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Schools Complete for Something to Smile About: The Recycled Playground Challenge is Back

TerraCycle announced the start of the seventh annual Recycled Playground Challenge, in partnership with Colgate and ShopRite, to teach school students, teachers and communities about preserving healthy smiles, and a healthy environment. Starting March 8, schools located throughout New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut and Maryland who are members of the Colgate Oral Care Recycling Program are encouraged to visit https://www.terracycle.com/en-US/contests/colgateshopriteplayground2020 and register for the 2020 Challenge. To participate, schools collect and recycle through TerraCycle used oral care waste and packaging, such as empty toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes and floss containers. The schools that collect the most waste win one of two playgrounds that are made from the recycled materials.   “We are excited to announce the 2020 Recycled Playground Challenge in partnership with ShopRite and TerraCycle,” said Jean Luc Fischer, President, North America and Global Sustainability at Colgate-Palmolive. “This event and the Colgate Oral Care Recycling Program are part of our commitment to ensuring the well-being of our customers and the preservation of our environment.”   Through June 30, each unit (“unit” defined as 0.02 lbs of used, post-consumer oral care products and packaging) of oral care waste that is sent to TerraCycle for recycling earns the participating schools one (1) ‘Playground Credit’ towards winning the grand prize playground made from recycled oral care waste that has been cleaned, processed, and remolded. The schools with the most Playground Credits will be named the winners by July 30, 2020 and the playgrounds will be installed in the fall. The second runner-up school and six honorable mention participants will be awarded various prizes and ShopRite gift cards.   “ShopRite is excited to once again bring this great program to schools in the communities where our ShopRite stores operate. The Recycled Playground Challenge motivates students to recycle and teaches them innovative ways to help the environment,” said Steven Hildner, Wakefern Community Relations Administrator. “For the seventh year in a row, we are excited to have this opportunity to show ShopRite’s dedication to the surrounding communities.”   Separate from the Recycled Playground Challenge, TerraCycle also offers the Colgate® Oral Care Recycling Program. This ongoing activity is open to any individual, family, school or community group interested in protecting the environment. For each piece of waste sent to TerraCycle using a pre-paid shipping label, participants can earn money toward the school or charity of their choice.   “Through the recycling program, Colgate enables consumers to divert waste from landfills, engage their communities and be rewarded for their effort,” explained Tom Szaky, TerraCycle Founder and CEO.  “With the Recycled Playground Challenge moving into its seventh year we look forward to building on the success of previous years and continue to inspire future generations to preserve the environment.”  
For more information, visit www.terracycle.com/colgate.