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SLIQ Spirited Ice to make its packaging recyclable

Hard freezer pop SLIQ Spirited Ice has launched an initiative to make its packaging recyclable by partnering with TerraCycle. The premium hard freezer pop is produced exclusively by 21 Holdings, a subsidiary of US-based food and beverage company Jel Sert. The brand’s three core products, the Vodka, Agave and Rum flavours, are available at select retailers in the US, including Albertsons and Walmart. Under the recycling programme, TerraCycle will freely recycle all empty SLIQ Spirited Ice plastic tubes sent by consumers. Collected plastic packaging waste will be melted into hard plastic and used for making new recycled products. Customers can sign up on the TerraCycle programme page online and send the waste in via post using the provided prepaid shipping label. The recycling solution helps solve packaging waste and divert it from the landfill proactively. SLIQ Spirited Ice senior brand manager Gavin Wegner said: “As we roll out our products nationwide, it has been a priority for us to find a sustainable solution that supports the brand’s convenience and ethos. “We are thrilled to be partnering with TerraCycle to create sustainable and recyclable products that consumers can send in free of charge in exchange for rewards to charities of their choice.” The initiative is in line with Jel Sert’s sustainability commitments outlined by its Environmental Improvement Team. The company has pledged to optimise its shipping routes to lower fuel consumption, maximise equipment efficiency to reduce waste from production plants and corporate offices, and encourage the use of post-consumer recycled paper in packages.