makes plastic so convenient for consumers makes it extremely hard to break down in the environment. Recycling is one way to keep these bags in circulation for longer so they don't end up as planet-warming pollution.

How plastic recycling works.

Most curbside bin programs collect rigid plastics (think water bottles, takeout containers). These plastics are sent to recycling facilities where they are cleaned, processed, and sorted by their type. Each category of plastic is then shredded and cleaned before being melted down and compressed into tiny pellets that can be reused to make new products. The pellets generated via the recycling process aren't used to create the same plastic item as its original form, notes Stephanie Hicks, materials sourcing manager at Trex, a decking company that uses recycled materials. Instead, they are purchased in bulk and turned into materials like car parts, furniture, or clothing. Now, you might assume that thin plastic bags can be recycled using the same process. And who could blame you; recycling rules are confusing! A recent survey commissioned by recycling program Covantra revealed that most Americans are guilty of placing things that aren't recyclable in the recycling bin (otherwise known as "wishcycling"). But unfortunately, throwing plastic bags in the bin with hard plastics puts a strain on recycling systems. "Many people think that since other types of plastic (namely No. 1 and No. 2) are recycled through municipal programs, that means plastic bags are also accepted," says Alex Payne, North American public relations manager at recycling company TerraCycle. "This is false and actually leads to the bags clogging the highly tuned recycling machinery, leading to losses in time, money, and the otherwise recyclable material that the plastic bags become intermingled with." The extra labor required to fix the machinery and the equipment downtime makes recycling programs less profitable over time.

Ways to recycle plastic bags.

While you shouldn't toss bags in with your other recyclables, there are a few other options for keeping them out of landfills and the environment. Here are three to look into:

1. Take them back to the grocery store.

Many grocery and retail stores have designated drop-off receptacles conveniently located near the store entrance. Some receptacles also accept other types of plastic film, including cereal box liners, produce bags, and even dry-cleaning bags. If your local store doesn't have a drop-off program, suggest one and help make a positive change in your community.

2. Look for a corporate recycling program in your area.

Companies like Trex collect their materials through public drop-off bins where consumers can discard their plastic film to be repurposed. They currently have a network of about 32,000 collection locations at stores and distribution centers across the United States and Canada. Check out the full list here to see if there's one in your area.

3. Use a mail-in recycling program.

TerraCycle also offers mail-in recycling programs for certain pesky packaging that isn't collected curbside. Check out what's collected in their free mail-ins here, and learn about their recycling boxes that are available for purchase here. All of these recycling programs help ensure there is no contamination between recyclable and non-recyclable materials, resulting in a clean recycling stream.

What to do with plastic bags before recycling.

Like with common recyclables, Payne notes that plastic bags should be clean and dry and free of any debris, such as receipts, adhesive labels/stickers, etc. before recycling. If bags are not completely clean of food residue, they risk being sent to landfills.

Repurposing plastic bags at home.

It's important to remember that Recycling alone will not save the planet. We have to focus first on Reducing and Reusing our bags and treat recycling as the last resort it is intended to be. On the reuse front, there are many ways to give plastic bags a second or even third life at home. Start by unlearning the notion that they are single-use and continuing to use them for groceries until they can no longer withstand the weight. They can also be used for:
  • Lining waste bins
  • Covering plants to protect them from frost
  • Soaking your showerhead to descale
  • Stuffing them into shoes to help hold their shape
  • Separating wet stuff from dry in your pool/beach bag
  • Storing a few in the car for emergency waste needs
  • Keeping your shoes away from your clothes in your suitcase
  • Keeping your brushes and rollers from drying out in at-home paint jobs
  • Storing small items such as holiday decorations, string lights, etc.
  • DIY crafts with kids

How to avoid plastic bags in the first place.

Ditching the plastic bags in favor of something reusable is an easy, actionable way to reduce your impact. Not only are cotton or heavier plastic reusable bags more durable and reliable, making your groceries more likely to survive the trip home, but they cut down on plastic litter on land and in our waters. At home, consider using reusable produce bags and sparing all of that clingy plastic film from going to waste. It should be noted that the production of reusable bags has an environmental footprint as well, so be mindful of how many you continue to add to your collection. (Remember: The most sustainable choice is reusing the bag you already have, regardless of what it is.) When traveling, pack reusable bags in your carry-on or checked luggage so you can reduce plastic waste on the road. They come in handy for shopping, picnics, and stowing your day-trip essentials too. Of course, there will be times when you forget your bag and need to accept a plastic one. Don't lose sleep over it! Just remember to bring the plastic bag back to be recycled or put it to good (re)use.

The bottom line.

Plastic bags are everywhere, and diverting them from landfills is one way to keep our environment cleaner and healthier. Next time you accept a plastic bag, think about its environmental impact and vow to reuse or recycle it. While you're at it, avoid getting bags in the first place using these tips for avoiding waste in one of the trashiest industries: food delivery.

How Brands Are Celebrating Earth Day 2022

The initiatives, collections and products that support sustainable and eco-friendly practices. image.png Though April is unofficially Earth Month, many fashion and beauty brands still make efforts to become more sustainable and environmentally friendly in time for Earth Day on April 22. Popular British designer David Koma, for one, has partnered with women’s activewear brand Koral to create a 24-piece collection with a strong emphasis on sustainability. The RealReal and Gypsy Sport have collaborated for a unique capsule collection made entirely from repurposed denim. Meanwhile, beauty brands like Summer Fridays, Tower 28 and Murad, among others, will give their customers an opportunity to donate to a charity or initiative of their choice. Here, WWD looks at some of the brands celebrating Earth Day this year. Scroll on for more. Tower 28
The Los Angeles-based clean beauty brand has taken a pledge to transition all packaging to a minimum of 50 percent and up to 100 percent plastic made from post-consumer waste by 2023. Tower 28 kicked off this pledge by repackaging its bestselling SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray. On April 22, for every order over $50 made on the brand’s official e-commerce site, $10 will be donated to a charity of the customer’s choosing, with more than 1,000 options to choose from including Heal the Bay, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the watersheds and coastal waters of Southern California. Stitch Fix x Green Matters Natural Dye Company
The online personal styling service has partnered with Green Matters Natural Dye Company, a manufacturer that uses pollution free colors, to launch a sustainably made and size-inclusive capsule collection from its brand Mohnton Made. Stitch Fix is donating all of the proceeds from the Earth Day collection to One Tree Planted, a global reforestation organization, as well as a donation of $25,000.

David Koma x Koral

British designer David Koma worked with Ilana Kugel, founder and creative director of Koral, to create a 24-piece “luxe-leisure” collection that includes sophisticated and versatile styles, with each piece designed using premium Italian French Terry and Koral Blackout fabric. The Koral Blackout fabric is sustainably made in the U.S. with solar panel technology, produced with local water that is treated and returned to the environment, made with biodegradable fabric to reduce landfill waste and designed for durability and longevity to reduce fast fashion waste.

Summer Fridays

For the month of April, beauty brand Summer Fridays launched a limited-edition shirt called Take Care of the Earth Long Sleeve, which is made from 100 percent cotton in a sustainable, eco-friendly factory in Los Angeles. The shirt is available on the brand’s website for $60. Additionally, Summer Fridays is partnering with Heal the Bay all throughout April. Through the end of the month, customers can support the nonprofit organization by opting-in to donate money. The brand’s popular Light Aura Vitamin C + Peptide Eye Cream also comes in its new tree-free paper box.

Gypsy Sport x The RealReal

Rio Uribe has partnered with The RealReal to create a capsule collection made entirely from repurposed blue denim. The collaboration is comprised of nine genderless styles made from denim that otherwise couldn’t be recirculated for sale on The RealReal. Some of the pieces include reworked classic jeans, jackets, shorts, a zip corset, a minidress and miniskirt, with sizes ranging from XS to 2XL. The Gypsy Sport and The RealReal collection is available exclusively on The RealReal’s official website as of April 18 and in-store at the Brooklyn location.


In its efforts to create timeless pieces, Rails created an Eco-Collection, which features many of its classic products made from recycled and organic materials. Each season, Rails will continue to add more styles to the collection with this eco-focused approach. Rails has also partnered with the world’s best denim mills to create eco-friendly denim fabrics and Wrap Certified factories to produce the products. It has also eliminated single-use plastic consumption and has adopted the use of recycled materials for packaging. Princess Polly
Popular Australian e-tailer Princess Polly created an Earth Club program in efforts to become more eco-friendly and sustainable. Additionally, the brand is trying to produce its products with sustainable materials such as recycled polyester, recycled nylon and organically grown cotton. Ahead of Earth Day on April 22, Princes Polly launched a new Curve collection, with sizes ranging from 14 to 20 (U.S. sizing), consisting of all sustainable pieces. The brand is also partnering with Lonely Whale, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to keep plastic out of the ocean, to donate a portion of their funds to this effort.


This month, skin care brand Murad is partnering with TerraCycle to divert plastic waste from landfills while turning it into new recycled products. With the Murad Recycling Program, the brand is now providing its customers the opportunity to recycle its product packaging while earning charitable donations for nonprofit organizations as well. Consumers can sign up on the Murad program page or TerraCycle program page to download a pre-paid shipping label to mail in their Murad empties.


In honor of Earth Day’s challenge to “Invest in Our Planet,” the Brooklyn-based hair care brand has announced that it is officially Climate Neutral Certified. This means Amika will measure its 2021 greenhouse gas emissions, purchase eligible verified carbon credits to offset that footprint and implement plans to reduce emission next year and beyond.


Ugg has introduced its second carbon-neutral Icon-Impact collection for spring as well as a new, first classic style for fall 2022 made from sheepskin sourced from farms that practice regenerative agriculture. The second collection features three styles, the Fluff Yeah Terry, Fuzz Sugar Terry Slide and Fuzz Sugar Terry Cross Slide, all made from low-impact materials with offsets purchased for the small number of emissions they create, making the materials carbon neutral. From April 18 to 29, Ugg has partnered with One Tree Planted to plant trees across the globe (3,950 in the Pacific Northwest in the U.S. and 10,000 in England), which will create the potential to absorb six million pounds of carbon dioxide or more in the next 20 years.


Makeup brand Beautyblender introduced its new recycling program in partnership with Top Rock Renewables to keep used Beautyblender sponges out of landfills. The blenders will instead go to a 22 megawatt waste-to-energy power plant that powers approximately 14,000 homes per year and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by roughly 249,100 tons per year. Additionally, Beautyblender launched the Bio Pure blender in a green color, replacing the majority of its materials with renewable plant-based pre-polymer for the foam.

Physicians Formula

To support Earth Day, beauty brand Physicians Formula will launch a limited-edition Butter Earth Day Collection, shining a light on EarthDay.org’s ongoing global environmental initiatives. In the last year, Physicians Formula has been supporting Earth Day by driving awareness, collecting proceeds and planting trees around the world. The brand designed the new collection with recyclable components and reduced packaging. It has also implemented improved manufacturing protocols to save energy, recycle and reduce waste. The Butter Earth Day Collection includes a Butter Bronzer and Butter Blush, available now exclusively at Walgreens.


  On top of recently introducing its RefRecycling, a program that takes in pre-loved Reformation pieces in exchange for store credit, the popular sustainable apparel brand has also made T-shirts in honor of Earth Day. Half the proceeds from every T-shirt sold online will go to Canopy, a nonprofit that works to protect the world’s forests, species and climate, as well as help advance indigenous communities’ rights. Additionally, for every Earth Day T-shirt sold, half the proceeds will also go to nonprofit initiatives doing good for the earth.

JW Pei

Starting April 22, the celebrity-favorite vegan handbag label will launch a capsule collection made entirely from recycled bottles. The limited-edition knit tote is available in four different colorways and retails for $39.

Dog food brand celebrates Earth Month with sustainable initiatives

PITTSBURGH — To celebrate Earth Month, Tailored® Pet, a direct-to-consumer (DTC), personalized dog food brand, is committing to several sustainable actions to help pet parents reduce their environmental impact. The company’s actions include the use of recyclable packaging and carbon-neutral shipping. Besides its new products, Tailored Pet aims to reduce packaging waste through its partnership with TerraCycle. TerraCycle explores ways to reclaim or convert hard-to-recycle materials that appear in pet food packaging. “With Tailored, savvy pet parents can provide their pups with the best nutrition without guilt over the waste produced by food packaging,” said Annina Silverman, chief marketing officer of Tailored Pet. Tailored Pet’s program with TerraCycle allows free participation through which consumers can collect empty pet food bags and ship them to TerraCycle for recycling. Within its packaging, every first order of the company’s pet food comes with a biodegradable scooper made from 100% bamboo, to reduce the need for plastic food scoopers. "We're proud give our pet parents the opportunity to divert waste from landfills by offering them a simple way to responsibly dispose of their pet food packaging," Silverman said. "In addition, unlike many other DTC pet food brands, our veterinarian-approved recipes do not require refrigeration, and therefore, do not need dry ice or insulating packaging during shipping, which can be environmentally toxic.” The company is also committed to offsetting 100% of its carbon emissions from product deliveries. Tailored Pet invests in projects that aim to neutralize greenhouse gas emissions. To further this commitment, the company has partnered with organizational climate action company, Bluesource®. Through the partnership, Tailored Pet and Bluesource will aid in sustainable forest management, which includes supporting verified urban forests and programs designed to reduce and prevent greenhouse gas emissions. "At Tailored, it's critically important to us that we not only nourish the pups we serve with high-quality nutrition customized for their best health, but we also do so in an environmentally-friendly way," Silverman explained. "Our carbon offset program comes at no extra cost to pet parents and is simply a way we can help to lighten our carbon footprint and give pet parents another reason to feel good about their choice to feed Tailored to their fur babies." Among the company’s environmentally friendly programs and partnerships, Tailored Pet is debuting new initiatives to celebrate Earth Month. Consumers who order during April will receive a free waste bag holder made of 100% sustainable materials. The company has also extended its 50% discount on first-time pet food subscriptions using the code TAILORED50, to increase consumer awareness of sustainability in pet ownership. To help dog parents celebrate Earth Month with their dogs, Tailored Pet recently launched new daily dental chews, which is formulated with plant-based proteins, as well as a line of soft and chewy treats. Read more about sustainability in the pet food and treat industry.

5 top tips for string players to live a more eco-friendly life

small but effective measures for string players to help reduce their impact on the environment
The calendar seems crammed with ’Hallmark Holidays’ these days: Friendship Day, Grandparents Day, even National Chocolate-Covered Cashews day (count me in!). On 22 April we are called to celebrate Earth Day, a very important date which has been observed in the US since 1970 and worldwide since 1990. On Earth Day 2016, 175 countries signed the Paris Agreement. Dedicating a special day to increasing climate awareness is fantastic, but seeing green companies and eco activists mark the event in impressive ways can make our own small actions feel insignificant in comparison. I’m here to encourage you that small changes can make a big difference! If you know me, you’ll know one of my favourite eco quotes is this:
’We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.’ - Anne-Marie Bonneau, The Zero Waste Chef
If we have any chance of reversing global warming then EVERY day should be Earth Day! But what can we string players be doing to help reduce our impact on the environment and help protect our ailing planet? Here are my 5 top tips for string players to live a more eco-friendly life: 1. Keep a reusable bag on/in your instrument case Most low-waste advocates recommend keeping reusable bags in your handbag or car, ready for any situation. If you’re anything like me, you feel like a turtle without its shell when your instrument isn’t on your back! So why not attach a reusable bag to your case too, or keep one in the music pocket? 2. Go digital Whether your students have forgotten their books again or you’ve been sent some music to prepare for your next concert, ask yourself if photocopies are necessary or whether viewing the music digitally could serve you just as well. Most print-outs are only used for a few minutes anyway! If printing is a necessity, keep a stash of scrap paper next to your printer - it’ll be just as easy to grab as a fresh piece. When you go to watch concerts, make the most of digital tickets and programme notes too. 3. Second-hand sheet music Most of us wouldn’t think twice about buying new when it comes to sheet music, but why not check eBay and other second-hand retailers next time you decide to expand your library? You may find some fun annotations from previous owners, and sending a few pennies someone’s way as they clear out their own collection of scores could really make their day. This tip works both ways: treat yourself to an afternoon (OK, probably a week… or a few months!) of playing through your old sheet music and decide what could bring more joy to someone else – you may even find some duplicates! In decluttering your own library, you’ll not only be able to find your favourite pieces more easily, your old music can bring joy to others. 4. Second-hand instruments This will sound like a no-brainer to most, especially if you’re sitting at home next to a beloved relic from the 1800s, but it’s easy to forget that pre-owned student instruments exist too. Beginners at the comprehensive school I teach at are given free instruments, all of which used to be ordered brand new. I’ve recently taken to scouring Facebook Marketplace for instruments instead and, as young people become more and more concerned about the environment, my students have loved taking receipt of their pre-loved instruments. It also liberates the people clearing space in their cupboards, knowing the instrument they felt guilty about neglecting has gone to an enthusiastic new learner! 5. Donate your old strings As a professional performer, I mainly change my strings due to their tone having diminished rather than because they’ve snapped. Since even a dull high-quality string will easily out-shine a low-cost beginner one, I often donate my old strings to students. It’s amazing the difference one good string can make to the sound of a student-level instrument! If you live in the US, you may also live near a Terracycle string recycling point – find out here.
For day-to-day decisions in all areas of life, keep zero-waste champion Bea Johnson’s 5 Rs in mind. Follow these in order: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot. If we all work together to make better choices, we can move towards a better future where music can thrive on a thriving planet. (And if anyone wants to join me in celebrating National Chocolate-Covered Cashews day, it falls on Earth Day eve!) Lucia D’Avanzo-Lewis is a London-based freelance violinist and teacher with a passion for low-waste living. Find her blog at EcoNotes.co.uk or find her on Facebook at Lucia’s EcoNotes.