Posts with term Mega Bloks X

The sustainable blocks of Mega Bloks

With the long days at home due to the isolation I have been looking for educational and sustainable toys. I think it is very important to buy toys with an impact on nature in mind, in addition to being an intelligent toy that will arouse the interest of boys for a few hours, several days in a row. And it was thinking about all this that I loved it when the Mega Bloks brand contacted me to review some of their toys. The Mega Bloks is a brand that began more than 30 years with an iconic line of large blocks stackable specifically designed for small hands of younger builders. One of the company's motto is to unite families to create moments of joy, fun, discovery and learning. In April 2020 Mega Bloks partnered with the international recycling leader TerraCycle to recycle branded (non-electronic) products and create new products in Canada. This program is called Blocks and Bricks Recycling Program and works as follows: (1) consumers must enroll in the program and send their items by mail using a prepaid card, (2) after they are collected, the blocks are cleaned, melted and remolded to produce new products. Through TerraCycle's free recycling programs, you can earn redeemable TerraCycle points or choose a school or non-profit organization to make a donation. The company has several sustainable initiatives and they can all be found here . Some examples of these initiatives include the blocks being made from plants (with a minimum of 90% bio-based), the plastic used in the blocks being of vegetable origin is made from ethanol extracted from sugar cane (100% renewable material ) and the packaging is fully recyclable.   I hope you enjoyed the tip. The boys loved the blocks and the fact that we can fit them together to assemble animals. They are sold in several places here in Canada, including online by Mastermind Toys. Here is a tip for you when you are doing a spring cleaning and throwing old toys away, to use this service and help with product recycling and nature conservation.